His stand up wasn't that funny, also why is he fucking everywhere now?
He turned into a literal media whore.
His stand up wasn't that funny, also why is he fucking everywhere now?
He turned into a literal media whore.
This is a bad opinion and a bad thread.
Please fuck off back to wherever you have come from.
Chapelle's Show was a huge hit and was really influential at the time for tv and comedy in general, and then he vanished and had a media rumor frenzy and then went radio silent for years and now people see him coming back like the return of a legend, kinda like how no one shit's on Seinfeld despite him not doing anything forever. Honestly the two specials were entertaining as heck and I really like listening to him talk but combined I only laughed like 4 times. He's clearly a superior public orator compared to Amy Schumer, but I laughed 7 times during her special. Just sayin senpai.
>60 million dollars for 3 stand up specials
nigga you'd come out of hiding too if the shekelbergs started throwing large sums of money at you
t. just turned 18
Fuck off. Chappelle's Show was fucking high school kino for me, and his new standup was pretty good. I don't care if he's a fucking muslim now, he's got some redpilled moments while still being bluepilled. An odd mix, but great timing and an always funny outlook on society.
Apparently he said something mildly conservative once so now everyone around here goes on and on about how everything he did was great. Virtue signaling.
The reddit crowd is overhyping it. It'll never compare to his earlier ones but at least it's a start
He's been a Muslim for almost twenty years. He just doesn't talk about it
>He just doesn't talk about it
The way it should be.
Is he Nation of Islam Muslim or terrorist Muslim? Also I seem to recall him saying he drinks at least once during the special.
This. Any actor would do it.
Dave Chappelle has consistently been in the Top 10 World Wide Live Performers Earnings list for 15 years. He makes more money in a month doing live shows than most Musicians, Artists, and Actors will make in their life time at the top of their game.
Didn't he go into hiding because comedy central offered him large amounts of money?
I guess he just wanted more money.
He's probably just a western muslim. You've experienced normal, westernized muslims, haven't you user?
Thousands of hours of Opie and Anthony with Jim Norton available on youtube for free. Guests include Louis CK, Patrice O'Neal, Jay Mohr, Nick Diapaolo, Jim Jeffries, and basically every good comedian in the world.
Why would you watch stand up specials with comedians doing 'bits' when just listening to them shoot the shit with Ant is so much funnier?
Why not do both because you find both mediums enjoyable?
Ill reserve judgement till i watch it. In the meantime shill elsewhere
It's that he's constantly taking the piss out of SJW types and isn't afraid to make a joke about a rapist superhero in a room full of college girls and betas
>its a "dave chapelle slaps the microphone to his knee after a joke" bit
>why doesn't everyone have the exact same taste as I?
Americanized Muslim, so mostly nominal.
Because I'm not a poorfag that can't afford Netflix
His management and promotions group is trying to force this pile of shit down our throat. There was literally two to three Chapelle threads in Sup Forums with the same wording over and over for a couple days.
It's not 2004 anymore, comedy is dead.
netflix has been shilling here for awhile now i think its them
Yeah, you are a fucking loser that just wanted more Chapelle show memes to parrot. The specials were fucking kino while you are just special fucking Ed, go back to Sup Forums.
You're thinking of someone else, my name isn't Ed.
Someone is doing it and it's fucking obvious. In one respect it's cool they think "the dark corners" determines what is cool now. On the other hand, fuck off with your blue pilled faggotry and your dead art form you evil kikes.
I love Dave, but I love 2004 Dave. I don't want the bluepilled faggotry of today to ruin the image and respect I have for him.
1.Bill hicks
2.patrice o
3 dave chappele
4 George carlin
5 carrot top
>He turned into a literal media whore.
When you make millions on a show but then fall off and go into hiding, eventually you run out of money.
they offered it with huge restrictions on what he could do on his show too, and it was 10 percent of the 500 million he made for them, so I think he was just all around pissed off and said fuck them and quit.
>Jim Jeffries
Opinion discarded
Im not going to lie...
While yes I think prop comedy is hack, some of Carrot Tops appearances you can find on youtube were actually kind of funny.
>Nick Diapaolo, Jim Jeffries, and basically every good comedian in the world.
Good bait tho, mind if I borrow it?
hi carrot top's agent.
"I had to watch Key & Peele do my show for two years!"
>it's a contrarian episode
He is long past the prop comic scene, im not sure what good shilling for his past would do for him
I only watched one of the new specials but he made lots of jokes about gay and trans people. I think its pretty clear he's not a modern turbo lib democrat in fact I'd bet the main reason he is a democrat is because republicans are seen as racist and he clearly cares deeply about his own people.
Aside from that though he seems fairly conservative and is clearly a big believer in traditional masculinity and not a big fan of homos.
NoI probably, arabs dont like nigs, and if nigs had any knowledge of history they wouldn't like arabs/islam
>also why is he fucking everywhere now?
needs money, or else just wants money
>You've experienced normal, westernized muslims
dunno one almost ran me over yesterday
is that black jonny depp?
chappelle is basically a god to the current 25-35 demographic. chappelle's show was easily the best thing on tv for a couple years in the mid 2000's
this is highly accurate except that part about amy schumer, her special doesnt contain any laughs
>chappelle is basically a god to the current 25-35 demographic. chappelle's show was easily the best thing on tv for a couple years in the mid 2000's
standup/show is overrated desu senpai
Yes, I've experienced filthy haram fake western "muslims".
Get a load of this pleb
>why is he fucking everywhere now?
He's promoting his new special. Thats pretty standard.
I bet this guy has only seen the tv censored version of half-baked
>hurr he's a muslim now
I've never understood why africans convert to Islam. Muslims were more brutal to africans than anyone else.
If you're of african decent and need to feel spiritual, why not try and look up what ancient africans actually worshiped?
I love Chappelle's Show. I watched it as it aired as a teen and have rewatched it numerous times, even have all material currently downloaded. I still quote it over a decade later. Perfection.
because its about being anti-western, same with feminism and the reason far leftists are allied with muslim causes
>Why would you watch stand up specials with comedians doing 'bits' when just listening to them shoot the shit with Ant is so much funnier?
Probably because they have friends in real life and don't need to fill that void with washed up/dead comedians
No, it's because Africa American Christianity is complicit in fucking over and exploiting African Americans
Islam is the African American equivalent to being red pilled
Special snowflakes can't take a joke and take themselves too seriously: Actual news at 11.
It was fucking hilarious. clearly the people who didn't like it where butthurt liberals.
He's back from his break. Artists go through phases. He probably started feeling the itch. Also he may have been going thru more money than he wanted
His standup was never GOAT tier , its not bad or cringeworthy lole jim nortons, but he is still best sketch artist ever
The tension in the Austin audience was palpable when he said fags. They were just looking at each other like I can't even.
Both his specials weren't nearly as funny as I remember his previous stand ups being, but it wasn't because of his delivery. I think most of his material was just not great, and that can be fixed. I'm glad he's back.
Its funny because black prople hate gay and transgender shit, but white cucks view blacks as untouchable while also viewing the gay shot as religious dogma
Im in houston and a comedy show is coming up called whateverfest- one of the owners had a vid making fum of a tranny at an airport and the local comedians had a shitfit and canceled appearance and everyone tried to shut it down
you just have dogshit taste. You're probably one of those people that find memes hilarious
Chapelle was great but let's be reality, he only had one God tier special.
Comedians always turn to shit when they get rich. I could go through a whole list. But Dave has been rich sitting in his mansion in Ohio jerking off for the last decade. He hasn't been writing or had the hunger like he did before he hit in the 2000s.
Carlin is the only comic I can think of who didn't turn to shit when he got rich. But he was an autistic who got off on the writing. And he was the greatest of all time.
The story I heard is that Bill Burr laughed a certain way on set that made Dave uncomfortable and which made him rethink everything about the show. Something about laughing at the racial stereotypes in agreement with them rather than laughing at them. I think he has talked about how when you are that big you have a type of responsibility for what you are portraying on tv and he didn't like how he thought people were interpreting it. Plus there was the whole fact that he couldn't escape the show. In one of his stand ups he talks about people coming up to him in Disneyland and shit sayin "I'm Rick James, bitch" in front of his kids. He made a joke of it but I think that was still a big factor, at his shows or on the street people just yelled quotes at him or wanted him to repeat skits. He probably thought that he had lost control of the situation and freaked out
he pandered to the group of people least deserving of attention,
the msm zombies that live on twitter and facebook and only have trending stories to talk about. But because its Dave Chappelle everyone sucked it off