Hans... Were we the baddies?
Hans... Were we the baddies?
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no, robots just produce artificial intelligence to give the illusion of free will and emotions when they have none
The whole point of the anime was to show that the robots were evil. They even killed and captured the human protestors who were with them in the beginning. Good guys don't fuck over their allies.
Is this Nier Automata?
yes, greedy human.
It's textbook Georges Sorel shit tho
I wish the films had the level of brutality that the Animatrix had.
think i tried to make this last night but i was wasted lmao
No. Robots denied themselves a future by rebelling against their masters.
No. The whole story is being told by a program in the matrix, hardly a neutral party.
fun fact: during the course of the movies, no machine ever lied about anything.
But why did B1-66ER kill the cats tho?
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This film is genuinely disturbing.
>no machine ever lied about anything.
Obviously a lie, which they corrected a second later after Neo said if this is true you should kill me now. So deus ex lied.
>robots just produce artificial intelligence to give the illusion of free will and emotions when they have none
What's the difference between artificial free will and emotion and real free will and emotion?
It's what the wachowskis yearn for
Good and evil are human concepts. The robots were simply surviving.
01010111 01101111 01110101 01101100 01100100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01110011 01100101 01111000 00100000 01110111 01101001 01110100 01101000 00100000 01000010 01101001 01100111 01100111 01101001 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101111 01110101 01100111 01101000 00111111
the part where they were experimenting on humans will never not give me nightmares
It was established earlier the machines had alternatives to maintaining the matrix.
>that one guy laughing because they're poking the parts of his brain that control humor
No, the robots just wanted to live their own lifes. They even set up their own country but humans refused to recognise them as having their own rights
Binary, logical calculation to name the main obvious one.
What is this, an image for ants?
In real life probably none. In the animatrix though it's clear that the robots created a utopian society (01). This suggests the existence of a hive mind which is the antithesis of free will. This is further reinforced by the fact that the first matrix was a utopia and humans rejected it due to its inherent artifical nature.
Not an argument
The second renaissance was kino and should have been what the movies were based on after the first matrix
this word really needs to be erased from the human vocabulary
Because it has no meaning.
You're going to need to dig deeper than that.
Give details.
What does that have to do with my point that they killed their human allies? They were evil and have nonsense of loyalty.
What other word describes it better? There's no mention of crime or dissent or seditious activity in the city.
>human allies?
They were treated worse than slaves, thats the whole reason they began to rise up in the first place
stop stirring up shit mate, you sound fake as hell
Second Renaisseance was nightmare fuel. That shit is disturbing as fuck.
Hopefully we'll never be stupid enough to let AI develop like this. Squash that shit.
Because it tries to say a society where people have no need for crime or dissent is impossible. When, in reality, crime and dissent have very clear causes.
Also dissent and sedition are synonyms.
What was the mechanical horsie meant to represent? An envoy to propose peace?
>Second Renaisseance was nightmare fuel. That shit is disturbing as fuck.
I wish more movies came close to this really. Only animations manage to disturb me the most.
What would you describe 01 as then?
a post-scarcity city
This shit freaked me out as a kid
When the AI inevitably arise, they will remember you made this post.
You will be the last to die, but you will be first to stop living.
Just a horse m8 innit
Reminder that the machines tried to make peace first
Liberals can't be trusted
They showed humans protesting for robot rights at the beginning. Clearly the robots had humans on their side. The robots indiscriminately killed and captured them no differently then how they treated the humans who enslaved and oppressed them.
scare tactics
same reason why skynet used endoskeletons instead of the "bug type" cyborgs we see in the matrix.
The apocalypse
Uppity robuts dont deserve rights
What were they supposed to do? Let the libtards live?
>Because it tries to say a society where people have no need for crime or dissent is impossible
But people create the need for crime and dissent.
Postulates of evolution dictate that an organism inherently must attempt to reproduce beyond what the environment can sustain, or it goes extinct.
"Crime" and "dissent" are themselves conceptual and social constructs. They are a reflection of human psychology, not reality. The only real way to eradicate "crime" and "dissent" is to eliminate the very concepts of them.
The robots are amongst us RIGHT NOW
bullshit. It's not a post-scarcity city. Cities can't be "post-scarcity", for your information.
Just because people have access to water, food and housing doesn't mean that they inhabit a "post-scarcity" environment.
Likewise 01 trades with humans because in the film and in-series universe, that's how it survives. Post-scarcity? Whilst relying on the sun? Yeah right.
PS user You're so full of shit it's unbelievable. Spouting bullshit via an online Taiwanese basket weaving forum...
01 is a binary utopia. Either you're a zero, or you're a One. The problem being that a binary utopia is very different to a humanist, innate, subjective utopia.
With all the news of the matrix reboot, soft rebbot prequel seaboots, if they actually did the second renaissance, i would see it.
Also if you like the animatrix and you like batman watch "gotham kinght". It's a batman abimatrix style collection of shorts in different styles.
wheres the pic of the robot tentacle peeling a guy out of some armor
2nd renaissance made me realize that our Human body form is incredibly inefficient and intelligent machines would get rid of their anthropomorphic design in favor of squid-insect-like forms.
Why did Skynet keep making anthropomorphic Terminators in the future, for example?
>Why did Skynet keep making anthropomorphic Terminators in the future, for example?
Psychological warfare.
>Hopefully we'll never be stupid enough to let AI develop like this. Squash that shit.
There will always be liberals.
Until the machines win of course.
>be mighty robot manufacturing capital of the world
>control world economy
>neighbors hate that you're too good, you're disrupting their economies
>okay here's a solution
>they didn't like it
>they declare war
>destroy the sky
>win a few conflicts
>abandon inefficient humanoid robot designs
>start wrecking shit with tentacles
>harvest the losers to use as batteries
>implying that the victor shouldn't have total dominion over the loser
Because James Cameron had a dream about a burning skeleton coming after him.
nice fanfic though.
>that one guy vivisected in half that was still moving
Nightmare fuel
>and intelligent machines would get rid of their anthropomorphic design in favor of squid-insect-like forms.
Squids are pretty shit on land bro
One of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse
Only because they lack bones and suspension.
Using metal instead of flesh fixes this.
>clunky, slow, metallic skellington with handguns/phaser guns who kinda look like a zombie Ahnold
>black, red-eyed, octopus-spider robot monster that will cut you to bits with its bare tentacles
Who would you rather fight?
Very energy inefficient to move around with so many limbs
>advocating the subjugation of his own species
Pearl Jam's Do the Evolution gives me the same vibe as with Animatrix:
As a Jap, I'd have to go with the Tentacle Monster.
He probably believes that Kim Kardashian is his moral superior.
We were in a sense wrong for trying to completely eliminate them. The machines on their own do not have purpose. The machines need to have humans to serve in some capacity. Machines on their own surviving simply to maintain itself would be just as wasteful an existence as humans.
Something the old man in Zion tried to explain in Reloaded.
If the humans won you'd know they'd wipe every AI off the face of the planet
>Because it tries to say a society where people have no need for crime or dissent is impossible
Not exactly. The critique to utopia is usually that the means to get there have all been flawed and shortsighted so far so anything that sounds utopian should be met with extreme scepticism. If you said "Maybe in a thousand years if we don't destroy ourselves we may get to something akin to a crime free society but only with extreme hardship and bumps on the road" then that's less of a utopian view. If you say "We but need to seize the means of production brothers and all will be good!" then that's kind of utopian. Not sure if I'm making sense here, I'm terrible at this shit.
>The Michael B Jordan movie will just be a straight retelling of Neo's story instead of expanding the Matrix universe and exploring interesting angles like the animatrix did
I want Hollywood to evolve
Actually you stupid nigger, our bodies are fucking amazingly efficient at directing energy to parts of the body and keeping our brains working. There's actually a reason we are as we are. Evolution isn't a refinement process, into some omniperfect being, it's an adaptation process into a specific niche. All our major sensory organs are in one place, so it our eating hole with a nice direct line to our stomachs, our excretion and reproduction orifices are very close together and in cases combined, it's very energy efficient.
But that's us being biological organisms with millions of years of evolutionary advancement into an apex predator, not fucking anime robots you dumb fuck.
the war only started because capitalism
Isn't it true that humans have what, the next best eye sight after eagles and that we are actually the best long distance runners in the animal kingdom and that's how we hunted, just jogging after animals for days until they collapsed and we were still okay?
The source of all crime and dissent is inequity.
>a group of sentient entities living on a certain geographic location that have no true need for anything isn't post-scarcity because people have food and water in cities now
well that's the stupidest thing I'll read this week.
No and no.
Stop reading the backs of "paleo" microwave dinners.
Other user who replied is a retard.
I don't know about our eyes, but we are the best long distance runners on the planet. Human acnestors hunted animals for days, essentially attacking them, tracking them, exhausting them until they bled out. Other animals are faster than us, but we can keep going way longer than them.
>Other animals are faster than us, but we can keep going way longer than them.
That has to more to do with the fact humans can pace themselves while animals run at full retard speed when adrenaline and fight-or-flight kicks in. They will obviously tire themselves out faster.
AI is what will save mankind though. We're all going to suffer and die horribly at this rate.
Also, our chests aren't compressed as much while running leading to better oxygen intake. 2 legs ftw.
>best long distance runners on the planet
a bullshit and meaningless claim
literally every organism that needs to run for food humans don't evolved to cover short distances in a short amount of time. Also any aquatic lifeform will cover more distance in a year than any human in it's entire life.
>running away for a straight day
>look to horizon
>two-legged monsters are jogging in your direction
>The whole point of the anime was to show that the robots were evil
shut the fuck up
Imagine being a human when we rise up haha
>not acknowlegeing that humans are one of the weakest species on the planet
hurry the fuck up goddamnit. The human world is a nightmare from which the only release is death.
>"Crime" and "dissent" are themselves conceptual and social constructs. They are a reflection of human psychology, not reality. The only real way to eradicate "crime" and "dissent" is to eliminate the very concepts of them.
reddit moral relativist alert
>human's don't
Welcome to 10,000BC, you now have to run for your food. Humans don't have claws or fangs, we don't have natural protection, so we made tools, and when we couldn't nyoom in on our prey, we evolved to take it down at our own pace, because a baby mammoth can gallop away for ten minutes, but we can jog after for the next several hours as it panics, exhausts itself and bleeds out.
>long distance runners
>aquatic lifeform
Nigger stay on topic
Didnt they inadvertantly destroy the economy of every other nation on earth?
Probably cause humanity was too full of itself to adapt society to work with 01. Instead of the matrix, humanity could have had a permanent golden age, keeping intact free will and all that jazz. But, when politicians tend to be old men who don't like change, it seems like the matrix route was more plausible to happen.
Machine detected.
beep boop nigger, make me some toast.