How will they show that she's gay? We'll it just open up with a scene of her muching down on some pussy?
How will they show that she's gay? We'll it just open up with a scene of her muching down on some pussy?
Other urls found in this thread:
>0.01% of world population is gay/mentally ill
>25% of hollywood characters are trans faggots
nvm i know why nose.png
I started to type something about how it's good to see gay characters in a genre where they aren't represented but then I remembered I didn't give a shit about power rangers when I was 7 and I still don't
>""openly"" gay
Why do they absolutely need to be represented in a super hero movie that is piggy backing off of nostalgia though?
>super hero movie
it's not even super hero shit, it is just a kids tv program, bullshit
having a job as a ranger and shouting it's morphing time makes you a super hero.
Why would she be gay, she's attractive
Nah, there's just some throw-away comments and her having ''girl troubles''. She's definitely as ''openly gay'' as they advertise, plus she's a fucking bore, no real character anywhere to be seen.
>hollywood is slowly turning all attractive female leads gay to codify the autists that would normally get rejected by pretty girls so they'll keep buy repackaged nostalgia
It's a smart move.
..NOT* as ''openly gay''..
Sorry about that.
queer-baiting is one of the only ways for the marketing team to create any type of interest or media headlines for this movie.
You don't go out much, do you?
Finally! Proud lesbians such as myself are getting a representative in the capeshit industry!
Let's join hands and watch the sunset together.
Well, everyone likes or at the very least can tolerate cute, young lesbians. It's the safest way to get progressive brownie points without alienating any of your core male nerd audience.
I guess that's more important that sick Japanese style sentai choreography?
>mfw the difference between lesbians in porn and movies, and those in real life
At least the lesbians at home get to fist their vaginas during the kissing scenes now.
Why do they not? Seriously I'm not going to cheer and praise a -gritty kids show reboot- for being progressive but at the same time I'm not going to bitch about it either.
Yellow ranger is always the shit one anyway.
Green master race.
how many fucking superheroes have been called the first openly gay superhero at this point
It seems like a quota filling characteristic for a character whose sexuality has no bearing on the plot of the movie.
I just want one movie, just ONE FUCKING MOVIE, that's about a beautiful, empowered woman who can kick ass and don't need no man.
kys my man
Damn son
He likes to redirect to other boards so much, might as well do the same.
It was a sick burn, my friend.
[ ] Rita is redeemed by the purest form of love
[ ] Trini is corrupted by the bad pussy
Which is more likely?
Yeah but the movie has no bearing on my life either. If some gay kid has another role model and I lose the SACRED POWER RANGERS to quota filling then whatever. We're all adults here who even cares.
>in the name of social progress and leftist identity politics we made the hot Latina teenager a dyke
Oh my god I am so outraged I know exactly what I'm going to do about this travesty
Just got back from it, they actually barely touch on it
>"Boyfriend troubles?"
>"... Girlfriend troubles?"
Now about the film itself, I was actually kinda surprised by the acting by all of them. Even if they aren't developed evenly their chemistry is pretty good. Also elizabeth banks was clearly having a fucking ball being a campy ass pure-evil villain.
The final action sequence is pretty disappointing despite the long buildup though. choreography was lame, 300 style slo-mo shit, average CGI. suit and mech designs are pretty ugly.
Just had a jarring shift in tone once they become the actual rangers. never thought I'd say it but I was enjoying the film more before the suits came on,
25% is pretty much what americans expect
I want Rita to spit in my mouth
>a character can't be gay unless its integral to the plot
because at that point you're just developing plot points, not a human being with actual characteristics she can attract other hot gay chicks
Mean lesbians are best lesbians
.01% of world population is gay/mentally ill
Why can't characters just be written as gay/trans/whateverthefuck without all this fucking virtue signaling.
Why does it have to be such a big fucking deal. Isn't this type of treatment what they're trying to get away from?
At the end she pins Rita down and forcefully tongue punches her pussy while Star Spangled Banner plays and the credits roll
The gay cop in True Detective S2 was pretty multifaceted. It's not all bad.
>Isn't this type of treatment what they're trying to get away from?
This. If their intention is to be treated as mindlessly as the average person, then why break into a fit when there's a small tacky joke at your expense. I don't mind guys, but I bet that they love the attention about themselves, and do everything so that their shit doesn't get normalized (ie. making everyone wince during the Gay pride thing), when they could just not draw attention to themselves.
Every little crisis abiut gays, they start themselves. For fuck's sake.
>macho, self loathing soldier comes back from war gay
Yeah, that was totally not hamfisted
>TFW you want to ask Zordon for Saturday off but he saw you clocking in late this morning.
>first gay superhero
>129 pages
Really makes you think.
>Asian character
>make them gay
Like clockwork, Jesus Christ
it's not like Jap ladies are fucking jap dudes. Makes sense ot me.
oddly enough, because it was an actual plot point. LGTB representation is supposed to be about normalizing it and giving them characters who just happen to be gay, but it always ends up feeling like HEY GUYS THIS IS THE GAY CHARACTER EVERYTHING THEY DO THEY DO IT GAY while when it's written as something that is abnormal (not negative), it ends up feeling the least forced
This doesn't make sense, the Robot was always the gay character.
What does it add to know the character is gay?
If nothing, then it's not worth knowing/isn't important.
You guys sure are obsessed with gays.
what the fuck america
>tfw I've never been excited for a film due to a character's sexual orientation
wtf is wrong with me
Because everyone here is a faggot