Deadpool 2 domino concept art
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She's black god damnit muh comix
Go back to Sup Forums with your racist bullshit.
Sup Forumsposting really picked up after Gamergate when all these autistic nerds started to believe that there's a grand Cultural Marxist conspiracy to ruin all of their hobbies purely out of jealousy. I've been here since 2008 and definitely believe a good amount of the increased right-wing hysteria is a reaction to America electing a black president and gay rights moving forward so much.
Of course they don't realize that they're the hopeless foot-soldiers of Saudi billionaires who control Fox News and other rich reactionaries, because most of them can barely reason at an eighth grade level. You'll see from their responses to this that they have no capacity to think on their own.
>itt: a bunch of fags will argue about race swapping a supporting character they don't really care about from a comic they don't read in a movie they were never going to watch anyway.
Fuck off loser lmao
>How to spot reddit cancer with a simple meme.
Why the fuck don't you fucking nigger faggots stay on your site? Why do you always have to spread out and fucking ruin shit?
Don't really care that she's black, it's fucking capeshit. I only have a problem with race swapping when race is actually important to the character or if it's an historical film. I mean, yeah changing it for the sake of it is stupid, but once again it's just fiction. It's not like it's the end of the world just because some ugly black chick gets a fictional role
The whole purpose of her name being named domino was because she was quite literally white but with a black dot around her eye.
Since when are domino's black with white dots?
This is just an unnecessary racial statement.
Yeah the right is really the free speech side, huh?
Pretty fucking hot desu
Let's hope we see some titties
>Bayonet on an uzi
This "diversity" shit is getting out of hand. OP pic is genuinely hurting my autism.
now you're really reaching.
I can post fucking blue domino's with red dots.
Domino's are traditionally white with black dots.
Don't play stupid.
There's a 97% chance you still live at home with your parents you leftist faggot. There's more individualism and "diversity" on literally any fucking board on Sup Forums then there ever will be on reddit where the mods go through the comments with a fine tooth comb.
>a redditor knows anything about other opinions
That's why you come here :^)
Most dominoes are black with white dots....
>w-we don't act like that y-you do now!
Funny as fuck that the left just tries and uses our insults against us
Traditional dominos are black with white dots.
"The name "domino" is most likely from the resemblance to a kind of carnival costume worn during the Venetian Carnival, often consisting of a black-hooded robe and a white mask"
More blackwashing bullshit. She's canonically white. Just more forced diversity pushing their agenda. So tired of this shit.
not buying a ticket
on what fucking planet?
Just because you make up shit doesn't make it true.
If that were case wouldn't the original domino from the comics be black?
>B-B-B-BUT WE WON!!!!!111
>Trump: A president under investigation can’t “govern or lead”
>Sean Hannity: A president under FBI investigation would present "a major Constitutional crisis"
>“More than circumstantial evidence” of collusion in Trump/Russia investigation
>Lindsey Graham threatens Trump with impeachment at Gorsuch hearing
>Adam Schiff Says There’s ‘More Than Circumstantial Evidence’ Of Trump Ties To Russia
>Watch: Sean Spicer literally can’t say no foreign agents are working in White House
>Wash. Post's Robert Costa: Trump Is "Digesting All Of This Information" From Right-Wing Media "Rather Than Just The Intelligence Brief"
>Trump’s wiretapping lie has world leaders laughing at America
>It’s Not Just Conservatives Upset About Trumpcare. Another GOP Faction Is Too.
>CBO: Republican repeal plan is literally worse than no plan at all
Meh, still not as bad as a black Valkyrie or a kike Wonder Woman
>Traditional dominos are black with white dots.
She's hot as fuck. What's the issue?
I'm a spic and a long time comic book reader, probably read about 4 or 5 times the amount most of you have read and 3 times the amount the average Sup Forums. This isn't a problem unless they make her a sassy ghetto black woman. I fear they will make her like deadshot in suicide squad, a pretty gangester dude that happens to be the worlds best marksmen. She needs to be very straightfaced and menacing. visually it looks pretty good, the spot actaully looks pretty gnarly. I want them not to use vitiligio as a reason for it just to spite tumblr autism but whatever. It's reasonable to be Sup Forums but I don't think this is one of those times. Marvel and DC are fucked if they keep racebending though I worry soon they'll start overreaching and racebend someone it makes no sense with.
>he really posted all that acting like I give a fuck
HAHAHAHHAHA holy shit man what a loser
>been here since 2008
fuck off Chanology newfag
>i've never seen a black dominoe with white dots
this is actually the real problem
it is funny though, i wonder if they ever mention it.
I never said that and you're putting words in my mouth.
What's the first thing you think of when somebody says domino? The first thing to pop into your mind is a fucking black domino with white dots? You're full of shit if you say yes.
kek no. Nigger Ape women are ugly as fuck.
>Jews can easily mind control everyone
>us few redpilled guys are the true heroes!
>they want trump to lose because "reasons"
this was when they thought trump would lose of course
>trump wins
>ratings on shows go up
>rich people are going to get richer
What are some movies about Jew hating retards that were secretly working for the Jews the entire time?
>Happy Hanukkah
they are you faggot, white dominoes came about after the invention of dominoes because ivory became fashionable. chinese dominoes are black.
Just cuz she ain't blonde don't mean she ain't hot faggot. What are you gay?
This is tv not pol dumb faggot fucker
>What's the first thing you think of when somebody says domino?
I fap to black girls a lot, but why can't Domino be latina, or asian or indian or native?
Its litreally always go to black with you 'murrikans?
regardless she's white in the comic.
It's obviously done to make a racial statement.
Most people think of dominos as white with black dots which is why fucking domino was white with a black dot in the comic you dunce.
You're literally getting shit from Wikipedia now and passing it off like you're an expert in the history of dominos
>there's only two types of women: black and blonde
Are you retarded?
>say discriminating by race is bad
>discriminate your hiring by race
That's because the left thinks we need to repay niggers for slavery. Basically,
>muh reparations
The left is full of cucks who like black men to fuck their wives.
Those other people you listed barely act and their population is much smaller than nogs combined
Haha you retard.
Maybe the natives, the rest are not, at leat world-wide.
Heck, theres more latinos than blacks in the US alone.
>Saudi billionaires who control Fox News
koch brothers and other texas oil billionaires. not saudis.
the paleocons hate the saudis. trump is a paleocon, same as alex jones, pat buchanan, ann coulter etc... basically it's just a nice way of saying ethnonationlist, which is another nice way of saying a fascist. they are currently fighting with the neocons over control of the republican party. fox news aligns with the neocons, however.
here are early Chinese dominos
Really getting sick of Sup Forums being right.
>Chinese cards were produced by woodblock printing on thin card board. They usually were 3.5 inches long and from one half to one and a half inches wide. Many characteristics of Chinese cards can be seen in European cards. Cards were rounded at the top and bottom and they had markings at both ends to allow a player easy recognition of a card without flipping it over. The most usual back colors were black and red.
>The most usual back colors were black and red
>b-but traditional dominos are black!
to liberls "diversity" just means "more black people" they're fucking rudimentary
anyways, the actual actress is hot as fuck, I would rather her get the white makeup but she could look weird in it. I don't like the whole "reverse" angle they're going for, she's naturally pretty light and it might look more like a skin condition rather than character design
then again, that's assuming the "concept art" is not some neckbeard trying to pass his fanart as a leak
Black dominos are cheaper, and more common than white ones
back colors meaning the dots and not the base
Wow, that girl is so white its kinda gross. like shes pretty but goddamn shes almost a sickly pale color.
Just cuz she ain't azn don't mean she ain't hot.
Oh fuck right off, she doesn't even have any facepaint on.
That white circle on her eye. Marvel is going for the Oscar sweep this year.
I refuse to believe this is real.
For a guy that hates the Saudis, Trump sure does a lot of business with them.
Trump's not really an ethno-nationalist, he just knew that would be a useful plank in his platform to appeal to the non-mainstream Republicans.
Her name would have been Dalmatian with that logic, fucking idiot.
I think it's stupid that they're not making her white, but PLEASE, stop being a whiny bitch. Let them fuck up the comic book character if they want. STOP WHINING!
>Let them fuck up the comic book character if they want.
enjoy more forced diversity nigger cuck faggot
God it looks so fucking terrible, she looks nothing like any interpretation of her character.
Someone saw this character and was like "but she can't be white though."
Claiming this isn't a race statement is indefensible.
Fuck off, Sup Forums, black women can be hot and Zazie Beatz or whatever the fuck her name is, is attractive.
guys I have an idea. Let's make storm white
nice bait faggot, got me to reply.
Can we make Luke Cage white while we're at it?
>black women can be hot
Maybe if you're piss drunk and have no standards.
you never watched Atlanta m8? she's hot as hell
i hope thats something you have saved and didn't just type up.
No, she wasn't. The only slightly visually appealing black women are ones with white features.
guys Quan chi has some black in him, let's completely reverse his skin color and make him completely black with white lines
holy shit youre stupid
>she has to be just barely black enough to be black, but still white enough features to not be hideous
>now blow out her afro and get a YASSSQEEEENSLAAAAYYYY going
guys powder is white but since black powder exist let's make powder black
who cares
I wouldn't even give that much of a shit if they just bothered to make her actually look like the fucking character.
mixed ones are better than fully black ones I'll give you that.
guys Casper is white but since he has a black outline let's make him a black ghost that died during the Civil rights Era
>A movie where a white guy gets zapped by lightning
>Turns into black man
>Society shuns him
>Find he is actually quite special
This would get greenlit.
it's fanart m8, c'mon
I care
I refuse to believe you unless you provide proof.
it's real