>dude everyone dies lmao
What the fuck were they thinking?
>dude everyone dies lmao
What the fuck were they thinking?
Other urls found in this thread:
Man children have disposable income
spoilers much, asshole?!?!?!?????????????????????????
star wars is shit tier
but this is unironically bearable, because everyone dies.
What I never got was, where were all the many bothens that died?
So as an Australian I like Ben Mendelsohn but I didn't get the hype around him joining this movie.
Also it was shit and he wasn't able to salvage it.
Characters were just unable to make me care about them or their plight.
I thought I could ever so slightly hear his accent.
Also, I'd love to see the original cut before Disney stepped in and wanted reshoots. See if that was better before.
It was more pronounced at the very start compared to the end I think
It took me by surprised because I assumed they wouldn't go for an aussie accent in the movie
Why was the black rebel leader crazy guy so fucking awful at acting?
I watched this yesterday, it was an okay film but honestly the effects haven't aged well. Hopefully they'll reboot it soon. Who should play Jyn?
why did they make Laurence Fishburne put on such a high pitched voice?
Not some of Forests best work thats for sure
>Who should play Jyn?
That was for the Battle of Endor.
Are you retarded, OP? This move was a kino! KINO!
My autism was triggered when in a scene on the death star one of the consoles the men were working on shook and wobbled when the guy turned in his seat.
Immersion ruined.
>mfw everyone just went crazy when Vader started slashing the rebels
God forbid Stars Wars does anything else other than lightsaber fights and fan service. Thank fuck Rogue One wasn't just copy-pasting the previous movies like Episode VII was.
it had good characters that didn't really belong.
>blind, Force sensitive Teras Kasi master
Why are you sad though. I don't understand.
I love that one guy who starts banging on the door
Everyone looks so panicked
Dark Vader
>that one guy who starts banging on the door
Was this appropriate for a Disney movie?
bothans died getting the plans for the second death star
Honestly, what else could they have done? Not a single one of these characters is mentioned in the original trilogy and the inherent problem with prequels is that you can't make drastic changes without it completely fucking up everything after it. It's a totally unnecessary movie because HOW the rebels got the Death Star plans wasn't at all important.
I'm genuinely surprised it was rated PG-13.
i fell asleep halfway through VII and never finished watching it, but rogue one was pretty good.
They were trying to make a Star Wars movie that wasn't like the others, and they succeeded. I liked it a lot better than TFA and much of the prequel movies.
Is the BRip out yet?
My biggest issue is that they killed off every single character in the movie, even the fucking literally who fish admiral guy who was just rebel commander #2548 got his ship disabled at the end for no reason. Not leaving any survivors was just a total cop out, none of the characters were Jedi or even remotely notable in any way except for Mads Mikkelsen, they could have died at any other point afterwards which would have explained their absence in the original trilogy, or they could have just left the alliance altogether, etc, etc. It was just a corporate decision to tie up every loose end
Yeah came out yesterday on most trackers, or the day before.
Unironically liked this guy. Unironically was sad when he died, probably more than the human deaths.
This movie was a joke.
It felt like it was written by a 12 year old.
So edgy.
Dude was the best thing in it. By far. He has lowkey been great in small shit here and there ever since I noticed him on Killing them Softly. Underrated bloke.
And they ruined his death too.
Kinda wonder why they're decomissioning them (damn that was a cringy throwaway line) when they're so much better than the stormtroopers at their job. Like you just saw one (1!) whole ship full of rebels and 2 or 3 x-wings destroy a whole fucking base with tons of groundtroops, AT-ATs and TIEs and you're decomissioning the one thing that has a kill ratio of like 20:1??
It's like they wanted to lose.
do you thinks jynn died as virgin?
>Thank fuck Rogue One wasn't just copy-pasting the previous movies like Episode VII was.
It was still shit though. I thought it felt like a direct to video flick with a really high budget. Literally disposable crap that you watch once and never again.
Because of how retarded the people around him were.
Style over smarts. Vader's first move should have been force-pushing everyone against the back of the room with as much force as possible and just crush them to death in an instant.
when i read before watching the movie that "everyone dies" and "oh that darth vader scene" i thought that vader is going to kill all of the people on the poster in an epic as fuck scene. but nah, instead, the "HEROES" die in worthless scenes, and vader kills some random fucks.
lmao sorry you had to find out like that user. I went and saw it without spoilers beforehand and found out the movie was shit the normal way.
>Logan better than the main X Men series
>RO better than TFA
Anyone else see a pattern here? It's because Hollywood are such cowards sucking China's dick now, that all their flagship series franchises need to be formulaic junkfood easy consumed by normies and the Chinese, so the only time they have the balls to pump out anything with a little weight to it is when it's a an offshoot or side-story to the main bullshit.
>RO better than TFA
They are both shit, but RO is worse.
Full metal jacket "get some" mixed with the furry space animal firing off the lazer gun in rogue one
Star Wars is guaranteed money, so they didn't have to worry about box office. If only Little Shop of Horrors had been so privileged.
>Vader's first move should have been force-pushing everyone against the back of the room with as much force as possible and just crush them to death in an instant.
So a live action version of what Tetsuo did to all those security guards in Akira? Lightsabers are convenient in that they cauterize and minimize the amount of blood onscreen. What you propose would have been incredibly gory.
The the amount of force needed to kill a man is way less than the one required to explode his body. Your average deadly falls and fatal car crashes rarely result in gory messes, contrary to popular belief.
What's the matter? You can't handle a war movie made for adults?
he was the one who had to live ffs also being more developed he was one of the best character by far since
What pisses me off the most is that there are enough really stupid people to make me unsure if you're trolling or not.
It was a fucking slog watching it.
The only thing going for it is that Darth Vader makes a 3 min cameo at the end and the whole unlikable cast dies and will never appear anywhere ever again.
he was the worst, literally sheldon cooper robot
Y'all have too high expectations. It's a movie with Star Wars slapped on as title. Don't be so anal.
Everybody started screaming like bitches when this happened at my cinema
Yeah I watched all of the Star Wars movies recently, and I have to say, none of them are very good.
Rogue One stood out as one of the better titles.
Both and died getting information about the Death Star II. There were no DS2 plans.
>Both and
And I've myself as a phoneposter
>the torrent finally comes out so my poor spic ass can make shitty hamfisted threads desperately trying to call it shit with no actual critique
do you have an argument? who says that cast members have to survive a film? especially a fucking prologue you imbecile?
So it doesn't have to explain why we don't see the characters in the chronological sequels
Get ready for Han Solo youth.
In real life people dies in war.
But he wants to have some fun user
They wanted people to say how "bold" this movie was and how "adult" this Star Wars movie ended up being.
> Vader not capturing the bunny and putting her in his bunny cage.
> Vader, man...Get your priorities straight.
Fuck you. It has Best Star Wars space battle.
>MFW when Vader Jumps off hyperspace and rekts all rebel scum
In the book is stated that she gets around with officers for exchange of her fredom.
Spoilers you fucking asshole
you fucking cunts just can't ever provide a spoiler warning... can you?! idiot.
>muh video game
There's literally nothing wrong with everybody dying.
The problem is none of the characters were fleshed out well enough for it to have any sort of emotional impact. If I actually gave a shit about a few of the characters it would have been great, it could have been one of those movies that makes you feel like shit and that's actually a good thing once in a while.
how the fuck do so many people remember the throwaway line about bothans while at the same time not remembering that it was for the death star 2 plans
Probably because having there be a second death star was a confusing and stupid idea in the first place.
Even that's wrong user
>Many Bothans died to bring us this information
No mention of plans.
Based Ben and Mads were the best part of the movie
>I am one with the Force. The Force is with me.
>I am one with the Force. The Force is with me.
>I am one with the Force. The Force is with me.
This scene still gives me boner everytime I rewatch it.
I was really hoping, after seeing the first scene, that he would be like that throughout the film, and I don't know that he got the chance to. He had the most personality and charm then out of anyone the whole film
stop sexualizing Felicity
Maybe it's just me but that monk guy felt totally like he came from his own mystical adventure movie and somehow found his way to Rogue One. Like, had he been given more screen time he would've ran away with the entire movie.
Did he lose the will to live?
Goddamn this movie was a real piece of shit wasn't it
Everyone was sprinting out of there, and it's obvious he's in no condition to run.
>Cheap robo leg
>Walking stick
>Breathing suit
He would've slowed everyone down and then they would've all died.
There are many things wrong with this film, but the fact that it had the balls to kill the entirety of the main cast instead of milking them for sequels, particularly K-2SO, in this day and age is not one of them.
I think he was trying to go down the whole "He's gone batshit insane because he's spent literal decades fighting, to the point where he's so battlescared that he's hobbling around in a wearable hospital bed just to keep himself together" vibe, but it didn't really work for me
Just saw this
Things I liked
>Death Star was actually scary
>The last 1/3rd felt like Jedi
Things I didn't like
>Literally everything else
>The last 1/3rd felt like Jedi
>Marketed as huge character
>Did literally nothing
What did they mean by this?
I kinda wish we get the extended version, but I'm not sure what to really extend in a movie that already feels like some scenes were padded just to cram in more cameos.
I rebel
I'd make her rebel on my Dick of you know what I mean
Was honestly kinda of let down that Mikkelsen didn't have a bigger role in this. Dr. Strange was even more of a let down since he has like 5 lines in the whole movie.
It was perfect Sup Forums
This scene actually makes the LEAST sense in the movie.
>Beginning of Episode IV, they have to cut down the door to get in.
>Everyone knows they're coming and sets up in hallway.
>One-sided battle where Vader enters LAST after the area is partially secured
Rogue One
>Vader enters scene
>No door or entry point is opened, he just -- what -- Force Teleports? Is that a thing?
>proceeds to fight instead of bringing in storm troopers
>loses element of surprise right away
>plans escape because Vader somehow stopped being a cold, calculating master tactician
This is just fan service, desu. When you have a good story, good acting, and a good premise, you shouldn't destroy all of that so the fans can cream their panties by an unnecessary insertion of lead villain from the main franchise.
I was more disturbed by the fact that the film had no middle, it just went straight from beginning to end, no character building or relationships, they all just suddenly like each other
>No door or entry point is opened, he just -- what -- Force Teleports? Is that a thing?
The Mon Cala ship is big, he probably entered through another part and then walked down the hallway.
>proceeds to fight instead of bringing in storm troopers
They stroll up right behind them when he watches the Tantive IV escape.
>Vader somehow stopped being a cold, calculating master tactician
When was he ever?
It's still a dumb fabservice scene that the execs wanted though, I'll agree with you on that.
if you would have half working cells you could guess that
kill yourself