What are the best comedy films of the 2010s?
What are the best comedy films of the 2010s?
Other urls found in this thread:
your home movies
>there is someone that was born in the year 2010 that has either accidentally browsed this site or does browse this site thanks to the smart phone age of the internet
His name is OP.
that does explains the boards taste now haha
When was this filmed?
Please tell me it's after she lost and really is about to meet with Trump.
I can feel the seething anger, i can taste the frustration.
I don't get it? What, they look old? They're damn near 80.
dude le orange lmao
the inauguration
this was right before hillary walked out to see trump assuming the presidency
What are some films about traitors?
Yeah that was her getting ready for Trump's inauguration.
i'm glad she didn't win, but god how sad honestly
spending your whole like learning and playing the game only to be beat by some mong who decided to run on a whim
Wtf, that webm creeps me out..
That's some uncanny valley shit..
>anonymous officials that they imply are Comey with a picture of him
Meanwhile what everybody is actually saying is that there isn't any evidence for that nonsense and Trump was inappropriately surveilled.
I ironically post "fuck drumpf and fuck white people" to invalidate any opinion that isn't lolbert alt right rhetoric
It's an in joke for my buddies at Reddit.com and Sup Forums
Yeah, you could say I'm edgy. Based Sam Hyde slays le cucks
What are some good films about con men?
someone actually typed this and hit Post
Yeah the way she starts laughing and closes her eyes, but then opens them to look at the guy off screen while still fake laughing is some sociopathic shit.
And I just copied it so I can repost it ad nauseum
>u triggered bro?
What are some good movies about sad, fat fucks living vicariously through a human Cheeto?
What are some good films about broken promises?
Good meme kid
I may have information that you're a pedophile rapist.
All 'm hearing in your post is Waaahhh it was her turn waaaaaa." This pleases me.
What are some entertaining films about pedophiles?
Me on election night: youtu.be
I'd be very careful throwing around Epstein's name, Hillarybilly.
lol what
Anyone know of any good films about bad negotiators?
What's wrong with bill?
Why is his mouth always open?
Why does he look like death?
trump has been trying to be president since the 80s
We won
>saying he might run?
Gotta love how Comey was saying a bunch of "Intel" being reported on was fake as shit. None of this makes it into the press, just the fact that they're investigating the Russia hacks
Me on inauguration day: youtu.be