The age of Snyderkino is upon us once again

>the age of Snyderkino is upon us once again

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Ok... now im hype.

Snyder should just do a batman movie, he's perfectly suited for it

It's look a bit too video game-ish for my taste, but I still like the overall aesthetics of it. I hope it ends up looking more refined

Fatman needs to lay off the beer, he's getting tubby,

I feel sorry for Alfred having to continually remove and replace the Batmobile's machines guns due to Bruce's moods

> Snyderkino

or .. this is your last chance Zack, you fuck this up and dont make us a billion $$$ YOURE FIRED


Snyder never disappoints in the visuals

How do you fire someone who is fucking one of the executive producers?

FUCKN KINO, oh and

is this the new shitskin meme phrase to keep locked on for twitter purging?

>We live in the timeline where Snyder makes Batman and Superman movies and Donald Trump is the president

Maybe everything's gonna be alright bros

I cant fault snyder on the aesthetics. Its everything else that lets him down

The only director who does interesting stuff with Batman.

don't ever change Sup Forums

>this nigga still having Batman using machine guns

the suits at Warner Brothers are paying the $150 million budget, not Zack Snyder you dumb DCuck.

oh wait, you thought Zacks funding this?

>It's predicatably terrible
The Marvel Paki who made this didn't even finish his English classes. Back to the poo with you!

holy shit

the enemies are now parademons, nobody will care


I wouldn't say the only one, but it is nice that he's made Batman a bit more than human in terms of physical feats.

why is he fucking white


Live action Batman has not come close to looking this good or actually Batman-like.

Fuck critics and Facebook meme opinions.

You mean ZACKINO?

He's Pacific islander

Why a single shot of Batman looks better than all of the MCU combined?


What's a parademon

Because Snyder is an actual filmmaker, not a glorified whore to Disney suits.

But bvs and mos were both great though...

And? hes a fucking shit skin

fucking KEK.
Is BvS worth watching jst fot the laffs?

minions of Darkseid, from the planet Apokolips, if you've seen Batman V Superman they're in the nightmare sequence

It'll probably have all the same flaws as Batman v superman, I'll still watch it and somewhat enjoy it. It will be impossible to have a rational discussion about it because of the same people who couldn't accept BvS's problems. I honestly don't undestand if people shouting "kino" and praising Snyder are being ironic.

The critics and fans complain about literally everything other than batman. Fuck off dum dum


who tied them up in the first place?

Wonder woman, doomsday, lex and the goofy empty symbolism made bvs a bad movie regardless of how well Affleck did

Fucking beast, BASED Zack...i just hope he didn't go overboard with 'muh quips' for the plebs.

20 sec


lol slavs

He can't keep getting away with it!

Fucking lol
he's doing the same imdb pleb pandering shot again for the numale audience. This is videogames, this is reddit, this is "hyped fanboy" nerd pandering culture.

Wow powwow

Extended edition
Dear God Christ almighty

Aww look at the triggered baby with his 19th century political opinions! Enjoy continued irrelevancy! :^)


Fans like it. It's a graphic novel as cinéma. Casuals are the problem.

Stick to Marvel kiddo, adults are talking. I hear GOTG2 has a new trailer go watch that. Now away with you.

>tfw finally Aquamanly KinoEra begins!!!!

>Russian """language"""

>comic book movie doing shots from comic books is pandering



generic cgi army #98761

But user
It specifically doesn't pander
That's why critics and fanboys fucking hate the DCEU

>But bvs and mos were both great though...

I'll give you wonder woman and I'll grudgingly give you doomsday (though i liked the fight scenes) but lex was fucking amazing in bvs. He was chessmaster and puppeteer

What did they mean?

Guess what?
I loved MoS and liked the extended edition of BvS...haven't watched SS yet, might do it this weekend.


No self respecting adult likes any of this marvel or dc garbage. You have to be 18+ to post here, lad. Reddit is down the hall and to the left

Watchmen is my favorite movie but Batman v Superman was shit.

SS is garbage mate. Dont waste your time

This is an art board, Sup Forums. Stop falling for the bell and whistle like good little "i'm such a geek" corporate smoke shows


He actually managed to top the comic by changing the gargoyle to a reaper

Imagine being a marvel pajeet right now and having to witness the glory of kino that Snyder is about to unleash upon this Earth.


>zero Oscars

I don't think you'd know art and visual extravagance if it fingered your urethra

*goes back to Sup Forums to complain about Snyder not being faithful to comics while MCU is totally awesome*

Been saying that while lamenting over MoS, but got called a dipshit for saying so.


I mostly watching for qtKatana and Harley, also for El Diablo, his last comic mini was pretty good.

the age of Alpha Chad kino is upon us, marvelcucks back to their cuck sheds to dye their mistresses armpit hair


feels good to be a DChad

to top in what regard? edgeness?

What was wrong with it?

Without using buzzwords please

Anyone else not really feeling that electric guitar, it just comes off kind of flat

If I saw this in someone's house I'd probably punch her in the ovaries

Katana is barely in it and harley was a disappointment. Diablo has a few good scenes

I like following trends too, user. They make me feel like I'm a part of something. Like I have friends. They help me forget about the loneliness. One of my favourite things to do when someone insults me or says that they don't care about superhero movies is to hit caps lock and type 'DCuck' or 'YOU'RE MAD'. For that one, brief moment, I forget I'm me. I forget that I don't have any friends. That I don't have a girlfriend. That no one would really care if I died. That I'm wasting my youth hanging onto the coattails of a company that I have nothing to do with. I can pretend I've accomplished something, and cling to the success of an industry that would not be affected one iota if I set myself on fire and jumped off of a bridge. That's the power of Marvel. That's the magic of Disney. I'm cold.

>meme actor from the coppola family who tried to get in with the real cinema sensibilities crowd
All the memes are there again. The entertainment sensibility has warped your mind. The "LE MUBIE BUFF"
Sup Forums is a bigger threat to mature cinema and Sup Forums which is why you need to go back there

he's still upset his cuck franchise still hasn't got an oscar

>tfw no reaper statue to stand on...
Not going to lie bros, my dik is hard af, how does Snyder manages to pull these shots all the fucking time?
Or i'm just too used to watching sterile MCU ''''''cinematography''''''?

>Guess what? I like to eat shit!
Good for you, I guess.


I'm a pretty well-known commenter on The AV Club, and I can tell you I get my most upvotes by making fun of these movies lol.

I really hope this isn't as quippy as the comic con trailer made it look.

Well the plot was retarded. Superman legitimately thought Batman had something to do with his mom disappearing. Batman spent most of the time in his car or murdering people, which was stupid. The fight scene was lame and just ended with them fighting a shitty doomsday. It's trash. only good part was not reliving batmans origin story for the 16th time.

I bet you actually watched Iron Fist...

yes i'm sure Native Americans are thrilled lol

what about Moana




Your scripted reaction images are cute but ultimately sad and telling of a desperate MCUck.

absolute state of these marvel paki's

Jesus Christ

Poor pacing, bad acting from everyone except for Affleck and Eisenberg (even from Irons, which hurts me to say), dubstep, literally every scene with Diana was useless, having trailers for future movies in the middle of your current movie, the titular fight was less a battle of wits and strength and always, at all times, one-sided in one way or another, Doomsday was rushed more than Venom in Spider-Man 3 and should have been left out, 99% of it was CG, obvious where scenes were cut to trim the time down to acceptable levels (the scene of Batman stealing the Kryptonite from Lex's tower would have been interesting), Lex was more like the Joker or Riddler than Lex Luthor.

It was awful like the 26% indicates, but it was certainly 'bad' and worse than most, if not all, MCU movies.

>we are now in a time where trailers have trailers and release dates
jesus christ i hate what manchildren and millennials have done to cinema.

>lean but muscular batman

this is way better than Afflek, he looks like a buff midget

The Marvel bot is still active I see.

>muh children's books for adults