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>Summit Ice Apparel founder Nathan Fielder will return to his hometown of Vancouver, BC to donate $150,000 USD of Summit Ice profits to the board of the Vancouver Holocaust Education Center, an acclaimed teaching museum devoted to Holocaust based anti-racism education.

He's in character

Seriously, what the fuck are they going to do with that money? Print some brochures and cash in the rest?

He's not, but the character antics are enough to make me forgive it.

>trying this hard to get a gf

It is pathetic. At least give the fund a different name, like the Holocaust isn't a full section in every school curriculum already

you already made this thread

>not getting the joke

The summit ice logo literally looks like a Hitler haircut

bit of a stretch

i bought a summit ice jacket to trigger Sup Forumstards

glad the money is going to a good cause. comfy jacket too.