How accurate was Keen's Mexican?
How accurate was Keen's Mexican?
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Accurate... 8/10
Cute? 11/10
is he dead? the little girl was annoying. I hope she gets deported.
she sounded more Caribbean to me
she sounded like my niece when I would change the power puff girls
is there a torrent yet?
>she sounded more Caribbean to me
Sounded nothing like Spanish patois
t. someone from the caribbean
Post her feet
It was ok. Most Mexicans don't look like her, but a minority (about 15% of them) do, and her accent was a little odd but it wasn't that off. I'd give it like an 8/10 for accuracy.
If you're an American: Have you ever seen a Black British man play a Black American character, and it was pretty good but you can tell something isn't quite right? It was like that.
Nah, she didn't sound Caribbean at all.
t. Cuban
>Black British man play a Black American
Is it really necessary to make them black
accurate enough for amerifats
noticeably not quite "mexican" for native spanish speakers
cute as fuck
>You can talk?
>*spergs out in spanish*
kekked so hard I was crying
Shes from Spain. Mira lo!
she still sounded like a spaniard
Strayan here her Colombian was great for a Venezuelan, but she just didn't look Uruguayan enough know what I mean Spaniards?
chicanos also tend to do shit like that
chicanos are just an native type of poor
whatever, they do it all the time
When she spoke English with a hispanic accent it sounded like shit. This is probably because she has a british accent and can't even do a competent U.S. accent. When she spoke full on Spanish it sounded great.
And she was a qt3.14
>English with a hispanic accent it sounded like shit.
That's the fucking point fäm
She looks druged up!
It is necessary, because it's the best example I can think of. White British actors tend to do an excellent job of speaking with American accents, but for some reason black British actors are noticeably "off". I thought they made for a much better example than whites.
I mean she's half Mexican half White, so of course she would look like that.
Not really. She sounded much different that a mexican that has a cursory knowledge of English. I live in south Texas, so I interact with these people on a daily basis.
Or exhausted from playing with daddy
She's probably either tired or irritated.
I'm willing to bet $2,000 that she'll be a one hit wonder.
the dad has the same sort of expression so im gonna say that's how she was told to look. also thats just how her eyes look.
Do it if you wanna lose 2K
>niggers aren't as good as their human counterparts
color me surprised
In the original video, when her mouth is moving, you hear her father's voice. And when his mouth is moving, you hear her voice. It was a joke video for some theatre in Madrid I think.
>White British actors tend to do an excellent job of speaking with American accent
Yeah you've never seen Jason Statham or Orlando Bloom make attempts.
It's fucking embarrassing.
>tfw Dominican the whole time
guess I just got a bad ear