>Sup Forums BTFO
Sup Forums BTFO
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>why are you so mean
>let's be nice to each other
Woah so original, I never heard that before
will Sup Forumseddit ever recover???
You can't be nice to everyone 24/7 or else they'll take advantage of you.
You have to be a prick every now and then.
>calling people gentiles
fucking globalist faggot
You realise he was speaking directly to Hitler right?
has chaplin commented on whether he's pro or anti-trump?
>that mustache
he's pro for sure
Hollywood jew, he'd probably be anti-trump
this nigga should have stayed silent
he was a gypsy
Charlie Chaplin(((berg)))
Fucking rapist trying to preach about right and wrong
> Lita Grey first met Charlie Chaplin at the age of eight at a Hollywood café and first worked with him at the age of twelve in the part of the “flirting angel” in The Kid.[5] She appeared briefly as a maid in The Idle Class. Her one-year contract was not renewed. At the age of fifteen she met Chaplin again when she heard he was testing brunettes for his The Gold Rush.[6] They had an affair and she suspected she had become pregnant by the then-thirty-five-year-old Chaplin. As he could have been imprisoned for having sexual relations with a minor, they married that November in secret in Empalme, Sonora, Mexico to avoid a scandal.
Was he /ourguy/?
Tbh it's hard not to be sympathetic toward Sup Forums when liberals are this retarded.
>Lita Grey
What did she mean by this?
The comments on the video are a goldmine of cringe.
>perhaps the most underrated movie in history
It's so easy to spot someone who uses the word "perhaps" to sound more intelligent than they really are.
What a minx
>One of the hottest Hollywood memoirs of the sixties was Lita Grey’s My Life With Chaplin, a near-porn account of a fifteen year old girl’s seduction by, and forced marriage to, the famed comedian whose own autobio had been published less than two years before.
Dammm, he was alfa s fuck or a degenerate?
What's yopur veredict?
Yeah, although I can take some good from this speech, I'm sure Hitler did not give a shit
And Drumpf is literally Hitler, so he's speaking to him too.
If I remember correctly, Hitler was said to have seen it, and thought it was a "nice film" or some BS.
Well thank you, anonymous person, I will take you at your word
Hitler was a huge fan of Chaplin and got really butthurt by that movie
Chaplain is one of the most overrated actors of the pre-WWII film industry.
Old inspiring speeches?
>In the 17th chapter of Luke
Closed the video right there, tired of dumb christcucks.
>Buster Keaton >>>>>>>>>>>> average old comedy >>>>>>>>>> dog shit = Charles Chaplin
Charlie Chaplain wasn't Jewish
Yep. That sounds about right,
Drumpf btfo how will he ever recover
I tried forcing myself through three of his movies, but holy fuck they're neither funny nor the plots are any good, why the fuck is he so highly rated? Is it just because "OOOOOH HE WAS SO GOOD 80 YEARS AGO SO HE MUST BE SO GOOD NOW" Fuck that shit.
Soo Charlie Chaplin was a liberal SJW cuck hahaha what a dumbass.After his death 2 based guys dug up and stolen his coffin he was a cuck even after death lmao
so he is talking good about facism and falagism?
Democracy breeds and communism is bad.
WTF I'm a marxist now
never mind, he was making fun of hitler again. Damn it Ku Ked Klan and boston turds.
t. constant prick
leddit: the scene
>the absolute irony that the people he's describing sound more like the people Hitler was fighting against than Hitler