Only 2 epsiodes left. It's based Flint vs everyone. What's gonna happen?
Only 2 epsiodes left. It's based Flint vs everyone. What's gonna happen?
Idk. I'm waiting to see.
not sure OP the episodes havent come out yet
Everyone but Billy, John Silver and his negress, Flint and Woodes dies. Flint lives a meaningless life as a drunk, John Silver slowly goes insane, Woodes gets sacked with crippling debt in a bitch-move by Rackham with the only salve being snapping the necks of every single pirate on the island except for those mentioned above.
There ya go lad.
israel hands survives doesnt he?
and i'm assuming rackham survives but'll get turned on by the guthrie woman and hanged with anne?
Nobody knows for sure what happened to Israel Hands, my guess is that he dies in the show or becomes a beggar. Rackham gets rope'd and Anne gets impregnated and allowed a stay of execution until her baby can be born, after that the story is unclear. she either also get's rope'd or some people say she becomes woodes rogers waifu/informant.
Flint kills everyone then sails to Florida to rescue his gay lover
Don't forget Ben Gunn, doomed to years of isolation and madness on Skeleton Island!
He literally did nothing wrong. And I hope Max dies a painful death.
I have been wanting Max and Eleanor dead since episode 1 of season 1. it took 4 season to get Eleanor, please god help them get one more.
Black Sails? More like blacks and women ruin everything, am I right? Was this season made by the same people that put out the latest Mass Effect?
If she's the one character who gets a happy ending imma be pissed. Vane should have killed her back in season 1.
Flint, Jack, Vane, Silver, Rogers, Gates
All the best characters are white men. Fuck off Sup Forums
stfu retard Israel Hands dies in Treasure Island. Ben Gunn is also a character in TI.
Flint manages to somehow kill or overcome the 5 of the 6 men sent after him and his man dies. He and IH escape, Ben Gunn gets left on the Island.
At least some of the Walrus crew survive because they're bit characters in TI. Woodes is ran out of Nassau but returns to England and cashes in after writing a book about everything he went through (which is actually true).
My dream scenario is Max betraying everyone for the winning side yet again and getting summoned to Woodes's office expecting to be rewarded for this and instead getting the first spot on the hanging rack.
And Woodes. And Guthrie. And Ned Lowe. And Hornigold.
The very first thing he does is steal and run away from his job. That's a hint.
>Woodes is ran out of Nassau but returns to England and cashes in after writing a book about everything he went through (which is actually true).
He wrote the book before he went to Nassau
It was mainly famous because he picked up Alexander Selkirk, the guy who Dafoe based Robinson Crusoe on
What would he be doing if he was alive?
With both the government and his former partners refusing to honour his debts, Rogers was released from debtor's prison only when his creditors took pity on him and absolved him of his debts. Even so, Rogers wrote that he was "perplexed with the melancholy prospect of [his] affairs". In 1722 or 1723, Rogers was approached by a man writing a history of piracy, and supplied him with information. The resulting work, A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the Most Notorious Pyrates, published under the pseudonym Captain Charles Johnson, was an enormous hit on both sides of the Atlantic, and catapulted Rogers for the second time to the status of a national hero. With public attention focused on him again, Rogers was successful in 1726 in petitioning the king for financial redress. Not only did King George I grant him a pension, retroactive to 1721, but the king's son and successor, George II, reappointed him as governor on 22 October 1728.
Although since the War with Spain was over and Piracy pretty much died by the 1720s, his second term was mostly uneventful.
>A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the Most Notorious Pyrates, published under the pseudonym Captain Charles Johnson, was an enormous hit on both sides of the Atlantic, and catapulted Rogers for the second time to the status of a national her
There is a theory Dafoe actually wrote that one
>Be Mr Scott
>Work hard everyday for a whiny bitch.
>Save what little you can by working for said bitch for decades to make a settlement on a hidden island
>Rescue your family and countless other slaves and make a home for them on the hidden island
>Bitch you work for sells you back into slavery where you get shot
>With your dying breath you tell your wife not to be retarded and waste everything you have done for them
>Your wife immediately agrees to go to war against the largest empire in the world and lets criminals hang out on your island
>your daughter starts fucking a crippled italian after one week
>everyone dies a couple months later and the island will probably be razed.
>Women. Not even once.
man that was retconed as fuck
>Did I ever tell you about my secret family
>on my secret island
>where I am a secret king?
>it's a nice place and I love them
>But I would rather fuck around here with you
It was out of nowhere, but the reason he could never go there was he had to still be a servant and make money to support them by skimming the pirates, he was only ever able to make short visits while he was off doing a minor errand or some shit. still pretty hamfisted writing though.
I've read it, it's pretty great stuff. Outside of Black Bart a lot of what's in it revolves around Nassau. Starting with Henry Every
>tfw no miniseries about Henry Morgan sacking Panama
> tfw no Henry Avery TV series
> tfw no black Bart Roberts in black sails.
It hurts only a little