What movies realistically portray british people?
What movies realistically portray british people?
Other urls found in this thread:
Lord of the Rings
Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels
Problem Child 2
Children of men
Mr. Bean
Mr. Bean 2
The Mummy
Ape Escape
Any Movie With That Guy With Horse Teeth
I Am Legend
Air Force One
Max Max
peep show
monkey dust
harry potter
any kinos like this
American here. Never met a real British person, but I know they all act like the people in this movie. Allow bloodthirsty killers into their country and home and do everything in their power to bend their own rules for the foreigner. Do nothing when the foreigner brings harm to their children and even continue to care for the one causing all the problems.
t.mr 60%
*switch the blame to white Christian foreigners
why do people keep sharing this picture, is it because of the guy wearing those weird boots?
oh it's just Sup Forumsshit nvm
the mudslime walking past
Not like Sup Forums looked any different at that time.
Dead Man's Shoes
Can pol leave Sup Forums?
Can you mods do your fucking job?
Whites helping. Muslim posting #notallMuslims.
It implies multiculturalism is paper thin and when it comes down to it everyone is still out for their own.
"Job" lol
>implying Sup Forums isn't nu/pol/ and Sup Forums isn't nu/b/
is there a movie where 90% of the population is muslim?
or do you mean old britain?
>nobody mentioning the pure kino that is Rita, Sue and Bob Too
How's this? American shows up to save the day and finally tell these people to go back to Fuckheadistan
We Sup Forums now.
>anything that doesn't conform to my left-wing views is Sup Forumsshit
Pic related.
Movies made in Britain
the conjuring 2
but shit like Love Actually is made for an American audience and isn't realistic at all
>not Shirley Valentine
A lot of WWII films made in the 60s and 70s sum up the plucky Brit archetype perfectly.
The main ones that spring to mind are
The Great Escape
A Bridge Too Far
The Bridge On The River Kwai
Zulu does it really well too.
Away from war settings there are
Withnail & I
Shaun of the Dead
Hot Fuzz
and more modern realistic Brits you've got The Inbetweeners films.
The Patriot
t. Achmed
Because the muslim looks like she has an xeno head under cloth.
> pictures are Sup Forums shit
I wonder if leftists all permanently operate on sub 80 IQs
Snatch is a bit out there but the rest are good. Shaun of the Dead and inbetweeners especially.
Is this bait or... do you actually believe it..?
Non-brit here. So when Her Majesty visits London does she have to walk behind her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh and wear a burqa in public?
They really just cannot fathom that in logical, free discussion leftism loses - hence why sites totally dedicated to anonymity and the exchange of unedited ideas become libertarian/ right and sites dependent on group identity, popularity and moderation become left.
Do i believe she looks like a xenomorph? Yes. dont really know what you meant by asking that.
you would help a kaffir?
top kek
I would say Mary Poppins but it's more like Football Factory these days...
This is England
>comes from literally the most cucked nation on earth
Easy 56%
>Allow bloodthirsty killers into their country
like tony blair?
attack the block?
t. middle class white who has never set foot in a working class neighboorhood but is very active on twitter
The Inbetweeners Movie 1&2
The Offence
I'm sorry how many guns do you own to defend yourself and your family? Not even white lmao where did that come from?
How accurate is this? Is hooliganism still a thing?
>Muslim kills a bunch of people, stabbing them brutally and running them over
>Tries to kill children who have to jump off a bridge to save themselves
Honestly hope you're just trying to shit post and I simply fell for it. If not, you legitimately need to review the beliefs you're subscribed to if you think there's nothing wrong with shit like this happening, and just "part of everyday life". Also, inb4 le London mayor "this is just part and parcel of living in a big city :)", explain why Tokyo, the largest city in the world, has exactly 0 acts of terror from Muslims?
I legitimately hope you aren't so stupid as to think this no-blame bullshit will continue on much longer. You do realise world wars were started for much, much, much less than this single event alone.
I'm gonna be lol'ing at little limp faggots like you who are going to be meat shields during the next draft. Enjoy clearing out mine fields in the scorching desert sun with oven mitts, lel. We'll see how progressively you view Muslims when they are cutting your fingers off infront of a camera and you're trying to explain to them how you've signed a few internet petitions on their behalf.
>Is hooliganism still a thing?
It's nearly dead, mostly due to modern technology. You still get the hardcore groups from some teams that organize fights with each other.
>alt-right cuck lunatic raids Sup Forums again and actually believes people read his posts
someone needs a medication refill
Animal Farm (anglos = pigs)
Fucking plebs.
Every wonder why people say major cities are total garbage in the UK now? Watch this to find out:
>Lunatic because he has morals and beliefs
>Bog posting
I knew you were a shit poster. Suck my dick.
This is what I think every single time I see someone like
>My husband's kids.
The Thick of it explains british mentality pretty good. Scots are true alphas that get shit done while the welsh, irish and english are autistic retards
People are really desperate to shit on Muslims.
Life is empty for a lot of us, some find their (((meaning))) in irrational hate.
Japan is nowhere near as involved in the affairs of other countries as the US or UK.
It's similar to how you don't have trouble making a girl cum. It's not because you're good at bringing them orgasm, you just never have the chance to try.
look at this disgusting musl- oh wait
>ctrl + f
>0 results
A few teams still have hooligans, Tottenham, Liverpool, Millwall to name a few.
They'll attack anyone, old folks, kids, families, anyone they can single out. I saw an 80'yr old guy get KO'd, kids getting punched by men, bottles thrown at kids. Those 3^ teams have animals for fans. The media never reports it.
Source: Footy fan, been to most Premiership grounds and London stadiums
>Japan is nowhere near as involved in the affairs of other countries as the US or UK.
Wait so you're saying when a country becomes involved with Muslim cultures they will experience terrorist attacks? Is that what you meant?
>mfw a cuck tried to virgin shame someone by equating the routine endurance of mass murder to being a good lover
the difference is that other picture was taken right after, this one wasnt
>explain why Tokyo, the largest city in the world, has exactly 0 acts of terror from Muslims?
Because Tokyo is in Japan and Japan is a fairly isolated island nation that is nowhere near Muslim Hotspots. Japan is also 98.5% Jap and 1.5% Chink+Gook and they go out of their way to not have shitskins in their country.
I get your point, but I just wanted to point that out.
Slumdog millionaire
Thanks yiffy
>What movies realistically portray british people?
There's a huge variety, all of the above are correct.
Accents and dialects change every 20 miles in UK, each area has their own unique personality, traits and culture.
Equally, I could ask.. What movies realistically portray American people?
Probably one of the best TV shows in the last 10 years.
Its just so beautiful. How can I as a simple white male, ever compete with this?
I, Daniel Blake
>standing around just crowding the scene because none of them are medically trained and someone is already making a phonecall to emergency services
Wow real helpful there whitey?
Why do white people always want to be rewarded for simply just participating in the most useless way.
As a chink I just don't get it.
this is england
four lions
28 days later
A Night to Remember (1953) is essential English-kino. Titanic but without the made-up shit. Gentlemen doing their duty and going down with the ship.
Yup. Still a few hundred hooligans kicking around from the 80's. Every game away fans get targeted. Liverpool fans are probably the worst desu.
>I'm sorry how many guns do you own to defend yourself and your family?
Why would I need guns in a first world country
to think some people get triggered by this
man this show was so good
shame it was so short
don't even like lahndaners
Monty Python
The people in that photo didn't stop because they "want to be rewarded," but because they're genuinely concerned for the person on the ground. They're making themselves available to help if it'd be useful in any way, and at least watching out for the person until professional help arrives.
It doesn't require medical training to get a drink of water for a dehydrated person who passed out, or make a phone call to a friend/relative to let them know what happened, etc etc.
Children of Men is probably the best representation of brits
>Japan is a fairly isolated island nation that is nowhere near Muslim Hotspots.
Britain is also an island and ironically Tokyo is closer to Pakistan than London is
blatant false advertising