What's the dog of choice for red-pilled families? I have two kids and a wife who wants the dog to protect them but also is very nice to kids.
We are looking at German Shepard and Burmese Mountain dogs right now.
Pic unrelated.
What's the dog of choice for red-pilled families? I have two kids and a wife who wants the dog to protect them but also is very nice to kids.
We are looking at German Shepard and Burmese Mountain dogs right now.
Pic unrelated.
Pls respond
Border collie or a golden retriever
Are they capable of defense tho? Should I get two since they are less strong?
Best bear hunting dog I've ever had. Hell of a good watchdog too.
dogo argentino
its a beast and can take on any other cuck dog out there
1. Border Collie
2. Golden Retriever
3. German Shepard
Border Collies can learn fucking anything. Teach one to shoot guns or something, I wouldn't even be surprised.
Kek, alright
Isn't this a pitbull? They're illegal in Canada
Thanks, will look into that one. Never heard of it desu