Sup Forums post some versions of Satan from film/television.
This is Based Mel's version of Satan from Passion of the Christ.
I love the androgyny of the "mother" and whole perversion of a mother and child thing going on here.
Sup Forums post some versions of Satan from film/television.
This is Based Mel's version of Satan from Passion of the Christ.
I love the androgyny of the "mother" and whole perversion of a mother and child thing going on here.
That scene literally gave me nightmares as a kid.
>perversion of a mother and child thing
>"I believe the Devil is real, but I don't believe he shows up too often with horns and smoke and a forked tail. The devil is smarter than that. Evil is alluring, attractive. It looks almost normal, almost good—but not quite.
>"That's what I tried to do with the Devil in the film. The actor's face is symmetric, beautiful in a certain sense, but not completely. For example, we shaved her eyebrows. Then we shot her almost in slow motion so you don't see her blink—that's not normal. We dubbed in a man's voice in Gethsemane even though the actor is a woman … That's what evil is about, taking something that's good and twisting it a little bit."
>But what about the ugly baby?
>"Again," said Gibson, "it's evil distorting what's good. What is more tender and beautiful than a mother and a child? So the Devil takes that and distorts it just a little bit. Instead of a normal mother and child you have an androgynous figure holding a 40-year-old 'baby' with hair on his back.
That's the anti-christ, not satan.
Lets just get best satan out of the way
unironically kino aesthetics
The guy who animated this comes into my work.
Same. Watched it when I was 10 and the baby traumatized me for years after. Most disturbing image Ive ever seen on film.
he's trying to pervert mommycore into something bad.
>We dubbed in a man's voice in Gethsemane even though the actor is a woman … That's what evil is about, taking something that's good and twisting it a little bit
What kind of sick fuck puts this in a movie for children?
The woman is Satan. The baby might be the anti-christ.
I can lay you out and fill your mouth with your mother's feces, or we can talk.
gibson is a fucking genius desu
Do a little research before you spout off next time.
yeah I'm surprised I never see this in "scariest scenes" threads because that baby's creepy face chilled me to the bone
It's a great scene though! Injun Joe is what really creeped me out as a kid
zoey holloway
Isn't that Satan actually the devil's son?
Passion of the Christ is unironically the greatest film ever made.
Every time I saw his character all I could think of was George Costanza's boss in Seinfeld.
All I can think of is his suicide attempt where he shot himself blind and shit himself, then decided to call 911.
>Daniel von Bargen died in 2015
What the fuck
mels a genius desu
How did he find the phone?
he was phone
My phone is usually in my pocket.
nice quads
>lose leg to diabetes
>other leg turns gangrene
>shoot self in head but only shoot through his eyes and misses his brain
>lives another 4 years, blind and legless
She wasn't representative of the devil, she was representative of the banal evil of bureaucracy.
Literally "just doing her job." Though she was a bitch about it she didn't do anything outside the normal realm of psychiatric treatment at the time.
All women are representative of the Devil, they are literally the Yin.
You're bringing religion into a non religious concept.
The devil and evil is a nonreligious concept?
Yin and Yang is more philosophical than religious.
I did mean Yin and Yang as the non religious concept, I even structured the sentence in the same order as you structured yours.
Oh, in that case I was bringing non-religion into a religion concept by talking about Good and Evil which Y&Y does address and the Christian metaphors that can be overlaid on the Y&Y for Good and Evil are God and the Devil, so women or the feminine form is always representative of evil or the devil, religiously and philosophically.
I think the devil is treated unfairly. God killed way more people than the devil ever did.
Also, it's kind of a dick move from god to let something like him exist to test humanity. After all, he is all knowing and shouldn't even need to test anyone since he already knows the outcome.
Holy Christmas!
Lorne Malvo
>Satan likes to have a cheeky laugh now and then ---Mel Gibson
tenacious d devil best devil
God smashes bad people, the Devil tricks good people into smashing themselves.
The test isn't for God, its for the people being tested to show what they are capable of.
Same here. The scene too when the demon kids are tormenting Judas.
Harvey Keitel in Little Nicky.
> no one said tim curry's darkness
If the devil tricks them doesn't that mean they're not culpable and thus not sinning
Also unbaptised heretics unaware of gospel etc
>If the devil tricks them doesn't that mean they're not culpable and thus not sinning
If somebody tricks you into jumping off a cliff, you still jumped off a cliff and the ground will still find you "culpable" regardless if you think it's fair.
Life isn't bubble-wrapped.
>If the devil tricks them doesn't that mean they're not culpable and thus not sinning
No, there is no entrapment law in the bible
Devil apparently tricks them in ways that would make them disobey god and looking at the whole garden of eden situation, god really doesn't give a shit why you disobeyed
God doesn't smash bad people, though, god smashes whoever he pleases
wtf? I hate Mel Gibson now.
>satan is a whitey
can white people die
God is the source of all that is good, so by definition whomever God smashes is bad.
the best
This is my favorite depiction of satan
>as a kid
God is the source of everything as he is the ultimate creator.
Free Will is the source of evil and that is the one thing God removed from God's own direct influence and the one thing that allows man to remove himself from good.
This movie was such a disappointing snoozefest and Al Pacino is hammy af. How pleb do you have to be to enjoy it?
TV devilkino coming through.
So satan is literally free will?
>fridge body
>anorexic arms and thighs
>trashy make-up
>no tits
Sry, not seductive enough
Satan is the perversion of Free Will to consciously choose that which is not God.
I am a 28-year old white person and I still haven't watched Passion of The Christ and I am not an edgy atheist
Any films that depict satan as the most beautiful creature in the universe? You know, like it says in he is in the bible.
You have to post the shitty remake?
The real dogs are scarier because they attacked the trainers in the original.
This one is great because Satan is compelled by circumstance to rent out a dumpy office space in the ghetto
How is that perversion of free will? How would free will be perversed by there being a choice that is not God, that just sounds like regural free will.
I said beautiful.
That rabbi is branded as a Christian apologist by other Orthodox Jew for suggesting that Jesus is actually a hero to Jews like Bar Khothba.
watch its a good movie
its amazing some one hasn't posted the smoothest cat from hell
best scene in the film special like how his feet are covered in tar
Satan isn't the perversion of free will... Satan uses free will to influence decisions that are ultimately made by humans as a fuck you to God because that was his vow, to corrupt humanity the way he was corrupted, by sin.
First sin of Satan was pride (refusal to bow and worship/protect humanity).
Second sin was envy (jealousy that God loved humanity more than he thought God loved him).
Which led to Wrath and the war in heaven, Adam and Even could very well have eaten the apple from the tree without Satan being involved in influencing them. Free will is the freedom to make a decision, even if that decision disobeys an order, if you disagree with that then you tell me who persuaded Satan to disobey orders of God? Despite the fact that Angels had less of a reason to turn against God because they were made to be followers with less freedom than humanity, which compounded the anger that Satan felt.
All have choices, you find in your darkest moments that turning to sin seems like a quick fix to end that inner pain. You stay off that path and you're good. The shit that the bible added in about Baptism and all that shit? Ignore it, you don't need a Baptism to get into heaven, those same freaks that say that will encourage you to get circumcised (a demonic ritual sacrifice to the demon Baal Berith). You ignore that shit and be a Christian, live like Christ, be humble, charitable and keep God in your heart, not some false temple with a baptism pool for extra GODLINESS!
Take care.