I got a question. How fucked up are you?

I got a question. How fucked up are you?

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Do people in that part of america really talk like that, where does it come from? Sounds like at least three different kinds of wog accents mixed into one

In Democratic Portugal, Boston sounds like Shit-on

Yeah, but Boston sucks ass anyway so

Yes, there are people in Boston who really talk like that, but it's mostly just firefighters, cops, and department of public works employees.

Come here and say that to my face you fuckin quee-ah.

leo really got the short end of the stick here

he just wanted to be a good cop


Got a right minda shove a southie grindah so far up your kuweer ass your shitting wicked hoagies for a month


Who are you?

I'm the guy that does his job, you must be the other guy

Problly had two accents didn't ya yer little fucken snake!

Next family guy moment, I'm calling it! Someone get Seth McFarlane on the phone.

Boston: the only place in the world where "Kahkis" can mean either pants or a device needed to start ur car

I'm the best friend you have on the face of this earth, and I'm gonna help you understand something, you punk


I kept expecting them to pull out bats and beat it to death

Why were Whalberg and Sheen grilling him so hard and telling him he would never be a State Trooper? I didn't understand the scenes with Leo in the office.

Why did you copy and paste someone else comment?

>I didn't understand the scenes with Leo in the office.

they knew he was smart enough to go undercover but first they had to convice him not to be a regular cop

>You got 1400 on your SATs, kid. You’re an astronaut, not a Statie

It's called a shakedown, kid. They were testing his balls.

Why did you copy and paste someone else comment?

They were testing his mettle with a little banter.

god i fucking loved mark wahlberg in that movie. he was fucking hilarious


Nah, they insulted him a lil bit.

They wanted him to go undercover, not be a state trooper.

whatsa matta smawtass...you don't know no fawkin shakespeare?


>he cannot handle the banter