What is the best stop motion film of all time and why is it Coraline?
What is the best stop motion film of all time and why is it Coraline?
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wtf I don't remember her being so ugly
>mfw all my moms friends tell me I look like Coraline
I don't know what they mean by this.
Let's see.
it means you look like a lesbian lmao
To be honest I sympathized more with Other Mother than with Caroline. She was such a cunt.
this movie makes me feel weird inside i can't really explain it
She was forced to move away from her home town and friends.
Does it feel weird in the penor region?
>The intra-dimensional spider abomination did nothing wrong
Actually isnt OtherMom just female "It"?
Coraline is overrated, fampai.
Corpse Bride > all