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Meet your new cellmate, Sup Forums
What a beautiful chocolate man.
How did he keep the hat on his head?
i just feel the need to lay out a few ground rules Mr. Abbadabba
first of all, i am heterosexual - not that there's anything wrong with homosexuality - but, i'm sorry, the door doesn't swing that way
i'm sure you understand
>hover over gif
>maybe it takes a minute
>I've waited too long to move my mouse away
>maybe it's one of those spider crawling ones
>oh, it's just a still image
How would you try to reason with him if you were Beecher?
Also how can a LAWYER be so fucking naive around prisoners?
>Uh...I have aids
That would keep him from raping me right?
Sup got any TITS?
>your options are get raped every night by a nigger or join the aryan brotherhood and become their prag
Wow, i would not want to commit a crime in the USA. Their prisons seem like hell on earth.
Guess im going to have to do a lorena bobbit on his ass
Nah, they had a special unit meant for the AIDS/HIV people.
is this the kind of question white american prisoners have ask themselves on daily basis?
He was a litigation lawyer.
helo adebesi :DD
Well if you're gonna get raped, might as well be from the best.
When he takes my ass, my only recourse will be to shout between my broken bloody teeth:
Hi new roomie, do like this?
Yep. I think violence is the norm in everything above minimum security prisons. Americans wouldn't have it any other way.
>that retarded finale where he kills himself
Literally why
Depends on which season tbf
1st season = he's raping you in public and laughing while doing it, may stab you in the ribs, definitelty coming back for more the next day
5th season = he's a bible-basher and everybodys best friend
>it's the day of your parole hearing
>you've been well behaved your whole stay
>your wife and kids are waiting for you
>*pic related blocks your path*
>*shady musical cue*
Nah m8 you're still going to get the Snicker bar