Fucking when?!
Fucking when?!
who's the 10/10 in the movie poster?
Would it be about slaves?
>Egyptian movie with black people.
Yes, as slaves :DDD
Do these vapid twitter bitches have any idea how faggoty they sound? What is it with style of speech that makes me so irrationally angry? It's just immature and adolescent, like they've rehearsed these "cool phrases" from cartoons or something. How did this catch on?
>americans think ancient egyptians were black because egypt is in africa
Scary desu
there were many black pharaos, you dumb cracker
I'll be honest, Sup Forums.
A movie set in ancient China about the Chinese empire fighting the huns would look retarded with non-Asian actors.
>an all Asian cast
what the fuck were you expecting you stupid cunt?
Who said otherwise? Also don't talk all matter-of-factly and mention the Huns like if that was historical.
And? There's plenty of movies with all Asian casts. That's nothing special.
>tfw copt and black people try to steal your heritage
Why is this allowed?
Their media tells them this
WE Status:
>no random black people in the cast
Fuck that racism! This ain't diverse!
Why were there black people everywhere in Beauty and the Beast while Mulan has to be all East Asian?
but they don't count because she's a shallow person and needs Hollywood to do it. Probably because she has literally no interest in actual East Asian culture but still plays the Asian card to be a victim.
>not a musical
Japan's definition of diversity.
wtf I feel included in Japan now
>a movie set in ancient China will star asians
>Still not good enough!! Where's my all black people cast movie?!?! WE WUZ KAAANGZ N SHEEEEEIT!
libtards are an embarrassment. They will literally never be happy and studios should quit pandering to them
im white and this is disgusting, do they have kikes in nippon as well?
This is the propaganda I like to see
we samurais now
>look how much better this looks
Than what?
>Embracing diversity
>One white guy
What did Abe mean by this
Google "European Art" and see how far the revision history has infected our country
White people have ALWAYS been part of Japan. We built Japan. Japan owes us!
does asian mean asian or american bananas
those tweets really need some translator's notes
This. I bet the bitch didn't even see China's Mulan film.
>Oh wait, you thought we meant "niggers"? ror no
Some black Americans think this. The rest of us know better. White people can be Africans, we learned that from "Mean Girls" and that movie where DiCaprio is from Zimbabwe.
>Token white boi
>Diversity in Japan means 75% nips and 25% whiteys
Truly a superior country.