I just felt my testosterone levels spike.
Rejoice, Sup Forums. Snyderkino is once again upon us
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>Untie The League
What did they mean by this?
The leaks are true.
kino kino KINO
based snyder. kino.
Mer-man was cool too from Masters of the Universe
>trailer for a trailer
>this is what christians were on about when they wrote about the feelings of rejoice they would feel when faced with the onset of the second coming
It... it feels so good... I am not worthy...
>leaking the description of a trailer
is this the biggest film anyone's ever done since the silent era?
>that BTS looking shot
That movie looks so fucking boring. Even the teasers are lame.
I'm sure this time they will get this right! Yeah!
I think it looks great, really looking forward to the trailer
I hate how I will have to make a thread myself to get a decent non-shitpost discussion going after the trailer hits
Starting with MOS where you had all these street-level shots to convey what it would like to the average person to see a goliath like Superman in action, Snyder has evolved the language of cinema to blend the real and artificial seamlessly
Are some of these cuts taken from out-takes? From phones? From goofing around? Probably. And yet none of it will feel out of place in the final film
>That movie looks so fucking boring. Even the teasers are lame
Congratulations user. You now know the point of a fucking teaser
The point of a teaser is to make me not want to see a movie?
>he doesn't like Sup Forumsdditkino
This is the one. I can feel it.
Teasers are supposed to be lame?
>falling for bait
why do people even reply to shitposters who only say stuff like "this looks stupid and retarded man!!!!"?
there's no point in arguing with these people because their minds are set
they don't want to watch movies but just spoil the fun for everyone else
Third time's the charm!
Stockholm syndrome is a hell of a thing
>teasers are supposed to be lame
Stick to videogames my dude
Didn't they say this one would be more lighthearted than BVS? If so, I don't have much hope for it. Fuck studio meddling. They should just let Snyder do what he wants.
Sauce to the rest please?????
Snyder wanted it to be light hearted to begin with. The guy is turning into Lucas
>Makes one of the best characters ever come to the screen: Ben Affleck in BvS
>Destroys the character in JL by making Bruce quip and become a goody goody guy (we already saw Batman take the guns off his Batmobile in Suicide Squad).
Looks like Kino is dying guys... not to mention the Batman script is completely being re-written.
It's Sea-man!
>The trailer is set to Come Together
Uh oh
>my tailbone!
>tfw Aquaman will never be played by Vincent Chase
Why even live?
Do you even trilogy?
>not to mention the Batman script is completely being re-written.
>During an interview with Pittsburgh Today Live promoting the new Smurfs movie, Manganiello was briefly questioned about his role as the villain in the upcoming Batman film. Asked if he was playing Deathstroke, Manganiello responded with “Umm. Maybe. We’ll see.”
The guns were put back on the car for JL dummy
Not to mention that we don't even know when that scene in Suicide Squad took place in the chronology.