Name a better modern philosopher.
Hint: you can't.
Name a better modern philosopher.
Hint: you can't.
go to bed stefan
If one of the primary tenants of your "philosophy" is that you must cut contact with your parents and given money to some quadroon jew, then it's a pretty shitty philosophy.
I just did and you missed it.
saw a hobo abo ranting about someone stealing his trolley a few months ago. Even he would be a better philosopher than molymeme
Pure ideology man
>mfw Sup Forums worships a literal cult leader as their philosopher
Alex 'The Madman' Jones
Not a philosopher
>When Memes Collide
without question.
stef is best
>those two dark voids in places of eyes
He's just another controlled opposition figure
I can't, he is based af
My nigga. This guy gives 0 fucks.
Can we get him to talk about income taxes? this would prove once and for all
What is this, some autistic faggot upset that stephen didn't have the same opinion one time after listening to him for 7 years.
its not just one person, its many, take a look, Common filth read a story from there on CFR #97
0-999: Aristotle
1000-1999: Ayn Rand
2000-2999: Stefan Molyneux
Prove me wrong. You can't. Why?
>solved the problem of objective morality without a god using UPB (David Hume BTFO)
>world's first GREAT parent (in the same way there were no good doctors in the 1100s, there were no good parents until Molyneux came up with his peaceful parenting formula)
>fully funds his lifestyle through voluntary donations unlike academics that leech off taxbux
>is an ancap that understands the reality of race
>best public speaker on the planet, comes up with incredible analogies ON THE SPOT
Here, tell me this isnt cult-like...
>0-999: Aristotle
You dun goofed son
Ayn Rand a shit
>1000-1999: Ayn Rand
And this one is back in 2009
Do they call him Bill Whittle because he got a nose job?
He literally dropped out of his graduate program because no one agreed with his shitty "philosophy".
He has a major messiah complex and honestly thinks that he's unlocked the secret to objective universal morality, and that everyone else is too dumb to see it.
He's a delusional cult leader who, admittedly, is very knowledgeable when it comes to researching people and what's actually going on, but his philosophy is still sophomoric and frankly dangerous.
>Ayn rand
>Peaceful parenting
>"incredible analogies"
What do you guys think of based Bill Whittle?
Is he red pilled?
How are you always in every one of these threads? Fuckin based Bill Whittle every time.
i got the best modern philosopher right here
What do you guys think of based Bill Whittle?
Is he red pilled?
Is it true he is cross dressing now?
Where is the one where a red pill is shopped onto his head
ya he does
Pentti Linkola.
What do you guys think of based Red Pill?
Is he billwhittled?
>solved the problem of objective morality without a god using UPB (David Hume BTFO)
>consistency make subjective axioms objective
Mongoloid detected
>taking DeFOO out of context
You only cut contact with your parents if they are abusive. Calling Stefan a cultist shows how little you care about the context of that story, and how little you care about the truth. Also, not an argument.
>Name a better modern philosopher.
Steph isn't a "philosopher".
this silly negro. he culture.
this pepe is 10/10 desu
This man is a really interesting long-term case study of child abuse. I am going to watch his dauighters mental breakdown unfold with empathetic interest.
Slavoj Zizek
not an argument
more like angry white guy who screams at feminists and sjws like all of you do on 4chin every day
That's not entirely true.
You're to also dafoo your friends and family if they don't match your an-cap ideals.
Also: Molymeme has set it up so "abuse" happens regardless. Listen to his phone calls. He asks if people's mums worked and if she did then she didn't have time for the caller - abuse. If she didn't then she didn't have time for the caller - abuse.
why are japs always so salty?
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is one person
I hope this shitbard gets banned from youtube and has to get a real job
This was honestly a great video
He doesn't make money from YouTube directly but donations. So he could just reupload his videos on another platform. Also he does podcasts and other media. So he could still make a living. And if he was banned, his users would probably rally behind him and donate extra even.
What do you think of billed base Whittle?
Is he red pilled?
The Nu-Male for 2016, or shall I say Jew-Male
Jaden at prom, I'm serious
What anime is that again ? I forgot how to do these things
Being wealthy and autistic must feel so badass.
Are there even any modern philosophers of note? My minds drawing a blank
I'm a better philosopher.
Modern is a code word for dumbed down.
>0-999 : aristotle
>The white knight
He's just an asshole with a camera, not a philosopher.
>you can't.
Not an argument
And who says you are not just another controlled opposition figure ?
I'd be surprised if Molytards could name ANY modern philosopher. It's pretty easy to think your guy is the best if he's the only one you know.
Alan Watts /Thread
Sam Harris would destroy memeyneux in a debate.
If that's our best either society has gone to shit or philosophy was always shit.
You may pick both because this guy is terrible outside of the pol circlejerk
Mencius Moldbug
Check mate
Argumentum Ad Non Argumentum
Argumentum Sum
Argumentum ad Defooum
Argumentum ad non Donatum
Argumentum ex Uno Dollarum
truck bed rusted through?
we'll patch it up like new
at Stefo's garage
Roger Scruton.
Becasue they have to pretend beeing sweet IRL.
tim wise
I think eh's a pretty cool guy
He told some guy to cut off his mother because his mother was clearly negligent and let her son grow up to be a bullied, tortured, introvert.
If you do work too much and you don't give a shit about your children, the CPS would rightfully come in and take them away.
I've noticed some growth and stance shifting on some topics for him recently. He's charismatic. But a charismatic talker doesn't make for a cult leader, sorry. And claiming this is just pure deflection.
The king
Yesus Austria I know you like to shitpost but this is really scraping the bottom of the sewer.
Defooing is a degenerate idea and seriously proposing it is evidence of mental defectiveness.
Pat Condell
Martin Willett
What a genius! Just listen to him.
My cock
He should invite the Argument Man on his podcast.