>tfw Herzog is probably gonna make a Trumpdocukino
Tfw Herzog is probably gonna make a Trumpdocukino
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>Ze Magnificent Trump, rests on his White House chair, royally as he was always meant to be. But this was not meant to lazt.
Been a big fan of Herzog for 15+ years, if he shits on Trump I'll drop him so fast his head will spin
Why, he's still a great director. Are you really rhis insecure about anyone that criticizes trump
just like how your mom dropped you on your head as a baby
>"free speech" advocates
It's lazy.
Shut up.
So someone you've stuck by with for 15 years says something bad about someone you've only liked for 1 year and you'd drop them? you drumpfags really are something else
isn't the article from 2 years ago?
>if he shits on Trump I'll drop him so fast his head will spin
Oh no how will herzog sleep at night if you do this???!!?!?!?!
imagine being this triggered by people with common sense.
>the "Grizzly Man" director
The director probably thought there was something wrong with Trump, like he was mentally retarded or something.
>its lazy
And why is that, herzog isn't the type to go "lol drumpf". He might actually make a unique doc and make a nuanced analysis of trump. No one is above criticism to you guys, so why does trump get a pass
>trump on a throne of dildos with his micropenis out and putin shoving his cock down his throat
it's from 2 hours learn to read faggot
Artists are fucking retarded.
Oh nein! ;_;
>yfw if Klinski was still alive he could play Trump
>that shitty desert movie comes out this year
stop sucking cocks finocchio
maybe I like sucking cocks you vietnam fucking shit
That's why I said 'if'
>that Shia exerpt
>When Pennsylvania came in, there was no video recording space left on Huma's phone. Huma Abedin allowed me to listen to the audio of Hillary's meltdown.
>I hear screaming and I hear "WHY AREN'T I 50 POINTS AHEAD?!"
>Can you turn it off? Huma you must never listen to this. And you must never look at the speech she gave a few days after Election Night.
>I think you should not keep it, I think you should delete it like you did with Hillary's emails.
holy shit that's embarrassing. i hope at least he's getting paid
>still buttblasted
Trumpcucks in a nutshell.
pure autism
>getting paid
What hope does a backseat Mod have to be paid, when the even the real ones aren't?
>Been a big fan of Herzog for 15+ years
i believe you
This just makes me think of the herzog episode of the boondocks.
Get used to it, it's gonna be 8 more years
>I'll drop him so fast his head will spin
what ever will he do!
Herzog is so fucking autistic
kek dont be so thin skinned
>20 pages
Genuinely autistic.
Libfags, not even once.
>but this was not ment to lazt.
fucking spot on, haha
Trump has no chance to win in 2020 after what he's doing to the white working class. But it will be interesting to see how the dems alienate their base next time.
It's interesting that everyone waxes how much everyone would appreciate a real centrist candidate that would appeal to all Americans, while ignoring the fact that moderates don't give a shit about politics because they have no opinion and have no reason to go out and vote.
>trump documentary
>Somehow turns into a monologue on the cruelty of nature
dude I voted for him too but if Herzog makes a Trump doc you have to know its going to be unlike any other perspective we've seen thus far. Trump deserves to be criticized as well as praised and I have little doubt Herzog would deliver on this. I hope he makes one
this desu
my list is so massive from all the people i've dropped. i even dropped real life friends for this shit too, and told them to move to the middle east and get killed by goat fuckers.
But why?
At first this worried me, like he's jumping on some drumpf bandwagon in un-herzogian fashion. The image makes me think otherwise though and it might be good, even great, though I'm sick to death of trump and politics in general
>herzog narrated planet earth never
He's not wrong. I support Trump. He isn't perfect and I don't agree with his policies but that man can get away with anything! The madman!
He probably just spams this image in every off-topic political shitposting thread he sees. It's really more of a slant on the board that he's done it so many times.
It's hilarious how obsessed fanny-fumbled lefties are over Trump, he's all they can think about
Of course he's not nearly as bad as Keith Olbermann, but still, to make a film about somebody just for shits and giggles?
I like how calling her "goofy" triggered her into overdrive.
Ironic, huh? Yet to hear them, conservatives ALWAYS advocated for free speech, more freedoms, and more rights. Goddamn teenagers piss me off so fucking much. If I were to go back in time I'd kick my teenage ass for thinking I knew everything.
He's an alpha male. every leftist "male" is a beta bitch, all they can do is tweet at him in frustration or spam negative articles about him on reddit.
>he won't step foot in white house
LOL goofy bitch, get back in the kitchen
Almost as much as alt-righters are obsessed with Jews and cuck porn
it's hilarious how you think people would shut up about Trump despite you never shutting up about Trump.
>hates tweetstorms
>yet supports Trump
lol. try reading the content instead of mere reaction.
>misogynist Trump supporter
try and be a little less cliché, guys.
Herzog is always a humble observer. Dont expect it to be very political if it even gets made
You realize he couldve spent the entire duration of Grizzly Man calling Treadwell delusional but instead chose to be respectful
>-nipples protruding-
Calm down Elizabeth, maybe your base won't completely abandon you for selling out to Hillary next election cycle.
I'm aware. His work the last few years hasn't been his best, I don't think QotD was even released, I'm jsut saying if he takes the lazy anti-Trump route (which I wouldn't expect from him) I'd drop him. I readily admit it could be good or even great.
>Bernie Sanders is authentic
Literally the worst meme
go straw(wo)man at your beloved /r/The_Donald, trumpfag
Sorry for triggering you
>triggered by anti-Trump posts
>"lel no u r teh triggert"
cry more.
>approval ratings
lel the next 8 years are going to be fun
It's lazy because Trump makes it so god damn easy.
>after several minutes Donahld decides on ze tweet he likes
>with the touch of a fingah he haz effectively controlled the maynestream mediah cycle for weeks
>to some, Donahld Trump is the most powerul force of nature ze world has evah seen
>Trumpfags so insecure about a documentary being made
If you've ever actually seen one of Werner's documentaries, you'd realize he has a fair perspective.
you mean like the Trump campaign themselves with their perfectly valid, totally unbiased "polls"?
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha cry more.
>posting polls
Because we know how well the polls worked in the election.
Nice job deflecting from your polls not being able to predict shit, you're just proving my point further that polling is for morons.
>I hope we never find life on other planets because theres no doubt the US Government would start sending them money
>approval poll
wow, trumptards really don't understand polls, do they.
>still believing in polls
I bet you also believe in evolution without looking at the facts. hillary is winning guys!! the polls say so!!
You're right about the dumbass fucking over his main voter base (overlooked midwestern, flyover poorfag whites), but wrong about how moderates don't have a reason to go out and vote. They'll like a guy and maybe dislike the other one, enough to get them to go vote. People like my mother, who is a fucking idiot, don't even bother voting because they're idiots. Anyways, what did poorfags expect out of an asshole who got to where he is by fucking over poorfags? The only thing worse than a politicians is a businessman.
>can't understand that I think polling in general is retarded and not indicative of what the general public actually believes
>Herzog is always a humble observer
Have you watched Encounters at the End of the World?
He nearly shits on everyone there.
Picture has already been proven false, yet you keep posting it, no wonder you guys are so bad at winning anything
Fuck off faggot, I love Herzog, and also trump, but Herzog can do what he likes. His voice is the most calming thing
and you don't know the facts unless you have some kind of statistical measure.. like, a "poll."
Polls are indications. The fact that you don't believe ANY poll just because of the election just shows how stubbornly idiotic you are.
And yet he still won lel
he still won... at being unpopular? wew. good one. you really got me.
This. Even Matt Stone and Trey Parker said they weren't gonna focus too much on him, shit gets old when it's mainstream and easy. Man, at Trump has been giving chances for chortles more times in the last 2 months than Bush 2 did in 8 months, if not a year. I'll be surprised if Trump doesn't fuck something massively enough to give him the boot.
He won the presidency you fucking idiot.
>He's going on now about President Trump, saying, "He's the first time you have a real independent. He's turned against the Republican Party, and he's vehemently against the media, justifiably so to some degree, and I find this a very significant novelty. I see significant changes and significant new approaches. Trump and Bernie Sanders stuck out because he's authentic. And it's mysterious how Trump is getting away with literally everything. I see it with great, strange fascination. Very, very unusual." He refuses to specifically say whether he likes Trump or not, but it often sounds like he does.
>free speech means you have to listen to everything anyone says
>He refuses to specifically say whether he likes Trump or not
That's a yes
BASED Herzog
you were a fan on werner herzog in the womb?
Are we the penguin, Sup Forums?
... and? how does that change him being the most unpopular and divisive president in US history.
saying "hurr durr we won" is like congratulating yourself for winning the Special Olympics.
Not everyone on this website is 17 you dingleberry
That's like saying you won class president against a transexual who ran on a platform of raping pigs and shitting on the american flag. And even then, Clinton won the popular vote. That's not really something to applaud KEK.
you lost the special olympics. how does that feel?
stupid islamachode
>Winning the presidency is the special Olympics
Reddit is strong on Sup Forums these days. It's either idiot lefty cunts like you or blind foolish /r/the_donald cuckboys
Kill yourselves