Lynch Gets Lynch'd - The Thread

Shitstorm last week with FBI Director James Comey - today we have the Attorney General Loretta Lynch up on the stand.

First up: Jason Chaffetz, the one who first got the FBI to leak there are "secret organizations" even congress is unaware of.
Highlights: 2:11
>"Is it legal or illegal to provide false testimony under oath?"
>"There are a number of ways in which that can be found."

Other urls found in this thread:

Next up : Try Gowdy.

This man is a professional badass. If he was Trump's VP, my dick would be erect for the full 8 years.

Gowdy crafts his argument in a manner that this isn't about Hillary - but Lynch herself. The answers Lynch provides mean they should also apply to Hillary. Truly a masterpiece, since all Lynch would have done otherwise would have been to avoid all questions.

she's being interrogated rn

Randy Forbes literally destroys, DESTROYS Lynch up on the stand from her avoiding questions and not giving any answers.

>"Today you have indicated several times that you would not respond to some of those questions with specificity. Is there any legal prohibition that you have, that Director Comey did not have, that prevents you from answering those questions with specificity?

>"Tell me, is there a legal reason that prohibits you from giving us information, or is that just a choice you have made?"

Lynch will probably be removed by end of year.

I watch this all live yesterday. was painful to watch compared to when they had Comey in the Dock.
Ms Lynch seemed like a professional snake.

My favorite was when the congressman from Georgia BTFO'd her by proving she's doing everything in her power to misinterpret the law to protect hillary
It went something like this, I hope some one cut a clip:
"...if I drive my car 65mph in a 55 zone am I breaking the law?" To which she replied "well I don't know, you would have to ask the highway patrolman that might pull you over and he would have to review the facts..."

74 times failed to answer the questions so far! savaged, some one was counting

If you have more questions to add onto the 74 I'm happy to not answer them.

When she was asked if it was illegal or legal to "provide access" and she said it could go both ways, that's when I knew she was full of shit.

If you, as a person, "provide access", that means you did it knowing you were doing so. You provide access to your home to guests. A store provides access to its goods. If Hillary provided access, yes, it would be fucking illegal, because she would have known. You do not unintentionally provide access, because access cannot be provided accidentally. It can only be taken or negligently allowed to happen, but you can't "provide" an accidental access.

Jason Chaffetz is absolutely based for blasting Lynch on that. I have a security clearance. I know what I am required to do and not do. Chaffetz is 100% correct in his assertion that someone with a clearance would be very pressed to determine what was legal or illegal based on Lnych's testimony.

I know what is illegal, and setting up a server in my house with admins who aren't cleared is 100 fucking percent providing access to non-cleared personnel. And it is illegal.

is this a restream of the earlier interrogation or something new and spicy?

Literally everybody in my office that works with high level classified information daily (besides this one old boomer who is a die-hard hillary supporter for some reason) agrees that she should have been prosecuted, and all of us would have never even seen the light of day had we done the same thing she did. We'd effectively rot in Guantanamo.

Same here, man. Everybody in my office agrees we'd either be in federal prison or whisked away to fucking gitmo.

re stream

I loved that guy on the Fox 10 Stream that just grilled her. Jesus Christ, she's speaking such dodgy legalese.

Qt in the background


Hey, Sup Forums, Loretta Lynch here.


Blacks: like muslims and jews are prone to taqiya

Not telling the truth is one of the basic tenants of being black. "Snitches get stitches" they're taught.

Is murder illegal?

Is July the current month?

Did dinosaurs exist?

I'm sorry sir, but that is not in my jurisdiction and I would definitely leave it up to the officers to handle in that situation if that situation came up.

>Highlights: 2:11
No. Just fucking no. That's not real. This is all a giant prank.

cool thread bro, but nothing will happen.

Check em

>refuses to rule out being Attorney General if Clinton becomes president

I am not in charge of handling the calendar as far as I know the calendar is a global effort and not in my jurisdiction.

What we should be recognizing is that year round young black males are being disproportionately being shot by the police.

I have been monitoring US politics closely for the last... 15 years or so. I have to say Gowdy has impressed me like no other. You could say I'm a #GowdyedMissile now.

I am not the minister of science and I cannot credibly give my opinion on this matter.

Whether or not the dinosaurs existed or went extinct should not be the issue, what should be the issue here is that we are going extinct due to gun violence.


cutie in the back

My father and I both had/have TSCs and we agree as well.

Not sure how fucking stupid you have to be to think otherwise.


Who is "Punk Atoni Phil"?

I dont know what that guy said at the end who said Lynch is up shit creek

Groundhog Day, dude.

Did anybody catch that nig who previously thought an island could tip over embarrass himself by trying to use big words. Must have gotten a thesaurus for fathers day.

she repeated the "it'd be unfair" bullshit multiple times

she's been fucking trained, probably when she met with the clintons

there needs to be a more proper investigation into the obama administration, this is worse than Nixon

Why are you such a nigger?

she sucks old man cock all day


I'm so sick of hearing "i'll refer you with respect to the blah blah"

Half the time she just gave non-answers and the other half the dems gave her "important issues" like prisoner transportation.

Hillary, as we all knew would happen, is getting off scott free.

And the American people are left watching it all happen in real time.

could she get charged for contempt in court for her behaviour today? She was extremely uncooperative, is that not contempt?

absolutely savage grilling I love it

I recommend you autists watch this LIVE RIGHT NOW

based af desu

>BLM meme congresswoman




No. It's just a congressional hearing, not a court proceeding.

You can be held in Contempt of Congress for obstructing a Congressional investigation.

which I'm pretty sure is what she did, no?

That negress is obtuse af and clearly in Clinton's pocket

She did, and anybody watching that isn't a retard or willfully refusing to accept it would agree.

She was pulling all the same tricks as Clinton. "I can't comment", "I don't recall", "I don't know right now but I can check", "Well here's X example of unrelated subject".

Classic Clinton-tier stalling and diverting. She was definitely avoiding to keep Clinton safe.

>"My team has counted so far that you have avoided answering our questions 74 times."

Watching this shit makes me want to be a congressman.

I couldn't believe she said that.

Completely unacceptable as AG.

What a sham.

I thought this guy roasted her pretty bad too.

I was not expecting anyone after Gowdy and Chaffetz to do any damage, but I think this guy hit her the hardest.

>got the FBI to leak there are "secret organizations" even congress is unaware of

You need to listen better.

Mmm, well whether or not its illegal depends on the situation....

I would leave it up to local paleontologists of the hypothetical region to observe whether actionable evidence could or could not be possibly found or lost under the law.

Also just a side note I was disappointed no one pulled a "if Comey recommended you jump off a bridge would you do it?" in regards to the fact she didn't look anything over to at least see if the recommendation was reasonable.

No. That is usually reserved for failing to produce documents or failing to answer questions. I know, I know. While she is not giving answers she and the attorneys at the DOJ have worked this out already. The fix was in. Come out and say you will endorse the recommendation by the FBI whose director is a Republican. Put emense pressure on the FBI not to indict. Go in front of a congressional hearing and say, I refer you to the FBI and their investigation. We did nothing wrong. I will again refer you to the FBI, and their investigators. It looks terrible, but the media won't cover it in detail, nor is her "testimony" wrong.

No, there are organizations that the Judiciary Committee doesn't know about. Which is normal.

That's two separate things.


Furthermore what I found interesting was the repeated question by several Republicans of whether there were any members of the FBI investigation team who were political appointments and not career agents. Makes me think they know something. Hope they can make any of this shit stick, or at least force the FBI to look further into the Clinton foundation.

>attorney general did you make the decision?
>I made the decision to accept the recommendation of the commission

wat, that's the most jew way to sneak out fo responsibility

niggers are tricksters and do the double talk wherever they can. Ms. Lynch is unfit for office and a hack, owned by the Dems. She will not do anything to damage her party.

got damn

Gowdy for AG or VP.

>not listing FFIV

literally just 1 job.

niggers like to do the big wordology meme nigger style talking when they can. makes them feel like a big man.


Its a fucking perfect situation for her. She gets to please her masters and yet she also gets to point back to the FBI recommendation and say "I did that thing they told me to do." She gets to absolve herself of all responsibility and put Comey under the spotlight while panting teflon on herself.

Following the recommendation of the FBI sounds exactly like it makes sense to the average person. In all except the eyes of the committee, she didn't do anything bad.

The point for the committee to go from here is to look into any meetings anyone may have had and see if there was any strings being pulled to force someone's hand.

Imagine if some Deepthroat tier shit happened and an FBI agent who was on board the plane at the time Clinton met Lynch provided a recording, being disgruntled about the situation and the lack of an indictment. It would be monumental.

you know he kept stumbling trying not to say "made the shadow darker"

>all of this shit that's irrelevant to this hearing

I don't know why I follow politics, this shit makes me so god damn angry.

He's been on two or three, maybe more, episodes of Forensic Files.

AG lynch should be put in jail for lying and violation of duty. she made a political decision to not proceed and there's not much more to it. She's corrupt and so was Comey. There is no justice. There is a banana republic owned by the elites. it's sickening seeing them double talk.

God I hope so.

>several service men have been prosecuted for similar transgressions
>the public will look upon your decision as a double standard

>I followed the recommendation of the team...

Such weaseling should NOT be allowed at that level ffs. Can you imagine one of the founding fathers in such a disgraceful display? Can you compare the congressmen, politicians and even lawyers/judges/prosecutors of that time with their eloquence to this LITERALLY "muuuh team and recommendation!" negress?

The dumb old nigger after him can barely fucking speak.


talk about the most rotten administration in US history.

Am I being detained?

FFT you fucking disgrace

it's not like it's only the Dems that do this, this is how congress works.

>That gesture she makes at 2:36 after she gets rekt



You. I like the way you think.

> liking that series of hallways and terrible characters


If you want to get into it more read this.

I don't normally shill Limbaugh, but he knows the Clintons well. He had a guest on.
Mr. Christian was a former FBI investigator who resigned when he got word that the Obama administration refused to prosecute the new black panthers for voter intimidation during the 2012 election. He predicted all of what is happening now and why. It is a decent read.

Youre wrong dude, this is unprecedented. Bill Clinton was IMPEACHED by congress for lesser crimes. Bush administration had scooter libby roasted for lesser crimes.

This is purely illegal.

oh, i was talking about the hearing proceedings. Of course what she did was illegal, she's just too big to fall.

Do you honestly see the democratic presidential nominee getting indicted when she has almost entirely universal backing?

This was Grade A.

The franchise is actually horrible, I agree. The only good FF in the numbered franchise is 13, simply because it stopped pretending to be an open world game and had a decent combat system. Story is garbage like all FF#

But FFT is one of the best game ever made, has an awesome soundtrack, some characters are pretty based and the art is sweet.

Easier than most Tactics games tho, but i downloadded the hard patch a few days ago, cant wait to try it out

Is your name irony?

When are you guys going to accept the fact that laws are for the little people?

This is all just political theater for the masses.

I fucking love Gowdy. Good Congressmen are hard to come by.

Yes, he got her straight an clean.

I will ask Trump to nominate me for AG. I mean, this lady can... and she's incopetent.

Laws are for the little people. Bullets are for the bigger ones. Hillary somehow manages to dodge both.


This, desu. It's a sad time we've come to where we the people need to vote from the rooftops.

I'm honestly not surprised. Obama has been intentionally filling the DOJ and other Executive Branch offices with corrupt, black nationalist niggers. Eric Holder should have been on the stand also; for Fast and Furious, letting dangerous criminals out of prison, and many other things.