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lmao its like a jewish barbie

lm@o she is so fat that they had to use CGI scarjo fags on suicide watch


I just don't understand how they made something look this horrible. What are they even thinking?

why didnt they CGI her face too


>"Let's cut down the costume design budget by just making her wear that bodysuit thing that she had when she destroyed the tank, that'll save us a few bucks"
>"You're a fucking genius, Mordechai"

they don't care. Just slapping a major anime ip will make millions without real effort while the accounting allows them to make big profits no matter the outcome of the movie

>normalising nudity and the display thereof to children through means of a mainstream blockbuster flick
gg no re, Chaim Goldsteinowitzenburg

This is fucking painful

All I could think was that it was much better in Stand Alone when they took down the Geishas in a second with everything before that being setup.

Gonna be a generic action movie, don't know why I expected anything else.

>that shitty gunplay

she's a cyborg way too many bullets going out

>Cyborg needs to 2 hand a pistol


Fine, I'll bite. In what way does it look bad?

If you've recently jacked off you will notice how awful it looks mr blueballs

>live action anime
flop incoming

More interested in the JoJo live action movie coming out soon

It doesn't look bad. Does it look fantastic? Maybe not, but it's really not terrible looking.

Most of the anti-gits posts on this board are made by paid disney/marvel shills, and retards who have unwittingly jumped on their wagon.



Meh, I don't see it either.

How do you go from this

looks like a half-melted barbie doll.

Maybe if you didn't masturbate daily you'd do something with your life instead of copypasting shopenhauer and bumping /r9k/ anti women threads.

To this?

literally a flat board, you should be ashamed for thinking that's attractive

i would pump current scarjo full of children


it's shit

>In what way does it look bad?
Can we stop talking about Scarjo for a moment?

There is heaps of stuff wrong with this scene that's not to do with her

>horrible slow motion
>no blood squirts when guys are being shot
>bad set designs
>horrible cinematography

they really couldnt have done better with the hair?

>grow up around nudist family
>nudity never triggers me
>grow up to be a well balanced, mentally healthy and non sexually deviant adult

rlly makes your noodle doodle

Imagine being the Puppet Master in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Motoko Kusanagi, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your flabby body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally merge my consciousness with you, both my ghost and the real me." when all he really wants to do is hack another loli sexbot in the red light district. Like seriously imagine having to be the Puppet Master and not only sit in that chair while Kusanagi flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and doughy skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that stance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, KUSANAGI LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been hacking nothing but a healthy diet of foreign diplomats and politicians and later Section 9 staff for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Section 6. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and merge with her "Rubenesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the Minister of Foreign Affairs calls for another hacking, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the cyberpolice could shut you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're the fucking Puppet Master. You're not going to lose your future ghost over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

her hair turns blue for a split second when she falls. looks better here

>they CGI'd the fat out

Literally what the fuck?

Why, the Japanese always fumble their hot properties. Anime's rise in popularity during the 2000s was the worst thing that happened to it.

Pregnancy. She was pregnant in the mean time. It messes with your body in ways that takes a lot of time to go back to normal. So that coupled with she got older so its even more difficult.

I agree with you, with the exception of this:
>no blood squirts when guys are being shot
arent they all robots? or full cyborgs like motoko?

Usually no blood squirts wouldn't bother me but the fact that it's in a shot above white flooring just makes it allf the mofe iniejioji NIGGER I FUCKING HATE THAT NIGGER AMY SCHUMER KEKKEKKEK TRUMP WINS SUCK IT SJW FAGGOTS obvious that there's no blood.

>ghost in the shell

I hope nobody does this.

>This was only made because Scarjo desperately wants a Black Widow solo movie
>Once GITS and Wonder Womyn flop Hollywood won't dare touch a action movie with a female lead for a ten foot stick for the nexr few decades



Mirin those broad shoulders

desu i want her to sit on my face

all that work and no (yous) here have one

is it the suit or is it her? i hate how they greenlight something that clearly isnt ready. fucking jews

Is that subway in her hand?!

oy vey Shlomo needs his product placement shekels, goy. Its just good business

Fuck Hollyjew stop giving them money.


>womyn have it so hard in the industry
>can't get in shape for anything

Who are you guys kidding? You're going to watch the movie anyway.

Reminder that ScarJo literally just had a baby before they started filming.

>You're going to watch the movie anyway.
Sure but nobody is going to pay to see it


Jesus christ

You mean real women don't look like my animes?

There's plenty of women that have the figure of the Major

>Ghost In The Taco Bell

are they gonna bring some elements of SAC into the movie including this kino scene?

While I can accept the flipped angle to a dramatically simple set design for artistic reasons. Even the lack of blood, you know their cyborg/robots ... and such.


Did they seriously just do a wardrobe change for that split second in a larger action scene that they then highlight in there 5 min promotion reel, with nobody noticing?

I mean they could have even kept this if they had just added a few glitchy black flashes on her suit earlier to show it is just her Thermo-Optic active camouflage and lampshaded it under the grounds the night sky behind her was dark to active reduce her visibility. A stretch for sure given how they used it earlier, but then it would have at least not look like a rookie editing mistake.

This made me so mad I broken my all-caps vow and took time to make this picture.

This is a nude, the OP is clearly a suit

should I watch this or the 1995 version first?

I cringe every time the title is mentioned, Tbh.


I'm guessing her suit changes colours because its a feature of the suit or something.

>weebs find out you can't see muscle fibers through a physical skintight suit

this is what you get for asking for practical effects all the time. looks cool to me

better than fake muscle padding and CGI

One of the hottest actresses in Hollywood.

Just because you grabbed the first sow that walked by.

>pig in the blanket

The geisha bot attack is like the second thing you see in SAC.

The Major isn't nude, the Major doesn't have a flesh and blood body.

From shit to shit

wtf I hate scarlett now

Which figure? She has different bodies.

this shit reminds me all those shitty Resident Evil movies with Mila Jovovich

>is on Sup Forums and thinks his life is normal and well-balance
Lol I've got some bad news for you famalam

IMAGINE a modern action movie where you don't need to see ScarJo's valium-induced permanent expression of slack-jawed confusion

the nudist colony kid is a special snowflake

Didn't she used to have good sized tits?

Why does she move like a box? So clunky and uncoordinated. I would expect a cyborg to move more efficiently than a series of thuds and right angles.

They could have made her take some fucking dance lessons at least.

>cyborg brain and body
>takes 5 mins to eliminate threat
>why not use two guns, take everyone out within seconds, rather than this boxy waddle dance across a hallway

I don't know about 'fibers' but muscle groups like abs, quads, traps, serratus even are all visible through tight fitting suits.

that leg holster looks so fucking bad whose idea was it to make it part of her skin

Yes, that is the whole point of the Thermo-optic camouflage she has. It was designed to make the user invisible to just about everything.

The problem is the suit just flips for pink to black for no reason and with no hint or inclination, then flips back a split second later in the next shot. It looks like they filmed this part a different day and tried to match it up later. I know that is how filming works as such a continuous wide shot is a nightmare to make, but there is no transition or even attempt with that suit, none. (I will grant the body placement is well done, but the suit is the first thing I saw and it was wrong, so very wrong)

Even the manga had transition panels for this to show it working like it does. And considering movies are a sequence of moving pictures it is a textbook failing here.

And even if it did just flip black for whatever reason, let assume the dark window background, solid color to drop suit load or something. Then why does it flip back in the next shot? I can think of a number of half way believable excuses for any number of these things, but all of those things happening in that sequence just screams wrong in every way.

It's still a suit. Someone posted a screen shot where Motoko rips her arm off getting into a Tank. You see the pinkish tone of the Thermoptic Camo and her pale skin underneath. Motoko does not just turn invisible by her body.

and not really trying hard, if at all, to get back to her old shape.

It's not that she's super fat, it's that her proportions are terrible. Short legs, big build, broad shoulders...

imagine if they hired chloe moretz

its a bodysuit what the fuck are you trying to prove.

to be fair even in the manga she uses a body suit, the 1995 flick just took a liberty here. what I don't get is why they wanted to emulate the 95 movie instead of just giving her a body suit that doesn't look fucking retarded, either that or cast an actress that would just do this shit nude, like eva green

Jesus, I just realized.


From 4:12 to 4:15 her body is actually CGI

not on women unless they're roiding

The suit should not be pink in shot 1, then black in the very short shot 2, then pink again in shot 3.

Yes, the suit can change it's color that is a given, but that color change only appear in that one very short shot with not transition. Like someone couldn't find the same suit or even one that looked like it so they just grab a black one to film that one shot that afternoon, then found the right suit the next day after filming.

>Most of the anti-gits posts on this board are made by paid disney/marvel shills, and retards who have unwittingly jumped on their wagon.

Nice bait

nudity is fine. it's just repressed americucks projecting bizarre fantasies of total purity on their poor kids.

what? it was a cartoon for kids. it's embarrassing as fuck to watch when you're no longer a teenager.

Ah, here we have him. The mature adult who posts on Sup Forums

But you're ok when it's anime from Japan?

>b8ing this hard