>Cinematography looks like shit
>Light Yagami looks like an drug addict
>L is a nigger
What can go wrong?
>Cinematography looks like shit
>Light Yagami looks like an drug addict
>L is a nigger
What can go wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
Ryuk is now transgender.
The cinematography triggers me more than anything. How do you take something as stylized as anime and shoot it like it's fucking the vampire diaries. Wingard is terrible.
L's appearance sdsf doesn't matter as long as his ticks are right but light has always been a pretty boy so they drooped to ball on that
yes it does
how the fuck can you say L's appearance matters more than lights? that makes no fucking sense, if anything L's matters MUCH more
his ticks matter more L can be a fucking mouse pad as long as he actually does what makes him L
at least L is sitting right
Explain your shit you cunt otherwise you are just fucking wanking you pretentious dick. WHY is it more important
No he isn't.
I don't think you know what a drug addict looks like
If anything NiL does
teaser music is cool
L's character is cringe since the manga, idk why they push that handicapped-autist-mastermind shit over to live actions too
presenting the demon is also shit for live actions, should be just some inner voice or nothing at all just paranormal /Omen-like invisible force
Well, he did look like one already.
'The demon' did you even watch the show?
Has to be phyiscal. It interacts with other characters and light interacts with misakas I may have her name way off
Fuck Suicide Squad all over again.
at less both has hottie and you know who
>hy they push that handicapped-autist-mastermind shit over to live actions too
That's not L at all you spaz. L is perfect, both in looks and grades and it's because he holds everyone else up to his own standards he does what he does. He's not some fucking autistic dweeb.
>not handicapped-autist-mastermind shit
fuck I'm a retard.
Whatever, it's the mangaka's fault for calling both the main characters L and Light
I'm actually so much like of , my friends tell me all the time
anime sucks
>wearing shoes and sitting like that
Wtf, the only reason L sat like he did was because he was barefoot and so that his feet wouldn't freeze.
They're trying to make L some kind of edgy Mr Robot style detective autist. Instead of the lanky goth freak he used to be. He's going to wear a hoodie and go sneaking around and breaking into places to do james bondian detective work instead of spending most of the series perched on a chair using his brain.
>caring about Death Note
fuck off redditors
>instead of spending most of the series perched on a chair using his brain.
You mean saying whatever the author wanted to move the plot forward
Why the actual fuck is L being played by a black guy. I don't believe that they casted him for any reason other than muh diversity. L is literally the least black character you can get. At least they got Willem Defoe tho
>Light Yagami looks like an drug addict
What? Lights problem is the complete opposite, his face is covered in baby fat. Also drug addicts tend to not style their hair.
>should be just some inner voice or nothing at all just paranormal /Omen-like invisible force
Isn't it a major plot point that if you hold the book you can see the fuckers?
tfw japanese verion will be much better
he looks more like loser teen who says up than a drug addict, but even then both would have scruffy facial hair
the japanese live action? that was a shit movie too
>next DragonBall
Yesterday a guy attacked me because I said Light has no charisma and I would not be able to determine that by just the little teaser trailer.
Just look at this fucker, this guy has no charisma. It doesnt matter how he acts, he will never be taken seriously.
it was asian and the demons looked nice. it was good and you know it
The ONLY (only) thing these shillers got right, probably unintentional, is casting Willem Dafoe.
>caring enough to make a post
all aboard
At least it didn't have the chocolate eating faggot
>L not wearing timbs
Will this have the potato chip scene?
No, but it will have a Pringles™ scene.
>Yesterday a guy attacked me because I said Light has no charisma
I need to know the full story now.
>Just watch me L, while I use this concealed iPhone™ with it's built in 'Simply News'™ to get all the information I need to kill those guys
He basically just said that:
>Dude what? How could you possibly discern that from a one minute trailer with minimal dialogue? Do people really go around making judgements on things when they're presented with minimal information?
Like pictures of that guy weren't available before.
I bet this guy would even challange it when I said that Max Landis has no charisma.
It's a fresh new meme
He'll be snacking pockys™
>ur not allowed to analyse trailers >:(((
Sounds like a bit of faggot
How did he fuck up the squat?
Has this black man never actually squatted down in his life?
At the end, Ligger will be the best of the movie, but the movie will be overall shit.
It's Star Wars Disney all over again.
Looks more like Watch Dogs 2 memer shit
>Fantastic4 bombed
>Gost Busters bombed
Why dont they see the pattern
>Death to those who insult the prophet
>L shows himself in public
so instead of using an eyeliner they made him a nigger?
>actually making him sit like that
Shouldn't have done it. Even in the jap version it comes of retarded
This is a Netflix movie
implying this isnt fake L and actual L is played by ezra miller
>criticizing the one faithful thing about the character
imagine being this faggot
Light doesn't look convincing at all. He looks like he's gonna overact every scene he's in.
It's dumb and translates horribly you fucking fujoshi pig
But that's exactly what he was like in the dub
So you expected a good acting from shitty actors?
>'squatting' with heels not touching the ground
americans have gone too far this time
As a nigger he is probably physically incapable of sitting like that.
Why release the trailer now but not put the movie out until late August? Seems like any hype they build will be dead by then.
Na, they will release bits by bits and hope to keep the flame burning this way.
Probably still a bit early.
I wish it was a musical.
how many times yall consume the same stories? you get em in the form of manga then anime then jap shit movie then hollywood shit movie? when is enough? is it an autism thing?
People really watched the live action movie?
>Light saw N
>Light wrote Tyrone Jamal in his Death Note
>N dead
>The End
it was ok, I guess.
more like
>Light saw N
>Light wrote Nigger in his Death Note
>All niggers dead at once
>Bug or feature?
>Everybody happy
>The End
If it's public knowledge that L is black, people should be able to track him down easily. How many brothas got an IQ above 120?
>L is now a creepy black man sneaking around in a hoodie
If only this could end the right way.
It had the closest thing to a satisfying ending I've seen from this franchise.
It never occured to me that L was appropriating slav squat.
When I first saw the anime I had become so fan of L that I used to sit like this when being at school and home, man every time I see this I feel so embarrassed of myself why the fuck was I such an idiot this happened like 6 years ago
Snoop Dogg
>Having even the slightest expectation from Netflix
The fuck did you expect, you fucking retards?
This is so unrealistic, if a black guy went around cops dressed like that he'd be dead in minutes.
this is so retarded on so many layers
>that finger
peace be upon him
He's 1/4 Russian in the manga, he's not cultural appropiating nothing m8.
To resume his character
1/4 English = Detective
1/4 French = Love of Sweets
1/4 Russian = Squats
1/4 Japanese = Fujoshi
L is impressive as fuck even though he looks like a fucking slob. But it doesn't urt hs character. Or the fact that there are many clones of him.
The chair the black L is sitting in is smaller, thus making that sitting position more difficult. White L has the advantage of a cozier chair.
Wrong. Ryuk just wants to save his company from nosy super heroes.
looks like a young Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell
>What can go wrong?
L killing Light cos Black Lives Matter and all that shit
Get your characters right, retard.
>>L is a nigger
Death Note is entry level Anime tumblr shit so who cares
>black guy wearing a thug hood concealing his identity being allowed on a law enforcement platform like that
Probably to cut time. Along with the Yotsuba arc and possibly most of the dialogue and turns of events that made the anime so popular. There's just too many of them.
>not the isis flag
you had one job
>L shouldn't be black
>Major should be Asian
Literally who cares just wait and see if the actors portray the character well
>mfw this pic has been floating around for over a decade
>the poster above me is the killer