Apologize. NOW.
ATTN: Joelfags
I'm sorry that the Sci-Fi episodes sucked.
Is that Mike "I might be a chad but at least I didn't hand the show over to fucking Patton Oswalt and Dan Harmon" Nelson?
>Space Mutiny
>Future War
Still riffing with Bill Corbett and Kevin Murphy after all these years.
Destroying your childhood with Jonah Ray and Felicia Day.
Joelfags need to be gassed for the betterment of humanity.
>Merlin's Shop
>Overdrawn at the Memory Bank
>Time Chasers
>Final Justice
Mike was funnier. Joel was cuter. Fact.
Reminder that Mike WAS the fucking show and Joel is an unfunny, soul sucking asshole who couldnt let the franchise be
>Joel was cuter
said nobody ever
this tbqh. joelfags literally funded this new abomination with their precious autismbux. I can't really blame joel for being a sellout faggot in need of shekels, but I can blame everyone who enabled him
Yeah exactly, the show didn't get awesome until Mike became head writer. This shit under Joel is going to be pure autism.
What's it like being so bitter about things you've never seen or experienced? Autism, -fag suffix, and jew trolling capped off with an anime picture. In less than three sentences.
You must lead a fulfilling life.
Frank > Mike = Joel
here is a serious and important question.
is anyone on earth more likeable than mike?
iv always been /formike/ but its actually sort of embarrassing how wrong the joelfags have been proven
Mike is a hardcore Christian. Church every Sunday, etc.
Even if Joel was good writer, this show is already off to a bad start
>Joe Camel
>New host sucks
>Tom wont have his lovely singing voice
>Props dont have the same charm
his down-home everyman quality is what makes him endearing and likable whereas Joel is a shrill mumbling autist
yes i know. whats the point of your post? hes a hard core conservative
Can i get a quick rundown
>not liking your sleepy voiced narrator
How many of you babyfigs were even alive when this show was airing?
Yeah this.
Joel had the idea for the show. Mike perfected it.
>God Tier
Season 2-7
>Great Tier
Season 8-10 (Sci-Fi years)
>Meh Tier
Season 1
KTMA Episodes
Joelfags candidly ignore than Joel only had
He's probably not a cool guy to hang out with.
Joel needs money and is reviving MST3K through Netflix featuring Felicia Day and Patton Oswalt
You can get a quick pat down.
>a joelfriend telling someone they have autism
I never made you send that man money. go watch some more cinematic titanic and beat your little dick off
Is Joel a part of rifftrax??
>Joelfags candidly ignore than Joel only had 3.5 good seasons. And it was under Mike's writing that made him good.
>Mike started RiffTrax in 2006
>Still going
>Joel started Cinematic Titanic in 2007
>Stopped in 2013
>the guy who makes a living being funny and entertaining wouldnt be fun to shoot the shit with
youre literally retarded
look at their eyes, their smiles
all genuine. not a hint of irony or pain. good guys. hearts of gold. the blessings of god go with them.
>cut to joel
pure sadness and pain. absolute despair. pulled into this nexus of falsehood with that godless goblin oswalt and memegina cunto.
...just wants to go back...back to the prop comedy...back to the 80s..
>wheezes when inhales deep
>barely sings anymore
Dead when?
No, never was. Mike and the rest had the dignity to let the show be
We're going to have to hear camel-girl and Fatton Oswalt crying about Trump and the alt-right when this turns out to be shit and bombs, aren't we?
He did a guest spot on Rifftrax last year, riffing a short alongside the new guy.
How can it bomb? Every nerd with a Netflix account is going to watch it.
Oh god Patton is so terrible now when he talks Politics. Back when he was a solid Standup he'd keep things in persepective and mock his own side as well. Now he's just a fucking blowhard.
He's still not David Cross tier of annoying Leftist Faggot, but he's getting there.
are you implying youre actually going to watch it? you can literally just watch rifftrax. its superior to the mst3k model in every way and has the same cast
is this some stealth shilling or something?
scratch that i misread
netflix is one of those sites that would be willing to lose money on something just to be able to push a narrative
Mike gets splitting migraines. This fuels his acerbic wit, but when they flare up he's not that pleasant to be around.
Rifftrax is great, but there is a certain charm to seeing the three silhouettes watching along with you. Plus there are times you could hear Mike or the bots crack up, or you could hear them breathing into the mic...you don't get that with Rifftrax, it's very clinical in its approach.
Fuck no im not going to watch it. How the fuck do you leap to the conclusion of shilling when I said it's going to be terrible and has shitty casting?
Joel > Mike
I don't get the hate on Felicia Day. I mean this as someone who has never seen a single program with her in it and just perused her Wikipedia page and found nothing to be obviously offended at.
Not this one. May even start paying for rifftrax just to spite them.
give me one reason why joel is better
But seriously it boils down to nerds upset that they attractive women will never be interested in them, so they lash out and pin weird political bullshit onto a show about robot puppets.
>this projecting post whining about projecting
cant even make this shit up
It boils down to beta nerds who prop her up onto this "Queen of the Nerds" pedestal because they think she's attractive in a "might actually talk to me" kinda way and shares their autistic manchild interests despite the fact that she looks like a camel and has no discernible talent.
What's it like spending your life on message boards, accusing everyone who makes you feel insecure of projecting?
im a married man with a hot as fuck wife my man. im just laughing at your dumb bullshit
you keep projecting onto me while simultaneously complaining about projecting
do you have brain problems?
by the way, youre on the same message board right now, or did you not notice that?
So? How does nerds admiring her make her casting a bad choice? The Mads were always secondary characters, her part will be minor.
Would you rather have that fat flop of shit Mary Jo back?
She's ugly and ruined several videogames, also openly attacks Sup Forums.
>do you have brain problems?
You're projecting
Sup Forums is a cesspool of weeb pieces of shit who would rather jerk off to SFM porn than play videogames.
>openly attacks Sup Forums.
That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said about her on Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is most excited about Persona 5, the game that only losers who were bullied in high school play. Compete escapist faggotry.
What are some essential rifftrax?
your stated argument is contradictory
Sup Forums can't jerk off to this.
Top 5 for me are:
Honor and Glory (my fav)
The Wizard
No Retreat, No Surrender
>What are some essential rifftrax?
any of the actual big name or popular movies. mst3k could never do it because of the royalties or whatever but rifftrax can do it just fine
its actually how i watch some newer movies that i would otherwise never watch. like the last airbender
I was split, but now I'm a Mikefag.
Anything Star Wars.
Same, I watched that other Shalamalon movie with Wahlberg like taht.