Oh Fuck Anonymous has declared war on the police
Starts at 1:18
so, the government then? isn't there a term for this?
>declaring knee jerk reaction before all the evidence is on the table
No support for due process in the US Constitution. These edgy faggots are getting worse and worse every time.
It makes me laugh that as more and more left society as a whole the contrarian, and vicariously general direction Sup Forums heads, is to be civil and give representative rights to individuals. It just makes me laugh.
>early 2000's
>anonmouse is Sup Forums
>anonmouse is blm
As if they're even what people would consider Anonymous to be.
The old anons are gone. It's just some edgy reddit faggots. Hell, they're probably even on the CIA payroll.
Damn.. anonymous is pretty much anything nowdays. Divide and conquer, am I right?
If you encountered all of the police force in America, you'll have about a .024% chance of being unjustly killed.
war on globalist
war on pedophiles
???work for kikes???
war on Trump
war on uh Police?