When will see the steampunk genre getting the attention it deserves from hollywood?
When will see the steampunk genre getting the attention it deserves from hollywood?
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we did. "Wild Wild West" and "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen".
this is why steampunk is now the preserve of cosplayer cleavage and neckbeards who know someone who can lathe bronze.
i'm willing to tolerate stupid ideas for the sake of the aesthetic most of the time
but there's something about steampunk that makes me internally angry. i don't know what it is. i don't care if you're a dweeb and you like machines and fantasy. but there's something about it that seems incredibly lazy to me.
Hopefully fucking never.
We already got 9, that's okay by me.
I think I can understand that, to an extent. It's an aesthetic that's so broad that it could be literally fucking anything, yet everyone wants to do the exact same look with the exact same colors and the exact same quirky British attitude.
I mean, cyberpunk can get away with that because at it's core there's a message there: The world's gonna become an overcommercialized technological fascist hellhole, so why not run with it. Steampunk, it's just really really bad historical revisionism.
That's not to say I don't find steampunk entertaining, but yeah it's a bit samey.
if steampunk is all about machines powered by steam does that make cyberpunk all about machines powered by cyber?? lmao sorry just weed thoughts!
Because half of steampunk cosplay is "spraypaint it bronze and glue gears to it."
Cattlepunk has more potential thanks to Westworld and Logan.
Steampunk is truly a lazy setting and its very narrow minded in its design, unlike cyberpunk which can be very broad with its design. Its always just "throw some gears and steam valves on to it and call it a day". Its shit.
it's a thing. it's an image, something that i would have thought would be a good one-off idea. Gibson and Sterling did it reasonably well with "The Difference Engine". i don't know why it went any further.
someone tried to kickstart "Biopunk" as a genre and it failed dismally.
dude we like totally need weedpunk where the future is powered by stoner ideas! we could get Rudy Rucker to write the scripts, he writes like a substance abuser!
It's tacky.
Machinery is a deliberate science. Good sci-fi design might be stylized and have a complex of extremities all over the place but they're there for a purpose
A cartoonish amplification of something like this mostly just looks gross.
On a side note, jerking off over old things for the sake of being old embodies fedoraism and in the case of Steampunk they're basically romanticizing an era where you worked in a cotton mill from the age of 12 so you could afford to eat a can of salted whale fat. It's retarded and if they'd grown up then they'd think it's horrible and probably be romanticizing some older generation
A Rudy Rucker adaptation will be lika a math hard version of Naked Lunch.
Naked lunch crashed so hard 25 years ago you still can hear it.
Dont bet on it
If the concept of Cyberpunk is High tech, Low life then whats Steampunk?
Steam punk could have been good if not for fanboys pushinh something modern then calling it steampunk for no reason is disgusting.
Isn't Mortal Engines getting an adaption?
A gay robot in a gay sci-fi universe gets a makeover that makes it even gayer.
Heraclitus was right. I'm going to the mountains and eating herbs.
>not cyberpunk
Off yourself
You'll have your generic hollywood director who'll get the idea of doing a film based in a steampunk universe and realize half way through the filming that he forgot that just having a cool universe doesn't mean you have a good story
In nowadays hollywood, a meme fantasy universe has 100% chances of being shit if turned into a film.
Steampunk will never be good until retarded fedoras stop thinking
makes for a good universe.
Honestly the only people I would ever trust to make a decent steampunk movie/book/anything would be mechanics or engineers because it's brutally obvious that nobody else seems to grap how machines and steam power actually work.
this tbqh
low tech low effort
*turn bronze
This was fairly recent
Jackson is vaguely involved (I think writing, along with others, and producing). He's been wanting to do it for a while - i.e. before the Hobbit disaster - so that would suggest that he's actually interested in the concept and I think it could be pretty good.
It covers YA market, steampunk, strong female protagonist who is actually interesting, environmental questions and above all the concept is pretty neat. I remember reading the books in my teens and really enjoying them, so I'm quite hopeful. Not a big fan of steampunk, but the world that was created in the books was really engaging so it didn't matter.
So long as they don't decide to retitle it "Hungry Cities" for the Murricans, I think it will be fine.
>the attention it deserves
Worth reading? Never heard of it before.
Johannes Cabal is a steampunk book I've enjoyed recently, to return a recommendation.
Hard Sci Fi and cyberpunk deserve more attention before steamshit
Everyone who likes Steampunk is a manchild.
Think about it, you know it to be true.
I kek'd.
It already does.
Steampunk is purely a concept created by and for Cosplayers. There's not one piece of 'steampunk' fiction that actually centers on the 'punk' such as Cyberpunk does.
That's literally just Westerns
Or is that the joke
Yeah it's really quite engaging. The concept sounds a bit silly at first (cities are now these massive vehicles which go about "consuming" each other for resources) but the characters are all really well-written and I'm hopeful that it'll transfer well to screen, so long as it's not all greenscreen shit.
Why does steampunk attract the audience it does? You know the type of people I'm talking about.
>literally memesteampunk on top
Nice try
>someone tried to kickstart "Biopunk" as a genre and it failed dismally.
To be fair, I imagine that biopunk is incedibly difficult to pull off with diving straight into horror. It's hard to put a positive spin on something like a jetpack made of flesh propelled by farts.
>Biopunk kino:
ExistenZ (and others Cronenberg flicks: Dead Ringers, Brood, Shivers, Naked Lunch)
...what else?
Does Farscape count?
Also, it's not kino, but I'd say that Half-Life counts as biopunk.
Two words;
Thrift shops
It is, but Mortal Engines isn't really steampunk. Especially when there are people talking about the other 'punk' labels.
This is why I bomb people
We get it, you like Sam Hyde
cuckpunk when?
A bit of both. The good thing about the genre is its fantastical approach on leather, iron, and gunpowder. Tricked out pistols, weaponized horses, and dynamite.
It's because it isn't a genre or anything, it's just people taking something from the 18-19th century and putting a lot of bronze pipes on it
steampunk = retro-futurism + post-modernist approach on past utopias + (urban) fantasy
science fiction is the fedora of genres and steampunk is the fedora of science fiction
you are objectively not cool if you think steampunk aesthetics are cool
>science fiction is the fedora of genres
What does that even fucking mean.
>science fiction is the fedora of genres and steampunk is the fedora of science fiction
this desu
Steampunk is terrible but it's just an outgrowth of a mindset that's pervasive throughout people who obsess over science fiction
>but it's just an outgrowth of a mindset that's pervasive throughout people who obsess over science fiction
What does that even fucking mean?
when you find out there's actually a genre of music that is done with steampunk, it actually
makes cosplay people look normal in comparison
you're not a real person
I hate Steampunk cause it does nothing with the setting. It's all lords and ladies having sky ship adventures when it could be 'punk' as fuck since it's set during one of the worst periods for the proles. Fucking nerds man they don't got a interesting bone in their body
Dieselpunk has it worse. All that cmoes to my mind is Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, Talespin and Disneys Atlantis.
At least all three are good
Made me laugh out loud
I created you with my godmind
you are a solipsistic indulgence in obnoxiousness pisswicket man
source is Doctor Who I guess?
And we're going to be getting a lot of it soon with gits and bladerunner. If they do well expect the cyberpunk fanbase to become just as obnoxious as steampunk, with stupid kids only being able to grasp the aesthetic without the themes
name a single common cyberpunk theme that is even vaguely hard to understand
>he takes memes and coolness into consideration when chosing what to read for pleasure in the privacy of his own home
embarrasing. steampunk is shit though, will give you that
Empire of Corpses.
A hybridization of Steampunk and Biopunk.
Basic premise is that it takes place in a universe where Frankenstein has a happy ending; The monster doesn't go insane, people recognize it for it's scientific merit, and people celebrate him for reviving the dead. After that, everyone is creating zombies for manual and mental labor by literally hacking their brains to create organic computers. All while on the cusp of World War I.
It's got its flaws with plot progression, fujobait, and a retarded ending. But it's an interesting direction in both genres regardless.
Steampunk is all the worst aspects of comic book super heroes thrown into a 19th century setting
we haven't had a movie of Blood Music yet. except for the twinkly "Childhood's End" finale, it'd be pretty good.
>I created you with my godmind. you are a solipsistic indulgence in obnoxiousness pisswicket man
I can deal with that. I've come to terms with my incorporeality long ago.
But you haven't even answered my first question!
Aside from basic shit like extreme technological integration and urbanisation, theres the question of artificial life and as pointed out, the authoritative, or corrupt government; high tech, low life
shut up, faggot
really gets the almonds ablaze
This is so fucking stupid
This is quite possibly the stupidest thing I have seen in a long time.
>Empire of Corpses
sounds cool desu
If Nintendo can't make it work Hollywood can't either.
Forgot picture
It's officially labeled as such, even if it might not really be steampunk.
Cyberpunk is fucking garbage too, faggot.
Ciberbrians user
Who's a robit user, Who is a robit?
The only fandom more neckbeardy than Warhammer 40k is Steampunk.
Fuck off, fag.
So it's a Japanese sequel to Young Frankenstein?
Less comedy, more drama.
Leave Steampunk to anime, where the ideas won't be questioned as much
Iiterally reddit: the punk
>watching anime
Because fans of steampunk only care about aesthetics. They just love all that bronze and cogs, they slap them on everything!
They don't actually depict a realistic world where steam is still relevant, they just create the same boring futuristic setting where everyone wears 19th century clothes for whatever reason and use modern technology that looks "retro" because it's bronze and has a bunch of cogs slapped on them
It's still fucking dumb, it's just easier to ignore
On the topic of anime kino, I feel Miyazaki does the steampunk genre a lt of justice. He does a lot of justice to antiquated machine design.
The Wachowskis (regardless of how much you like/dislike them) make genre-specific sci-fi with every release.
Sadly, they are Cyberpunk not Steampunk.
Once all properties of the 80's and 90's have been given failed remakes/reboots, you'll see Hollywood try to pander to the Steampunk crowd.
I want to kill faggots like this. Can you imagine how much money he spent on that stupid fucking costume? He's like in his '30s, too. I just don't GET shit like this. I like to read a lot, I have a lot of stupid pointless interests too, but I don't deck myself out like I'm a character in a fiction like some delusional fucking child
Cosplay is fucking WEIRD to me. I don't like that it's becoming mainstream, there's something seriously wrong at the heart of it.
Steampunk really puts me in a bad mood. There's something about steampunk (and also Dr. Who) that in my opinion sucks the dignity out of life. I wish I could audibilize it better, but there it is. I feel about steampunk the same way I feel about fast food. I think its disgusting, and if we're really going to be pigs with no standards then why don't we all just kill ourselves.
It already is. It's getting none which is what it deserves
my idea of steampunk is airships, floating islands, bronze, steam, gears a movie in this setting would be cool tbqh, but it has to have something going for it other than aesthetic
>fucking stop it REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
fuck off faggot
i bet youre a muslim
>Cosplay is fucking WEIRD to me. I don't like that it's becoming mainstream, there's something seriously wrong at the heart of it.
It's Halloween but for adults and not restricted to a single day. What's so odd about it?
Unfortunately at this point Steampunk has gone full-Reddit destroying any coolness it once had.
I just want a Perdido Street Station series
Thats the problem, it doesnt, its just cyberpunks shitter cousin. Cyberpunk already does the class divide stuff much better than steampunk ever could