>You're too desperate to be gay
What did she mean by this?
>You're too desperate to be gay
What did she mean by this?
Bump. I really wanna know!
She meant that homosexuality is actually a centuries old ploy initiated by the Asiatic Jews in an attempt to glorify and convert strong virile men of other ethnicities to avoid procreation and subsequently allow the less powerful sect of our species to dominate the gene pool.
Thus, being desperate to overcome the white man and his strong genes, means Cera (a well known Judaic actor) is not gay
Fucking far out
I used to think this woman was a 10
The whole thing looks absolutely typical now - a complete red-flag, insta-no.
Is she the reason 99% percent of all chicks today think this look is "alternative"?
Nah. It was the emo/scene kids. Ramona was just a hipster.
This was when "hipster" was still cool. It's a product of it's time I think. I enjoyed it when it first came out.
Getting dick as a gay guy is like getting dick as a woman. If you're the target of male libidos you basically have no excuse.
she meant
>wow micheal cera you sure do look like a fucking beta faggot with your weird crooked nose soft feminine features, and curly haired shirly temple hairdo. Rachael Maddow looks more like a man than you do. I'd rather be fucked by Maddow wearing a strap-on than you. I bet you piss sitting down.
I love SPVTW as a franchise (books and movies) but it only occurred to me fairly recently that Ramona is a laughably terrible grill, considering her role as Scott's dream woman.
>Serial cheater
>Dabbles in bisexuality
>Unapologetically aloof and distant (if not downright rude) all the fucking time
>All of that gets swept under the rug and Scott's the one who has to apologize to everyone
>For dating Ramona and Knives (never a serious gf) simultaneously for like 5 minutes
Seriously, what the fuck?
Books and movie* singular
Well, Scott is also just kind of a dick in general.
The end of the book shows that they're both getting better, together
Yeah but MEW is charismatic as fuck as Ramona.
>Scott is kind of a dick in general
Yeah I get that but in his shoes I still wouldn't touch Flowers with a 10-foot pole. Damaged goods is an understatement.
Well, it's a dopey proto-Tumblr Canadian comic. He's not going to not date her because she's a slut with brain problems
Knives > Ramona
Yeah :/
Honestly disappointing that such an interesting/compelling series had such a bluepilled ending. He should've realized Ramona was no good and gotten back with Kim tbqh
>Mentally unstable gook with a crazy dad
No thanks.
I'd rank the grills this way
1. Stacey
2. Kim
Power gap
3. Knives
Power gap
4. Ramona
5. Roxy
Roxy is better then Ramona desu.
im actually going to fucking vomit
In the movie I agree for the most part
In the books she's a caricature of a lesbian separatist landwhale, literally every Sup Forums stereotype of tumblrinas you could think of
Honestly, Scott should have gotten with Envy again
Damn how did I forget Envy
It's been a while, I should read the books/watch the film again
>Unapologetically aloof and distant (if not downright rude) all the fucking time
Fell for a chick like this.
What the hell?
Bitches, man
At leadt you know better now
Back in 2010 none of us were aware of what "Aposematism" was.
D-did O'Malley know that Ramona was worst grill all along?
>Ramona's hair color emphasized a fuckton in the books and movie
>She gets more bitchy and distant each time she changes her hair to a weirder color
What did he mean by this?
Well, yeah. She was supposedly design to show how Manic Pixie Dream girls were really just huge cunts.
It's almost unbelievable to think SP came out 13 years ago. Hell, the movie will be 7 years old this year
But why?
haha nerds btfo bow down to your purple hair queens
But then why did Scott end up with her?
Because he deserved her.
Yeah. They were both pretty messed up, and they're slightly better with one another than they are alone.
She meant, "you're so desperate, even a gay dude wouldn't sleep with you"
And we all know about those gays and their ways.
I don't get this. Scott's not the best guy but I don't think anyone "deserved" Ramona desu
Not even Gideon?
Not even Gideon
More than anything the fact that he put a chip in Ramona's neck just shows how it's impossible for her to stick to one guy outside of literal mind control
>fucking the girl with the dad who has the glorious nippon steel folded over a thousand times
oooooh when ur cold