Hannity REKS former miss alabama sheboon who called Micha "dindu nuffin" X a martyr

Hannity REKS former miss alabama sheboon who called Micha "dindu nuffin" X a martyr.


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Does the size of her hair indicate her anger level?

Yes.. I believe that fro is a defcon three chimp out

See, I know this is bait, but...

Hannity is just bullying a young black woman who made a video out of personal fear. Micah started a race war, yes, and Kalyn is conflicted due to her race. Her arguments seemed well thought out, and she maintained her composure (mostly) in the face of his strong-arm tactics. Hannity is grasping at any straw he can to make the BLM movement look awful.

That being said, BLM truly IS awful, and SHOULD be expunged. But this isn't the way to do it. Let the dindus keep flinging their feces, and eventually, white America will have had enough, and so will well-meaning non-dindu blacks, and those extremists will be forcibly removed from society.

Why does Hannity talk over everybody?

He chose to have a discussion about 'race in america' with a woman who blames slavery for why blacks can justify doing shitty things? Lol pls, step your game up fox news.

It's his show. So he gets away with it.

>women crying

>I was trying to deal with my emotions

>But first lemme just live stream my thoughts on Facebook

It felt good reporting that fucking hate video to Facebook. Even if those kikes at Silicon Valley wouldn't do anything its nice to know some intern had to look at my request and eat up a part of his day dealing with that.

Another nigress brainwashed by the jews. Blackies actually believe that blacks are killed by police more when it's actually poor criminals being killed by police. A lot of poor criminals just happen to be black.

Very well put. Let me start off by saying, and I think alot of you can honestly agree with me, there is a difference between black people and niggers. the difference being culture. niggers are part of that gang, thug type culture and black people are bullied into it by the dindus because success is a "white mans thing". I feel like the regular normal-minded black people need something to be able to hold on to in order to feel safe and separate themselves from the thug culture that they are being bullied into. Once that happens the BLM movement will start to lose composure as the rest of nation won't have to tip toe around the elephant in the room that is racism because now it won't be a race thing, it will pull out the true face of the enemy which is thug/nigger culture. Black people need to stand against BLM along side whites.

>post retard shit on jewbook
>get fired
>'muh conflicted feelings!'
>'..at that time'
Niggers will never ever admit personal responsibility. If some white guy publically said Dylan 'clear the church' Roof was right, then tried to backpedal the next day, he'd have the DOJ up is ass looking for a hate crime. Guaranteed the end result of this interview will be the huffpo, salon and probably the JewYork Times calling Hannity a racist white male etc.

Why do Niggers have to post video on every social media to deal with their Emotions?

Do they even have Emotions or are they children in grown up bodies craving for attention?

I rock rough and stuff with my afro puff. Rock on with yo bad self.

except micah is a martyr. by definition he is, hedied for a belief

she's a fucking asshole, listen to her doubletalk. she loves the shooter.

This is the power of the mainstream media and they're too fucking greedy to realize this. The anchors are too scared of losing their job instead of having a backbone and saying "hmmm, maybe covering white on black killings in mass might actually have some kind of affect even if it does give us more ratings..."

People now think blacks are being genocided and blacks are thinking this is Civil Rights 2.0 and are eagerly joining this movement because why wouldn't you want to fight for something that sounds glorious and historic when you have nothing else big in your life?

>Died for a belief while murdering people

That's not how it works Ahmed.

wtf did Hannity have a stroke? Look at half of his face drooping.

The thing is their demands are outrageously foolish. The BLM movement is silly to begin with, honesty when I first heard of it I thought it was joke. When I realized is was serious I went out and actually bought more ammo..

cleopatra jones hasnt aged a day

BLM goals is so completely broad it can hardly be considered a movement. The most common I hear is "equality". Other than that the other demands are from more militant black supremacists running around saying they support BLM.

This whole fucking thing is Occupy Wall Street: The Nigger Edition.

Why does the shooter guy have a jewish name anyway? What's up with that?

White people (men) in general are spineless and weak now days.

Too much comfy for too long. Now the hyenas are moving in. That is an observation. Not a feeling.

>when the zyklon trump hits

Fuck off sandnigger

A martyr DIES for their religion, they don't KILL for it

That thing was Miss Alabama?

I've seen some Alabama girls, how the fuck?

gb2reddit desu senpai

Cool story, except I can garunteed I'll be stacking those hyenas if they come sniffing around my front door looking for conflict. Not even fucking around. I've been stock piling ammo since the start of the BLM. My wife can shoot better than most men. Let them come

Thanks, user. Glad to see some reason.

Fuck reddit. You know the problem is their shit culture. Not their shit race.

To be fair, I'm pretty sure he expected to die as a result of his actions. Cop killers rarely get let off the hook. Not a justification, but an observation.

Based Hannity.

groid droid was the true martyr in all of this.

How old is she? I would.

Nigger.. Texas has the death penalty for murder. I'm pretty sure he knew he was playing real life GTA.

it's amazing how their "culture" seems follows them where ever they go

Can she prove her ancestors were killed?

>reparations by proxy

Hence why he knew he was martyring himself.

I bet if a lot of blacks traced their lineage back many are not the descendants of slaves. But according to them 90% of white people are the descendants of slave owners.

It really doesn't. Have you met african/Caribbean immigrants to Europe?

Oh look, another mongrel trying to find her identity by hating her white heritage

to get ratings. he wants controversy.
if there's anything the brits have over us, its decent television

I couldn't even finish watching. He's the worst talking head Fox has on the air these days.

It really is simple.

Go outside and look around you. Without any emotions or guilt

What do you see? White man?

Where ever but not whenever. They used to live up to a higher standard when they weren't accepted because they wanted to BE accepted. After the civil rights movement it seemed like they decided to ride the guilt wave out
>Hurr durr slavery
>Hurr oppression
Instead of taking advantage of the new found freedom by trying to get jobs and get educated, they decided that "whitey must pay for their actions".
>I needs the government assistance because I can't get a job due to the lifetime of oppression.
50 years later entire generations of families grow up on welfare because "whitey hasn't fully compensated for past discretions". Well once again they find themselves dissatisfied with their place in America. A place they dug themselves into all on their own. So what do we do? Claim racism demand more handouts from whitey and sit back and get paid.

This lifestyle needs to stop eventually. They need to let go of this 5 decade old grudge and actively engage in trying to better their communities from within and stop blaming white people for their hardships.

I agree, that's why I said that.

Pretty sure the vast majority of blacks are just shit, senpai.

Sure I won't disagree. Maybe racially they have some kind of mental disorder that blocks the ability to think rationally and interact with other humans on a logical level.

The biggest problem is the culture, but genetics play a role in behavior as well.

The problem with Hannity and Liberals is that they think niggers are just like you and I, when that can't be further from the truth. Niggers don't think like we do, their idea of justice is an eye for an eye. If someone from their Tribe A (a nigger) attacks a person from Tribe B (a cop) and Tribe B defends themselves with a gun and kills the attacker from Tribe A, niggers want "justice" in the form of the death of the person from Tribe B. Even though all they did was defend themselves, all they can see is one of their own is dead so in order for there to be justice, the person from Tribe B must also be killed.

Funnily enough they never extend that sympathy back, if someone from Tribe A rapes and kills someone from Tribe B then it's the usual of "DEY DIDN DU NUFFIN" every fucking time. We as adults have to stop seeing niggers as equals and start seeing them as a form in between Monkeys and Humans.

Black on black violence suggests there is less very little tribalism among blacks.

We should have sent them back..

>what are gangs, gang shootouts, and drive-bys

Historically, blacks have always been more likely to commit crime.


None of that as to do with a system of justice. Gang members believe they're at war.


Holy fucking dodging the questions batman.

Did she pre-write the interview? Sounds like she's just reading from a script and not stopping.

Why is everyone defending Hannity? The nig just said what was on her mind then backpedalled and changed her views once she talked to some people.
Who cares, move on.

So she was stripped of her crown?

she lost her job and doing damage control.

I am unable to sit through more than 30 seconds of his show due to that

Because its about holding people responsible. She didn't spout off her opinion to a close friend in her own home or at a restaurant. She fucking livestreamed it on Facebook and then it became a top trending topic yesterday.

She actually rekt him. He kept asking her the same stupid question and she kept shutting him down. He was just talking as if he was winning the debate so the stupid morons who watch his show would think he won. I'm actually embarrassed for you for posting this. You're a moron

She needs to mow her hair down.

>Black on black violence suggests there is less very little tribalism among blacks.

It's all tribalism, blacks will literally segregate themselves based on colors (Red for Bloods, Blue for Crips) and defend their territory based on those colors. When a nigger does something, even when they know they did it, against someone who isn't black, a nigger will always have another niggers back.

Why doesn't anyone ever answer a question with a yes or no?

crack is a hell of a drug

Has anyone noticed how the most White hating negroes are usually light skinned?

This is what Hanity does alt he time. He would repeat the same thing over and over whether he's right or wrong or keep asking the question until they concede..

Sometimes it's actually done at the right time, especially when he's dealing with politicians who are good at dodging the question. Otherwise it's just fucking annoying and makes me want to stop listening the moment he starts an interview.

It was so annoying listening to his show while the Iran deal was going on. He'd end almost every other sentence with "are we really willing to risk the lives of the American people?"

shut the fuck up, I'm so sick of hearing this bullshit

I don't care if this isn't an argument, I just want faggots like you to stop ignoring evidence

probably bitter they were so close to being great.


Niggers in all honestly are like Pit Bulls, the majority of them will turn vicious sooner or later. It doesn't matter if its the head nigger of the united states. That is just biological fact.


SHe actually got over on him. Hannity did his usual schtick of trying to interrupt and fluster (like a ten year old on Xbox Live!) and she just calmly spoke and made her point. Not Sean's best moment.

theres quite a bit of in-fighting for niggers. see, we see them all as niggers, but darkies despise the lightskins

Her hair looks really fucking retarded.Seriously.

She's arguing from emotional like most black people do concerning 'racial' matters. When the shooting happened she reacted based on tribal feelings. Now that she's getting heat she's trying to portray herself in a socially acceptable way. The way she was smiling during the interview tells me that she really feels happy that those officers were killed.



some are all right and red pilled
pol makes them out to be boogey men but there are some cool ones

They're the only ones smart enough to form something resembling an argument. Dark skinned negroes are just as hateful, they just usually express it through yelling, tweeting in ebonics, or rap music