Thoughts on this film?
Just watched it and holy fuck this is one the most sweat inducing films I've ever seen
The Hunt
More films and media is required that tackles the issue from other viewpoints than the one that simply gives the audience the release of seeing a literal rapists or molester (child or otherwise) getting their comeuppance at the end. The way in which we discuss and handle these issues in western society is both sick and illogical when all parties are concerned.
We've gone through it too much times already, you'll only get pedo shitposts.
In short, Sup Forums unanimously likes it and it's a great representation of the serious dangers of false allegations.
its an good movie, nothing great, nothing bad
the fact that you said its 'the most sweat inducing film I've ever seen' tells me either you're underage, fat and incredibly out of shape, or otherwise retarded, or maybe just a ledditor
its really nothing special
it's a good movie 'n' all but idk why you were sweating m8
Name 3 (THREE) more sweat inducing movies
>Tfw they kill his doggo
>the fact that you said its 'the most sweat inducing film I've ever seen' tells me either you're underage, fat and incredibly out of shape, or otherwise retarded, or maybe just a ledditor
I'm 20, fit and definitely a led enthusiast.
No but really, I really cared for his character and that he was so purposely and powerfully shunned away and well - hunted down for something he didn't do.
Like 40 minutes in and everything after that, I was just glued to my seat.
>its really nothing special
Then please give me a list of at least 5 films that do shit like this so well.
>Just watched it
i wish children would leave this place
not that user but The Wages of Fear, Fail-Safe and The Vanishing
I had a friend back in school.
He visited his uncle's family with his mum and dad in another town.
He has a cousin, 6 years old or so. He is like 14-15.
Evening comes, parents go out to have fun, leave the 2 kids at home.
Friend gets bored and eventually horny because 14 year old.
Goes to computer to watch some porn and fap.
Little cousin wont stay alone in one room comes after him.
They watch porn together. Friends starts fapping cousin asks what are you doing. Explain to him.
3 hours later parents come back home. Lil cousin comes to the door to greet them
Mommy mommy user taught me to do this to my pee pee *hand gesture imitating fapping movement*
Go the fuck back.
These sort of things are surprisingly common, and almost always dealt with in an unhealthy manner.
Though of course, they could be avoided more regularly if parents talked to their kids about these issues more often and in a more sensible way, and society just being more open in general when it comes to discussing these things.
Why is Sup Forums so mean
Not cool
off the top of my head:
>black swan
>children of men
>victoria (2015)
>silence of the lambs
>mystic river
>the lives of others
>the thing
literally any good horror, thriller, action-thriller/ or crime-thriller movie
>silence of the lambs
>mystic river
It's so scary how this could easily happen to any of us single white males.
Imagine having no friends to defend you in a situation like this, at least Mads had some friends.
define ''shit like this''. is it a very specific sweat inducing? the kind you get cus you're afraid of being falsely accused of paedophilia?
Your friend is a nonce, unlike based Mads
lmao what a reddit list
>black swan, children of men, victoria, mystic river, the lives of others coming anywhere near The Hunt in terms of gut wrenching sweat
And the other films you mentioned induce a completely other type of "sweat" than The Hunt
what? you honestly mean the hunt is better than alien, or black swan?
I refer you to
also, I said off the top of my head. what'd you pick?
What's wrong with silence of the lambs?
The Devils.
Being 20 or underage is the same concerning these things
>Responding to a frogposter with shit taste
Why'd you do it, user?
that does sound pretty tense, yu perv
The question isn't which is a better movie, but which movie generates more of that gut wrenching sweat and internal rage you get in The Hunt because you see a relatable innocent character being so mistreated and fucked over.
And yeah, The Hunt is most definitely a better film than Black Swan.
Idk, the movie just made me really paranoid and cautious about what might happen next. Anxious is the right word I guess, a lot of the things in it just made me really uncomfortable and paranoid about what might happen next.
ah yes, the ''falsely accused-thriller drama''...a classic genre, with many good movies to pick from
The point of the movie isn't just falsely accused pedos you mongoloid, but the serious consenquences of any serious false allegation which could end your work and social life no matter what evidence you have.
Just one newspaper title "user on trial for rape" is enough to end your life completely and no matter what you do there will be people who think you did it (that's why the shooter at the end of The Hunt is represented blurry and not clear, because in reality it could be anyone)
OP didnt refer to the specifics origins of the 'sweat inducement', therefore making all sweat-inducing (including black swan which is objectively the better movie) relevant for comparison.
u seem rattled. did I rattle you?
this movie is a good example of why i stay away from kids
it should be a good example why you should stay away from women in general
one public "user SEXUALLY ASSAULTED ME" and you're fucked
it wasn't the little girls fault, it was her parents fault and that fat pedo inspector guy
What was her endgame?
America is perfectly fine with violence, thank you. We don't have any intentions of describing how perfectly natural sex is.
Yeah all those great movies to pick from like.... eh... and....
panic room
6th sense
and by these three movies, I mean watching them for the first time AT THEIR RELEASE
das boot
panic room is shit. SHIT!
nah it was pretty good when it came out
obviously its not as good in 2017
Why? It's a solid and intense thriller.
No man.
If a film is tense, it's still tense after 19 years or how many years have passed since that movie.
And that movie isn't at all, Jared leto is boring and the movie is too slow.
>he can watch failsafe without thinking of Dr Strangelove the whole time
>tiger tail ice cream
what the fuck is this
I have watched Fail-Safe before watching Dr. Strangelove and I'm eternally grateful for that.
Also fuck Kubrick for being a pussy kinomaker and suing Lumet just so he can release Strangelove earlier and get all the sweet box office money.