Uh wut?
So because she can heal, bullets just cease to have any stopping power whatsoever?
Uh wut?
So because she can heal, bullets just cease to have any stopping power whatsoever?
Other urls found in this thread:
No, no, no....
>le angry kid face
Why does she not look real in this scene? I've seen it several time and something about her face or eyes doesn't look real.
Because she's CGI.
>"Don't shoot! She can heal!"
>t. Some writer who has never seen what 5.56 does to a skull
Perhaps he was a just a nice guy who wanted to try to resolve it peacefully?
"how fast can she heal?"
No I fully understand how much of a qt3.14 she is. I just think something in this scene is fucking with my eyes.
Go back to play CoD son
The issue was they were shooting instead of chasing her. Pretty simple, you fucking retarded cunt.
kids are always annoying in movies
This guy caught Escobar and he is afraid of a little girl?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
They were doing both you mongoloid.
So I just saw this last night, it was pretty fucking depressing
Where does it fit into the canon of the other x-men movies?
How did all the other mutants get killed off? I understand that Professor Xavier might have accidentally killed some of the x-men in Westchester when he had his implied first seizure and lost control of his powers, but what about the tens of thousands of other mutants? Did they really get rounded up and exterminated, including all the other X-men?
Damn, what a depressing film. Really made me feel bad, man.
I don't feel like answering all your questions but I want you to know that it's had me depressed for two weeks, so you're not alone in feeling that.
Just capeshit writing, youre not supposed to think about it too much. If you think of how powerful some of the mutants were the idea of them getting 'rounded up' is laughable.
Maybe Xavier was in Cerebro?
Dr Rice in the movie pretty much implies that they tampered with food and drinking water worldwide to inhibit mutant powers and stop mutant births.
>Doesn't have metal bones
Surely she could be easily incapacitated by shooting her
Muties deserve it tbph famalam.
I thought he was trying to mutate people and create new mutants?
Holy fuck, that's spooky
He could kill the entire humanity doing it
That would make sense, I like this theory
That explains the lack of new mutant births, but not the disappearance of the thousands of existing mutants
no idea about the other mutants. i think their all just slowly losing their powers.
I'm thinking Charles' first seizure probably killed most of the mansion while the government took care of the rest of the mutants by just inhibiting their powers through the water, etc. like they said.
No wonder the government considers his brain a WMD
Anyone else fucking love this dude as an antagonist? I hope he gets more roles. Has a lot of charisma and he is very handsome.
He was, he basically wanted to corner the market on what was now a rarity and make mutants that were under his control.
>That explains the lack of new mutant births, but not the disappearance of the thousands of existing mutants
>drinking water and food
They didn't know they were sucking down crap that would remove their powers.
Its shit writing in a comic book movie dude
I meant that his organisation used modified crops, drinks, food in general to mutate people all over the world.
I liked him. I'm on his dick in every Logan thread. I thought he dressed cool, acted cool and sounded cool.
That scene in the car where he looks shocked when Logan tells him to fuck off is my favorite. Someone make a fucking webm of that please.
I can believe this but it seems pretty bullshit that you can affect someone's DNA by modifying what they eat
why didnt they just fly the eagles to mordor?
>why did the 9th wolverine capeshit have a flimsy premise?
are you serious?
not mutate, depower.
should I see this in theaters using real money?
I just checked in his imdb. He's going to be the MC in the next predator movie directed by Shane Black. Holy fuck hype
Maybe it doesn't have to modify DNA. Just hormones or brain chemicals or whatever.
I mean they were never exactly clear on where the ability to shoot beams out of one's eyes or control the fucking weather came from.
Why didn't they just get on a plane?
Why did they stay at that countryside family's house when they know they were being followed?
Why didn't Logan get medical help for his and Xavier's degenerative diseases?
Why didn't Logan find an old ally who could have helped him instead of fleeing to the Mexico border to live a life of squalor and shittiness with a senile Xavier?
Why didn't all the new mutant kids easily help Logan kill his evil clone at the end of the film instead of letting him die?
Also X3, as shite as it is, already had that drug that could remove mutant powers so maybe this was a modified version.
I never understood that. The government already puts shit in our water to """keep our teeth healthy.""" Why didn't they just start spiking the water supply with those drugs to make sure people didn't randomly start causing tornadoes or shooting lasers out of their eyes?
As for canon the best way to think about it is as an alternate conclusion to the X-Men timeline.
It's depressing as hell if that's how the 'official' canon ends - with everyone suffering, then dead. Hugh Jackman always implied it's somewhat of an alternate universe.
The other way I was thinking about it was as an ending for the ORIGINAL timeline (minus days of future past) where the sentinels didn't get created but some other government agency had a grudge against mutants.
I dunno. Doesn't make a lot of sense to make everything in the entire canon amount for essential just pain then nothing.
It was a good movie, but it took all the fun out of the other X-Men movies for me.
It's the joke, dummy !!! The healing speed of younger is faster than oldies, YO !!!
It's wasteful.
That being said, if they knew they were going after a mutant with healing powers, why didn't they use tasers or something like that?
Granted, the harpoon worked too but it's a little unwieldy
It's a flick popping outta a comic. You are the kind who whirlpooling at silly breaking ball !!!
>It's wasteful
>We can afford robot hands but not ammunition that costs 40¢ a round
The hands were done for branding purposes. They are a marketing gag.
It's like wearing a shirt with your company's logo on it.
Cerebro was destroyed in DOFP.
Neither have you, little bitch.
My take is that a lot of the kids didn't feel safe in Charles' school and fled and the only remaining members in the school were the main team from first movie.
The other mutants tried to live alone but they were killed off by military and Charles feeling very distraught with going into that room every day and seeing mutants be killed sent him into having the seizure and thus it killed everyone in the mansion apart from Logan.
>Even though we have x24
It was a stupid political cash in in a alternate reality.
So basically it doesn't fit anywhere in the canon but was just a cash grab. Kind of like a ''it was all a dream'' sequence which ironically Patrick Stewart played in another room in another series that did the same thing.
Can you guess!
>It was a stupid political cash in in a alternate reality.
It was basically just a rearranged house of M storyline. Relax, user.
>posts picture of a fucking .50
>to an adamantium skull
Fuck off, fag.
Regardless it look like they went out of their way to just go super gritty.
Worst part is Patrick is done with the series so they will never be able to actually make a good one and have him in it.
She doesn't have an adamantium skull.
>Why didn't Logan get medical help for his and Xavier's degenerative diseases?
There's no cure for Alzheimer's, and wolverines unbreakable metal bones were poisoning him. Ain't no such thing as a skeletonectemy.
You can tell about fifteen minutes into the movie that they realized they were fucking up by having Pickard swear every other line. He starts off expletive laden and then magically says one or two more over the last seventy minutes of the film.
Logan was garbage.....why they continued to shoot stand alone wolverine films after Origins is beyond me
>it doesn't fit anywhere in the canon
It's a sequel to Days of Future Past set many many years after Charles has a seizure and kills all mutants and Logan was poisoned which has caused him to become mortal.
I believe some events of Origins and The Wolverine still did take place in this timeline BUT only traces from those films since yes this is an alternate timeline due to Days of future past.
>Why didn't Logan find an old ally who could have helped him instead of fleeing to the Mexico border to live a life of squalor and shittiness with a senile Xavier?
They covered this. Everyone else was dead. Logan even mentions the lack of mutants born in decades.
But that's life. Everything ends in pain and suffering sooner or later. The important thing is what you do before then. I'm glad X-Men takes its audience seriously enough to explore these themes.
They just did her claws so she can grow when puberty hits.
>so they will never be able to actually make a good one and have him in it.
It's called X2, you unbearable gimboid.
>Logan even mentions the lack of mutants born in decades.
I also remember hearing one of the bad guys say this or maybe the Mexican woman stated this.
Logan is basically Children of Men
>Children of X-Men
>body can withstand being torn apart cell by cell
>can't metabolize a poison
Really hate this kind of writting
It does take place after The Wolverine, as he begins losing his regenerative ability after the Asian dude drains him. Plus he has the samurai sword hanging in his shack in mexico so in all honesty, this is probably a sequel to the original timeline.
>so she can grow when puberty hits.
What a waste. I want eternal daughterfu cunnyverine.
>Plus he has the samurai sword hanging in his shack in mexico
This is why I need to watch movies twice cos I miss stuff
>Why didn't they just get on a plane?
It would've crashed with no survivors
but that's the point. The speed he can regenerate is slowly degrading below the threshold that allows him to combat the negative effects. Holy shit how hard is this
Makes sense. Was it mentioned in the movie?
>he was aging
>healing factor fucked up because muh GMOs
Did you even watch the movie?
YOU BE SAYIN... THIS may be set in The Last Stand timeline?
As this user says
Logan has the Samurai sword from the Wolverine so in that case this is set in a universe where days of future past never happened?
He isn't supposed tl physically age
>so in that case this is set in a universe where days of future past never happened?
He saved the nip before the timeline split, it stands to reason he proceeded with his plan to become immortal with wolverine's powers.
They just showed the scientists operating on her arms and legs rather than doing the adamantium bonding procedure shown in Origins. I believe James Mangold confirmed this on twitter.
I don't know how to respond to this.
He does, just an inperceptable rate. Also point #2, his healing factor was fucked up. This was given to us in direct exposition
How hard are you trying to not understand this?
I can't even begin ot imagine the horrible pain of your bones trying to grow while encased in unbreakable metal. It sounds fucking horrifying.
It wouldn't be that bad. The epiphyseal plates would most likely disappear/close rather than force growth. It's like what happens when a broken arm stops growing.
While im loathed to bring up biology in an x men movie, If you replaced the bone with metal would it even have the sites where the bone grows anymore? I've never been clear on if the adamantium replaced the bone, or just coated it.
Just incased if it's supposed to make sense. If it were replaced they would have no marrow to create blood. Not sure how the comics handle it.
nicely done
>Xavier's brain can literally manipulate the fabric of reality
>Erik can create and manipulate magnetic fields
>Oh but we put some poison in their food, that should do the trick
hah well meme'd sir
>YOU BE SAYIN... THIS may be set in The Last Stand timeline?
Logan is still mourning Jean at the beginning of The Wolverine. Since Wolverine takes place in the original timeline after the timeline fracture of DoFP, and the sword he gets at the end of the movie is present in his shack in Mexico, it's safe to say that this is a direct continuation of X3.
Sort of. The entire world isn't in that dystopian, terminator-esque Hellscape from the DoFP flash forward , and based on some of the Reaver's dialogue, you can probably assume that Cabal helped hunt down most of Mutant kind at some point prior to the film starting, but well after 2006, when Last Stand happened and prevented the need for the fully automated Sentinel program to fucking destroy the society as we know it. Maybe a long term cure was synthesized from the cure at the end of X3 and it was distributed using Cabal to target all the powerful mutants. Then, based on that same formula, the scientist in the flick that creates X23 and X24 helped immunize the human population against the X gene, which is why no mutants have been born for twenty years. It would also explain the intricate knowledge the reavers have of how to overload the x gene's abilities with that green adrenaline shot.
All that being said, I'm just basing this on the one time I saw it opening weekend but I think that holds water.
In the movies, they carve grooves in the bone and add adimantium rods along the grooves.
So, if Adamantium becomes unbreakable once it cools, what the fuck would an adamantium bullet to do someone with an adamantium skeleton if they shot themselves, which is what they imply with that one bullet.
damn this movie must be garbage
Poor front lighting