This poster is a literal 10
This poster is a literal 10
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Really hope Ridley goes back to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre influence first one and it's just a bloodbath.
The movie looks like a 3... out of 5
Never judge a remake by its poster, lass.
I'll admit I'm a completely pleb when it comes to art but this obviously inspired by Renaissance art of hell and Dante and the Hieronymus Bosch type stuff.
Can anyone give me a more specific inspiration?
>no Gieger sick fantasies
>muh symbolism instead
It's going to be shit.
But it's both
pretty much Paradise Lost, which was going to be the original title of the movie
>Fine, all you care are xenomorphs? There. I hope you're fucking happy.
>I hope you're fucking happy.
is that what you told Tony on his deathbed?
That's pretty cool, but where's the wheat?
We've got Aliens, Engineers and Humans.
Now tell me how Predators enter into this mix?
bretty gud
Thank christ
He jumped off a bridge
But.. they should?
Alien timeline: Engineers made Humans, Engineers also made Aliens (Unknown). Engineers kind of want to kill everything, Aliens do want to 'kill' everything, Humans want to survive but will always result in killing everything.
Predator timeline: Predators found Aliens, kill them for game. Predators found Humans, kill them for game.
Am I right?
Any cross between Predators and Aliens is fanfiction
explain the wheat meme
Texas Chainsaw Massacre is not a bloodbath at all.
Bless your cereals
looks familiar
Nevermind, it's dead already
There's practically no blood in Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Everything happens off screen. You have no idea what you're talking about.
There's a scene in the trailer where the characters encounter a wheat field
Autists, Sup Forumstards and redditors desperate for brain dead shitposting continually shitpost about wheat as if it's a new epik maymay.
Why did they cast Lena Dunham?
Are you mentally challenged?
But my timelines are correct? That's what it essentially boils down to for both series?
>Alien 1979
>just a bloodbath
i wanna see a war movie between the badass engies of prometheus vs the aliens so bad man
She is so ugly and bad in inherent vice and fantastic beasts. Shitty actress like her father.
don't worry about it
The timeline is:
>2093 - Prometheus
>2103 - Alien: Covenant
>2124 - Alien
Everything else is whatever you want it to be because it's all fanfiction.
I'm not. I got my Alien fill with Isolation.
its ok, user
just go about your day
nice talking to you
jebaited? maybe too much youngness
People unironically believe Ridley will loose the opportunity to profit from the AvP franchise with his next 4 alien movies and the predator coming next year
When has Ridely ever shown to give a shit about that?
The only reason we're getting this movie is because Prometheus was a fuck you to everyone looking for an Alien movie.
why do the Xeno's mouths seem smaller now?
>that AvP redisign looks like ass.
>Shitty actress like her father.
No, she lacks the eyebrows
Best poster ever
Who is she and who is her father?
Prometheus really fucked my understanding of it all.
Engineers made Humans, I'm going to assume they also made Aliens. Although the Aliens are proper cunts, we love the idea of meeting our makers unfortunately the Engineers also acted like cunts towards us.
I mean it sucks, but if the Engineers had the means to make new life and that life evolves to a point of sentience not far off their own, you would think their reaction would not be to smash it down. I know there is a fair bit of human condition to this thinking, are we to assume that they treat us like the Predators do in their own franchise?
Also if the Engineers DID make the Aliens, why are the Aliens not more like both of us. Since our DNA is the same (Human and Engi) what happened with the Aliens to make them all fucked up and shit?
Many questions, such questions.
she was somehow even worse in steve jobs
I'm not sure what people are so confused about with Prometheus. The Engineers sperged out because his encounter with his creation was Weyland who was a monstrous self absorbed piece of shit and David who was an affront to creation.
Oh. I like that guy.
Is that supposed to be an alien queen? I hope not
isn't David kind of our 'trinket' and theirs those vessels? 'aliens' are just one of many manifestations. Maybe predators are too? they take the best genetics of the hosts and turn them against them, the perfect bioweapon.
Maybe they want to kill us because we now posse a threat to them (engis)
Looks a lot like the head shape of one so I guess so
Also the bald muscular guys look like engineers
wheatkino incoming lads
My dick
That poster alone is better than the whole of Prometheus.
It's Michelangelo's Battle of the Centaurs
I think it's some shit Sup Forums meme. Every sequel or prequel is now called a "remake" on here.
looks like an angel, nothing like a queen.
Looks cool, too bad the movie will be dogshit
found the fuccboi
now gtfo back to plebbit with your stupid nu-male culture
So basically this was one dickish Engineer, who was likely a soldier (hence the installation).
Other Engineers might try to be more understanding?
A goog Alien Queen battle scene,can save this movie.
My favorite so far
it was a waterbed
Holy shit what a bunch of fags.
my biggest problem with Prometheus is the fact that it can't decide whether its a prequel to Alien or not
like the planet looks the same, but it's not actually the same planet?
and we see a xenomorph at the end, but it's not actually a xenomorph?
and none of those threads are going to get resolved in Covenant, I assume, since there are normal xenomorphs in the trailer (and in fucking broad daylight because fuck tension)
King Alien
That's pretty cool
holy shit I'm reading about the original script before Damon Lindelof rewrote it
>By July 2010, Damon Lindelof was hired to redevelop Spaihts' screenplay into a more original work, removing the direct connections to Alien. Lindelof was of the opinion that Spaihts' story relied too heavily on elements of the Alien films
>prequel to a film shouldn't have anything in common to the original film
They're all xenomorphs. Including the engineers.
fuck I didn't know Adam Sessler came here
okay well a Drone then, you know what I mean
>Lindelof was hired to redevelop Spaihts' screenplay into a more original work, removing the direct connections to Alien. Lindelof was of the opinion that Spaihts' story relied too heavily on elements of the Alien films
But it's okay to turn the space jockeys into albino NBA players.
Fuck me man.
It looks like a lot of baroque paintings (like the Fall of the Rebel Angels by Rubens, left) but to me all I see is Rodin's "Gates of Hell" (right)
Made by Giger?
>even thinking about asking such a question
Even the creator of AVP knew it was nothing but pure shlock.
in case anyone was wondering what the original story was. It's not too different from Prometheus except it takes place on LV-426 instead of an identical planet with a different name, has more of the proto-xeno, and actually works as a prequel to Alien
what happened to Lindelof anyway? I can't remember the last thing he's worked on, which is weird because for a while he was involved in a ton of big movies every year. I guess studios realized how much he was fucking up those movies
Cameron's redesign looks ass compared to the original or even the one in the 3rd one
>mfw I watched the video on StudioADI's youtube channel where they're setting up one of the fights and you can hear the DP tell the director that he's shooting it too dark and the audience won't be able to see anything and the director responds with "shut the fuck up"
It's going to be AvP-tier
I thought the eggs were harvested from Shaw's hoo-ha by David and mutated with the goo.
yeah shoulda switched roles with Joanna Newsom desu.
how does David have a body? like I could buy it that he knows how to build a new one, but where did he get the parts? specifically skin?
>mfw it turns out he killed Shaw and put his head on her body
semi-turned on thinking of Fassy with tits desu
Different proto species in this
Shaw took his body with them.
I guess she just glued it back on.
Fuck. I didn't know she was in that.
Guess I'll hit the torrents, then. Actually, I'll just use something like solarmovie instead.
David is not the android in Covenant.
Fassy plays two roles, baby.
David and Walter.
That's Katherine Waterston
huh did not know that