What does pol oppinion on the french revolution?

What does pol oppinion on the french revolution?

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It was the first instances of recorded Illuminati memetics to overthrow the government.

I dont think it was a natural reaction, it was like current BLM. An artificially created reaction, to destroy and rebuild the system and city and overthrow the powers that be.

the people actually were oppressed by the aristocracy, they had legitimate grievances.

Productive business was taxed in France so that the elite could live a life of luxury.

Modern blacks only have themselves to blame for how shit ghetto life is. Literally all they have to do is be less violent and they can't manage it.

>the people actually were oppressed by the aristocracy, they had legitimate grievances.

That's usually the case for how colour revolutions work. You take already simmering issues, and add fuel to it, stoke it up, get a nice fire going, and push it in the direction you want.

It usually just fizzles out if you try and do this without some sort of underlying issues.

It shows you how much of a failure left-wing revolutions are.

All the senseless killing (albeit on a larger scale) is echoed in the 20th century communist revolutions who carry on the Jacobin tradition.

It is almost directly opposed to the American revolution which was carried out on the back of liberal values.


A Judeo-Masonic scam that replaced one bunch of degenerates with another.

The American revolution was a total sham also. King George III and George Washington were the same person.

The ride never ends!

He talks about 1789 not 1871.

And it kill our country full of traitor who wanted to make us anglo-like they even wanted to make us protestant.
We need a king

And also 1789 was directly inspired by american revolution i mean they even used the term of "convention" an english word. Pure traitor

They supress tax, supress regulation of the market, try to destroy the catholic church etc etc

Bourgeoisie relying on people to come after Nobles, to be put in charge of the country.

They could have a soft monarchy like in the UK, but it turns to shit, because paranoia, war on surrounding kingdoms and they went full regicide before chopping the head off of each other.

It was the beginning of the end.

The difference is the color revolutions only act in the interest of western elite

the actual French revolution was acting in the interest of the productive class of society by eliminating the parasitic aristocracy.

I've always been a fan of French Republicanism.
>Robespierre is an interesting guy

>a king
>in France
I don't give him a year before his head roll on the floor.

> the Jacobin tradition.
I think he's genuinely talking about 1789.
Look for Babeuf, to see how 1789 is connected to leftism and communism.

It paved the way for First Consul Bonaparte, so I'm cool with that

I think we're all paying for it now.

But you currently have a Queen and do nothing


I'm aware that he's talking about 1789. I am too.

While there were US-inspired liberals involved in the revolution, the reign of terror and the culmination in the rise of Napoleon are hardly liberal at all.


An absolute tragedy. The people were given a freedom they cannot control themselves, and the government was given more power to control, having escaped the law of God.


Robespierre is a much more complexe personnage than the common revolutionnary like desmoulins or danton, still didn't like him but interresting indeed

Bullshit it wasn't the productive class but some rich lawers and same kinds of parasite

In think france want a king like "degaulle" a superior figure

Russian revolution was directly inspired by the commune.

Marat and othrs were quicly "killed" july 1793 was the final point of that

That's the modern image of the french revolution.
Fun fact about the terror, robespierre was killed not for the terror but because one day he decided to put regulation on the market.
American liberal didn't have to get rid of the past france was 1000 years old country so of course they needed violence

Bout to happen worldwide as we kill all the globalist cabal puppets in all states.

Just like all enlightenment-borne revolutions, a mistake.


Yeah, I've always gotten that. I've read Robespierre by Thompson and a few other books on him. He's a hard guy to get a read on.

To be more accurate revolutionnary were exactly the like our socialist party today, against a strong states, economicaly liberal, leftist in the detestation of our country our value, want to get rid of political ennemy.

Just some difference mondialisation and pussyfication of mens

>robespierre was killed not for the terror but because one day he decided to put regulation on the market

Evidence for this?

>American liberal didn't have to get rid of the past france was 1000 years old country so of course they needed violence

The vast majority of Americans were from British heritage, and so they inherited the British intellectual tradition which was the most liberal in Europe at the time.

Equality before the law, not social equality was also a difference between the American and French revolutions. As a result, the law was suspended in France in order to try to force social equality, leading to all of the executions.

No, many Americans were British, however there was an extremely strong religious slant in the Americas. It was similar but not the same as morality in England.

Also, yes Robespierre tried to reign in the terror and it ended with him being brought to the guillotine (after shooting his own jaw almost completely off)

It was the greatest tragedy that western world had ever perished. Even World Wars had little impact of degeneracy. This anti french revolt was founding stone for socialism, liberalism, ideological genocide, SJWism, egalitarism, antiwhite movements, emapncypation of woman, blacks and gays, anti christian movemnts, masons, jewish supermacy et cetera et cetera.

Cheap ripoff of the American Revolution.

Essentially a time when France descended into mob rule. Fucked France for the next century seeing as they were in a state of near-perpetual civil war until Mr. Bismarck seized the Alsace-Lorraine and they all threw a half-century shitfit about that.

Masons, Jews and proto-communist.

For those who are too nigger to look for what I'm talking about, here some quotation from wikipedia on Babeuf:
>School: "Babouvism" (precursor to anarchism and communism)
>He has been called "The First Revolutionary Communist."
>He was a leading advocate for democracy, the abolition of private property and the equality of results.

>"Society must be made to operate in such a way that it eradicates once and for all the desire of a man to become richer, or wiser, or more powerful than others."
> "Nature has given to every man the right to the enjoyment of an equal share in all property", and ended with a call to restore the Constitution of 1793."

and a last one in french:
>« Plus de propriété individuelle des terres, la terre n'est à personne. Nous réclamons, nous voulons la jouissance communale des fruits de la terre : les fruits sont à tout le monde. » (Manifeste des Égaux, avec Sylvain Maréchal)
cheap translation:
>"no more individual ownership of land, the land belongs to nobody . We demand, we want the communal enjoyment of the fruits of the land : the fruits are for every body."

>Evidence for this?

Of course it's not the offical version but when you look dates it's really clear
Equality doesn't have the same sens than today.

It was equality between nobility and the so-called tiers etats, it wasn't equalitatiasm between all man, it was a batlle between bourgeoisie and nobility.

Liberté is the fist words and symbolics is very important

You don't understand at all the american spirit, i'm sure a american can explain it better, but american were basically religious zealot in the promise land, gos choosen people for the new world not anglish at all

>I don't know what I'm talking about the post

I notice you're still living in the US though, despite your retarded opinion on its creation.

This is retarded. The values of the republic are just equality among citizens and whatnot which is a great step forward. The problem is it isn't a meritocratic democracy anymore it's a plain oligarchy like the Athenians hated deeply in their times.

To you Sup Forumstards, the way forward is to bring a king and put him back on the throne ? It's the exact situation as now. You'd have shady people with no relation to the people governing you and you'll factually have no say in any matter. Your thinking is just "things are bad so let's take something we know is bad while we're at it at least we'll be certain it'll stay this way".

The way forward is to improve upon what was done and finish those fucking revolution, get away from the systemic problems of democracy and invent a newer, better, more efficient system using tools (and system design science) that weren't available when the idea first came about.

Key event that allowed the elites to abolish monarchy and advance their plan for world domination

You know that babeuf have zero influence in the french revolution i hope.
Never be in power, the were like communist under degaulle just a annoying part of the governement not the real deal

Some people said that communsim was a platonician idea we can go far with that.

Some people even said that phillipe le bel was a leftist because he create a strong state and the state is communist

Better than anything I was going to say

French Revolution was fucking based : We followed the same pattern as the romans.

It was far from the fairytale taught in schools.

It was a bloodbath.

The levée en masse was created then.

Thank Ameribro. You're factually our best freedom and liberty ideas. You take a different stance than us on many matters but I do think our goals are the same. The complete freedom of the people and self governing ability, for the greater good of everyone and everything in the country.

worst event in france history

yes kinda, it was all made up by masons even to this day so many masons in our government

agreed, king is needed to restore the catholic church in france

That's the basic 1789 revolutionnary scum, who bring france from glorious country to total shithole because muh liberty muh america

You do not need a king. The biggest trouble with the républic is that :
"République Francaise". This means that it's only a "republic of french people" and therefore removes the legacy of the past as its core.

There's a good idea to make it into :
"République de France", which would mean that you write into the constitution that France is a country of catholic tradition etc etc. This is about tradition (culturel and not cultuel), but this is enough to give the support the church needs while staying in line with the ideas of freedom etc etc.

A government by the people, of the people, and for the people.

Liberté, égalité, fraternité!

A living figure is better than some word on paper

>when you look dates it's really clear
What dates?

>It was equality between nobility and the so-called tiers etats

>it wasn't equalitatiasm between all man
The Montagnards were the group that was most radical in this regard and the group most behind the Terror.

>american were basically religious zealot in the promise land, gos choosen people for the new world not anglish at all
Originally yes, however by the end of the 18th century reformed beliefs were becoming increasingly tolerated. Even if you look at Scotland, presbyterianism was the majority denomination there.

Taxation without representation was the main force behind the revolution, and the Anglican British would've revolted on these grounds as well if they were being ruled by a foreign power.

Unless you're talking about anabaptists, which would be ridiculous since none of the founding fathers were anything of the sort.

What glory ? Weak king upon weak king, being based and grand only when we have a good king. What's the difference with now and the difference between De Gaulle and other presidents ?

Fucking none faggot. Except that insulting hollande isn't a crime of Lèse Majesté, or else you'd be in prison for even criticizing the state of things.

Stay cucked fucking retard.

the french 'republic' is inherently masonic and therefore anti-catholic

the only way to save this country is the establishment of the catholic faith as religion of state, maybe not necessary a king

Wanted to write freedom and liberty allies*.

Good luck freeing yourself from that oligarchy too.

Yeah, it wasn't really to demonstrate a strong influence a communism on the french revolution.
But it wasn't only wealthy liberals looking for more money, some were really far on the left spectrum and how the communism was already there.

>Some people said that communsim was a platonician idea we can go far with that.
It was not about the birth of communism neither, it's an idea, sure you can go far with that. Though, a lot of people think communism is born with Marx.

France has the Catholic faith in about as high as position as you can get it without granting temporal power for the church.
>unless you want to go full Papist which would be retarted

Overthrew a tyranny that oppressed the people for another tyranny that oppressed the people.

Impliying we don't go in a tribunal if we said arabs must go back to arabland.

You simply have better chance to have a good king than a good president, the first is a lottery the second is a conflict between different power lobby, it's manipulatio, media, lie etc etc

How would that help anything, especially with the current Catholic Church jealously guarding its position as most cucked religion in the world?

The original Regime Change (tm)

>But it wasn't only wealthy liberals looking for more money, some were really far on the left spectrum

Yes of course, but the first win over the second part, the event of july 1793 show it clearly.
Still some people like robspierre who are marginal and apart

The first is also a conflict between power lobby, manipulation, lie in the court (no need for a full media appareil), etc.

It's so much easier to control a king than 60 million people.

If we lived in a kingdom currently they'd hole him up in a castle, teach him all that PC bullshit, that migrant wuz great and are a chance for the country etc. No need for massive media spin or anything.

If they don't do it during the education a Soros or a random advisor or whatnot pressures him into doing whatever he wants and he'll have to.

You'll maybe have one every 10 kings that'll be good. What a nice system user, you put a lot of thoughts into it. You really found the best system to ensure the french legacy lives on the world. Stop being a fucktard reactionary a little bit and dive into the meme "it was better before" and think about what can be done to make everything so much better, for everyone, while having civil liberties, ways to dive into politics etc. The past had limited solutions. They had few tools, few science available to construct smart systems. A modern solution made by unbiased people will always be better than an ancient one. It doesn't prevent them from using the past as inspiration though, but inspiration only.
Also, why aren't you in prison, or zemmour or anyone else ? Kek.

I dln't have the date in memory for what i remember he make a law fixing price for the blé and 2 week after l'hotel de ville was attacked and the law was abroged right after
Montagnard weren't relevant and the comité de salut public was created by danton
American already consider themself american no more english except some loyalist who go to the canada french people never stop to call themself french that's was my point

It was mehh but than we got based Napoleon

>The first is also a conflict between power lobby, manipulation, lie in the cour

No of course no it can't be the same thing let's be serious, do you imagine a kings saying who have because of his ancestors saying everybody is french we don't care about our history etc.

No it's by substance a traditionnal system, everything is not the same a part of our flaw can't exsit in a monarchy like some monarchism problem can't exist today.

In my city two guys attacked a old lady broke her leg, and they didn't go to prison so of course the penalty for racist sentence will not send us to the guilotine, what's your point if i stole a baguette i will not go the galleres for years like jean valjean.

I'm not a utopian let's take the better system we know.
So yes i like city-states, democrassy by lottery etc etc but i think it's even more impossible and dangerous than monarchy

>mob rule
Is this how tyrants justify their tyranny?

Let's do it again but with liberal journalists.

It's factually the same. They only follow what their education gives them. And when they don't they follow what happens in their court because it's a permanent power thrive, with people on the side waiting to snipe the king when they can or take just a bit more to their side. It's literally the same as our current oligarchy but on a restrained and closed scale.

It's only good when you have kings who are powerful and do not give anything to anyone. But you need to be really strong, smart, and have lots of support to pull it through. It's easier to roll a decent enough president and elect him than let the king survive court life alone, while hoping he's based enough...

Revolution was pointless. You get from oppressive King to oppressive Emperor on the way of killing more French people in few years than holy inquisition in all of history. You wanted republic like Romans before you? Fine. But Romans were smart and knew that egalitarism is a sin against nature. First you give right to all men and then you give them to women and this is the stirght way to become a shithole that your country is today. You thought that "Oh gee, we have a retarded king this time. Let's kill him and make a 300 retards rule in parlament!". And you call that a step foward? Democracy on the state scale is alien to Frence, is Alien to Spain, is Alien to Germany, is Alien to almost all of continental Europe. You killed France and you deserve caliphate.

The world went downhill from there.

Yes it's a step forward because it brought many values that didn't exist before. Like equality (of chances, not of actually everyone), liberty, ... These concepts were inexistant for 90% of the population previously thanks to serfdom and whatnot. Their liberties and rights were dependent on the whims of the local lords, their bosses, or the king.

Yes it's not perfect, yes after Napoleon (except at some point) it was hijacked into a complete oligarchy, whereas napoleon is the exemple that a meritocracy actually works.

But it's a damn beautiful goal, and if I'm going to work towards something it's towards improving things and not making them back to a situation which was bad, and with a system made from before we even knew how to write (monarchy is one of the oldest form of government after all).


>Ah! It'll be fine, It'll be fine, It'll be fine
>the aristocrats to the lamp-post
>Ah! It'll be fine, It'll be fine, It'll be fine
>the aristocrats, we'll hang them!
>If we don't hang them
>We'll break them
>If we don't break them
>We'll burn them
>Ah! It'll be fine, It'll be fine, It'll be fine
>aristocrats to the lamp-post
>Ah! It'll be fine, It'll be fine, It'll be fine
>the aristocrats, we'll hang them!
>We have no more nobles nor priests
>It'll be fine, It'll be fine, It'll be fine
>Equality will reign everywhere
>The Austrian slave shall follow him
>Ah! It'll be fine, It'll be fine, It'll be fine
>And their infernal clique
>Shall go to hell
>Ah! It'll be fine, It'll be fine, It'll be fine
>aristocrats to the lamp-post
>Ah! It'll be fine, It'll be fine, It'll be fine
>the aristocrats, we'll hang them!
>And when we'll have hung them all
>We'll stick a shovel up their arse

It was the literal Day of the Rope Sup Forums longs for, when everyone was finally held accountable for their actions from the King to the Vicar. Without the revolution 95% of the posters on this Thai string phone system would be miserable serfs tied to a plot of land.

>muh Terror, m-muh Vendée...
Yeah, go fuck yourselves. They were traitors who sided with foreign hordes and got what was coming to them.

>you killed France and you deserve caliphate.
My sisters breeds blonde hair blue eyes kids, and I found myself a nice blue eyes conservative girl.
Will you let us migrate to the husaria superpower of Poland once the EU collapses and the caliphate is set?

of course a fucking leaf

99% of french population was pro-king at this time its only a few people and created riots in some cities (paris mainly)

republic is fucking shit and they just used muh lumières to destroy the church and actual values that made france great for more than 1000 years

Brought about Napoleonic France and all the wicked sick culture and martial tradition that came with it, which persisted to the fall of IndoChina.

If it wasn't Republicanism then, it would have been gommies half a century later.

Oh yeah Louis XVI definitely had 99% popular approval. That's why thousands of commoners stormed the Place de La Révolution to save him from the guillotine and he went on to lead the Glorious Counter-Revolution to victory.

>99% of the French population was pro-king

A mistake

Masonic =/= anti-Catholic
It's the other way around.

>You do not need a king.
Kinda do. It's a much better form of government. All (((democracy))) is always going to fall to corruption by the plutocrats.

Went too far

When nobility was taken out of the power by the bourgeoisie and freemasons and the actual system we are suffering now started.

A great moment in history ftor th bourgeoisie and freemasons.

The same (or even worse) shit for the rest.

All the freedom stories related to this are lies and shit. We are now less free than almost ever.

The 1st republic was an economic disaster. That's a prime example of fanatic incompetents rising to power.

It was also full of cruelty, injustice, fear and violence. Very romantic, truly romantic for lefties, sons of this system.

It was the begining of the terror systems that leftards usually defends, and the violent "revolutions" that they love that much and is part of their leftist culture, very gloryfied in media (as V of Vendetta, the hunger games, asassins creed, etc).

The only groups that benefits of revolutions normally, are powerful groups that wants to take the power using the blood of the rest of the people.

Firstable the french revolution wasn't about overthrowing the monarchy, it was about ending absolutism. it would have made france a constitutionnal monarchy similar to what the brits had. then the french king didn't kept his promises and the hardcore revolutionnaries took over. there was nothing wrong with the revolution tho', it paved the way to nationalism and imperialism. merit over birth.

>I don't give him a year before his head roll on the floor.
Not necessarily. Depends on the King. We may live under the Republic, yet we are still obsessed with Louis XIV, Napoleon, Charlemagne, Saint-Louis. A strong king would keep his rule for much longer than a year. A Louis XVI, most likely less than that, but then again, such a king would never attain/restore power in the first place.

Even if you research how much of the population would support royalist parties after 200+ years of the Republic, numbers range on average in between 6-20%. With a positive marketing campaign, it becomes more than possible to have the support of 50%+ of the population.

>4U 88

That sick ID

On the topic, that wasn't 99% but still a huge majority. French history books never mention how the french never voted for a republic.

Made by kikes, for the kikes

France was constantly at war lmao

>"why is the economy going into the shitter?"

I thought the people got pissed at Robespierre because they thought he was trying to gain too much power. Wasn't there something about a festival and he was made to look like a god? I think the US revolution worked bc the founders were smart enough to appeal to God as the giver of rights instead of the gov't. What I mean by that is they were more willing to compromise bc they acknowledged a higher power. For instance, the issue of slavery. The north was willing to compromise with the south. Robespierre is an example of modern leftists who think they can do no wrong because of their moral righteousness. In the end because of their unwillingness to compromise and their strict adherence to their ideals more people get hurt along the way. Didn't he start the Haiti slave revolt? And wasn't he ironically against the death penalty while he practiced law?
I admit I could be totally wrong about all this. Americans are better at Revolutions than education.

>A great moment in history ftor th bourgeoisie and freemasons.
Not really, it went against a lot of Masonic ideals.

That's adorable.

How do you think the numbers would vary per the candidate? Like Bourbon/Bonaparte/etc?

Because like you say about the marketing campaign, Serbia is at like 35% monarchy support without an actual proposal of any kind, so a real effort would likely see that rise.

Frenchies are (were) alright and I greatly admire the French Revolution. It ought to be a regular event for all nations. I could think of a few cake-eaters here who need a good beheading. They got it down, the only way to solve the problem of a parasitic oligarchy subverting governmental bodies is to cut it off at the head.


really should have stopped there. everything else is indicative of being cucked by a collective/government. left anarchists are generally walking garbage

A complete failure. The French simply switched monarchies and reverted back to the old one until many years later did they get decent representation.

Dumb idea which became even dumber when they decided to go for a representative "democracy" over a direct one.

But with the French, it wasn't a matter of a "parasitic oligarchy." It was poor long term planning, coupled with bad crop yields, and public bitchiness regarding the king marrying an Austrian.

I would get more pussy if we were still having a king.

and now look at me all deprived of virgin pussy and miserable.

Fuck democracy and the republic.

Pauvre petit Pierre-André Marie De Monculq. You don't get to live a great life just by having a De in your name anymore. Feels bad indeed.

lol you're a gay
having another rage attack polen

The first step in the wrong direction. Pro-equality means anti-reality.

Red pilled : the anglo jews ruined it