When did the Sup Forums infestation begin on Sup Forums?
I used to come here often probably 3 years ago but got a life and now Sup Forums looks like a shithole ( not that it was any good back then)
Can anyone give me an update?
When did the Sup Forums infestation begin on Sup Forums?
I used to come here often probably 3 years ago but got a life and now Sup Forums looks like a shithole ( not that it was any good back then)
Can anyone give me an update?
Sup Forums mods are too pussy to do anything and most political views of Sup Forums posters align with Sup Forums
You have to go back
Stop being a little bitch, I'm looking st the catalog right now and there are virtually no threads that can be considered Sup Forums. You're just whining for the sake of whining and to get (you)s. Your thread is worse than any Sup Forums thread I've seen in the last few weeks.
>I'm old hurr 3 years ago
You don't even remember this site without Sup Forums
Here's a hint newfag. Before Sup Forums it was what you're crying about now times 3.
Kill yourself Reddit subhuman nigger
White people were a mistske
2010 is our oldest screenshot, but I learned about the jews and how everyone waifus were actual jews thanks to Sup Forums in 2008
I've been here since the beginning, and I can tell you, since the beginning.
actual oldfag here. Sup Forums was always racist but it was never obnoxiously in your face 24/7 racist
how old is this semen demon