Other urls found in this thread:
>Amy, you have to lose at least 50lbs
Bitch ugly
there was no fucking way it was ever gonna come to fruition
had to be a stunt from the start, we might be in for something worse
In her defense, her agent told her it was a film about grilling. She was probably expecting to eat the props.
what a glorious day
Her Zionist overlords are finally kicking her to the curb after her repeated failures
>drops out of Barbie movie
Pretty sure that was just the floor giving way.
the studio might have told her to quit to save face for her after the leather special
Clearly the fault of those alt-right trolls
>This is what happens when far-right virgin NEETS bully a solid comedian.
Why am I still even here
She thought it was a movie about barbecue
She left because she's too busy and has a tour coming up. You virgins are so pathetic with needing to come up with any kind of insult to validate your hate for a random person.
Source other then random twitter?
I had the radio on, I was driving
Amy pls.
FUCK trumpf
FUCK white people
Go to the gym, Fat Amy
Does Barbie drink?
>inb4 they cast melissa mccarthy instead
>Variety magazine
>Random twitter
Amy calm down and wash your small barnyard animal.
you fucking alt right trolls have gone too far this time
She's solid alright
this, it had nothing at all to do with "no fat chicks"
Get out of here Chuck you dont have to defend your relative
This tBhFaMaLaMdinGdOnG
She's using scheduling conflicts as an excuse. We all know that's bullshit. Bitch probably knew it would be shit so got out while she still could.
She got her free press cycle for the news so that's all that matters
We're shitposting because it's fun. You nu-males are so pathetic with needing to come up with any kind of defense to rescue your fair-maiden from the "ebil internet hate" coming from a random person.
2017 is funny as fuck
Good move by her honestly.
Being in a Sony produced blockbuster flop is career suicide. Just look at Andrew Garfield and the Ghostbusters girls
good, now can we please get a latinx trans midget to play barbie, they are under represented and i'm sick of seeing blonde white women everywhere.
Kermie backs it's decision 100%
They should just get that couple who had tons of plastic surgery to look like Barbie and Ken.
Fucking Don't
this and FUCK FRUMPF
Well you Alt-right bastards. Look what you did. Sometimes you guys go too far.
can i le get le slow le walkup xdd
How will you guys feel when she kills herself from all the cyber bullying?
>just look at Andrew Garfield
Yeah and? Starred in Mel's fantastic WWII film and that silence movie I've yet to see but heard only good things. What's your point? His career seems to be going great.
One less unfunny comedian shoved in our faces.
>amy I need you to lose 50 pound by filming
>I'm putting you on a 1000 calorie diet
>amy you've gained 3 pound in the past 10 minutes
the bogdanbots inside you can do it for you.
Hacksaw Ridge was terrible and I havent seen Silence yet but regardless being in a Sony film is like wiping a poo stain on your career it takes years to recover
>Solid comedian
She's jiggly as fuck
Lets be real she was only fired because she is white
>hacksaw ridge was terrible
Opinion disregarded. I think there's an iron fist or legion thread you're missing out on kiddo.
>Sometimes you guys go too far.
Not far enough, I'd say.
Nigga he was nominated for an oscar last year
But her fat ass will be so brave
Who the fuck are these guys?
Everyone did horrible accents, Hugo Weavings dad character was laughable. War scenes were decent but the story was contrived as hell. I think it might be the most poorly miscast thing ive seen in years. In the lexicon of war films its definitely in the upper-lower half. It aint no Come and See or Das Boot my man.
Point about Sony still stands. Cant argue with that
For Silence? Couldnt have possibly been for Hacksaw
speak for yourself, cuck. my opinions aren't shitposts.
Great. She did not fit the role at all. They need someone who looks the part and that has comedic timing. While they will likely pick someone more relevant I think that Anna Faris should play the role. Imagine Chris Pratt as Ken. That'd be a hilarious movie.
that, is literally, the, definition, of, shitpost.
she's 2cute
She's jewish m8
Like she didn't know she had a tour coming when she signed on.
Too busy failing, I'd say.
Who the fuck is this fag?
>Barbie movie
>Starring a chick who literally only makes middle-school level sex jokes about how she's a smelly whore
What exactly were they thinking here in the first place
>Drops out
Guess blaming the Hacker Known As Alt Right for your 15 minutes running dry didn't work.
a tranny spic with awful art
who is this semen 2demon?
>random person
Pretty sure the thread is specific to Amy Schumer.
guess Hollywood is finally realizing that they are going to have to find another female comedian to force into the spotlight since Schumer is so unlikable.
Anyone else here think she is sexy and thicc? She's practically mommy-tier when she's got makeup on.
I want her to sit on my face desu
wait, the mentalcrash who trips here is the same who draws TF fetishes?
Delusional libcuck
Stealing jokes and having Hollywood try to force feed her as a 'attractive female lead' is the specific reason why I dislike her.
Live action Shrek when?
the thing is, she WAS about 10 years ago, that's why she got popular, as in "is she actually attractive or not? my dick can't really tell" She lost all her bearings about 3 years ago
The entire liberal SJW mania is finally crashing hard.
Very happy to see it happen.
The world is finally starting to understand that liberalism is a form of mental illness
>one actress drops out of one movie
how in the fuck did you make the leap to what you said?
>mommy tier
Infantile incest faggot
Triggered libcuck.
The world is crashing gown around you.
She didn't drop out, she was forced out. Everyone hates her and her kind
Dadario should dye her hair blonde and play Barbie