What are some films about nations that have destroyed themselves in one generation?
What are some films about nations that have destroyed themselves in one generation?
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Children of men
How do you go from Hitler to this?
Fear of Hitler.
A German would rather allow themselves to be ass raped and murdered than appear racist.
Shoo shoo back to your containment board
>Trump: A president under investigation can’t “govern or lead”
>Sean Hannity: A president under FBI investigation would present "a major Constitutional crisis"
>“More than circumstantial evidence” of collusion in Trump/Russia investigation
>Lindsey Graham threatens Trump with impeachment at Gorsuch hearing
>Adam Schiff Says There’s ‘More Than Circumstantial Evidence’ Of Trump Ties To Russia
>Watch: Sean Spicer literally can’t say no foreign agents are working in White House
>Wash. Post's Robert Costa: Trump Is "Digesting All Of This Information" From Right-Wing Media "Rather Than Just The Intelligence Brief"
>Trump’s wiretapping lie has world leaders laughing at America
>It’s Not Just Conservatives Upset About Trumpcare. Another GOP Faction Is Too.
>CBO: Republican repeal plan is literally worse than no plan at all
Leftists literally think this is a good thing. The less whites the better. Besides "race is a social construct ".
Your containment board is that way
Life is the most depressing kino
I see you Shareblue faggots spread to Sup Forums now huh?
>liberal sources
With lots of effort
In the USA it's around 98%
>not realising this is part of their plan to control the economy of europe
The first Reich ruled by divine (christian) right
The second Reich ruled by appealing to a common heritage, language and culture
The third Reich ruled by appealing to nationalism and racial superiority
The fourth Reich will rule by appealing to globalization and a centralized (common) economic system
How is that even possible. Germanies population is like 80 million.
>all articles that literally contain no proof of trump collusion with the Russian government and only bs speculation
Wew I'm gonna start posting these just to redpill people on how ridiculous the media is with this shit
>under fives
>most native Germans have very few children
>most migrants have many children
>literally linking to Shareblue
When the memes surpass the reality
Sorry it doesn't comply with your little echochamber. You can't call something Fake News just because it disagrees with your "alternative facts"
lmao jesus christ could gemany be any more cucked
thats fucking depressing. thousands of years of history, culture, and tradition flushed away in less than a century.
>thousands of years of history, culture, and tradition
they have 500 years of culture maximum
Indeed. That's why pedophiles all over the country are getting arrested every day.
They already got (in two months) 4x times the pedos you murricans usually arrest in a whole year.
HRE was founded in 962 AD so they have roughly a thousand years of culture
can someone tell me what THE FUCK is shareblue
Shareblue is like the infowars of the left, and at least Alex probably believes his conspiracy theories.
>mfw all this time I thought germany was fullblown nazi
>thought they were racist to the bone
>my luck pham had to be from somewhere south of the us border
>be in the us, literally segregation incarnate
>get thrown into some shit tier schools who pander to negros
>all this time germany is 1st world asf and taking in muslims by the millions
>getting beer wench pussy by the pound
I know it's probably too late, I should have bought a one way ticket years ago and never looked back.
A company of people paid to post here.
It replaces the more famous CTR that was employed during the elections.
shit nigga, this pasta is unironic? first time I saw I swear to god I thought it was a polack making fun of delusional libs
A company founded by a former republican to pretty much force the internet to be more left wing through attrition, which is why you see so many people such as who are probably working for them. Not saying all leftist posters are shareblue but this kind of shit just reeks of paid posting, especially because I have seen it so many times today
the image is clearly false flagging though
Say what you want about Putin but him cracking down on NGOs is 100% justified.
Kinda funny, why are we so scared of government and capitalist power? Why all those gloomy future predictions about dictatorships or mega-corporations controlling our lives when its ALWAYS the organized ideology driven organisations that are our downfall? We should worry a lot more about amnesty international or greenpeace and the power they hold over public opinion because those people have ZERO democratic legitimacy.
It's one of the first few examples; people noticed that three or four times, then "pretending to be Shareblue" became a meme and everybody started doing it
No, I used to do this exact thing when pretending to be a marketer on Sup Forums. It's old hat.
Yeah, because that's an ancient habit on Sup Forums. People would call you a shill even if you were legit on Sup Forums, the whole marketer roleplaying is pretty recent on that board, at least after the change of userbase
At least the U.K. left. Right guys?
>permanent dual-citizenship for shitskin colonies
Might as well drive your lorry into the Thames m8
haha yeah............
Uou're operating on levels of irony not yet concieved.
>Accrediting the HRE to the FUCKING KRUATS
What are some films about taking the ultimate redpill and realizing ethnic problems are insignificant compared to the only real issue of class struggle?
It's so sad. To see what's happening and what's going to happen to Germany.
>try to take over the world twice times
no it isn't
>tfw Hitler foresaw the future and tried to prevent it
You gotta give a little extra to the colonies.
>muh precious huritage
>muh accomplishments of people who kind of looked like me 500 years ago that I retardedly take credit for
enjoying the tears tbqh lads
>posting huffpo and shariablue links
End yourself you fucking piece of shit
drumpf blown the FUCK out
Theyve done such a good job dividing us that hardly anyone realizes this. Im not some 99 percenter, but the real foe of the common man is the elite leeches draining our wages and serving us mindless entertainment to keep us occupied, and putting the left vs the right, whites vs minorities, etc. Yes a lot of minorities are pieces of shit, but with proper funding for schools and a fair chance to earn a decent wage they wouldnt be as bad.
Rev up those gas chambers!
Wow you failed history. You could arguably say they wanted to take over a large area of Europe in ww2, but take over the world? No, that's retarded. And in ww1 it was nothing but honor and treaties on both sides.
Germans are easily led.
this is the ultimate falseflag
It's all just a distraction until automation kicks in so that we tear each other to pieces while nobody can get work and the rich get insanely richer. Good times ahead.