What's the symbolism here?
>A demon of the night standing on top of a demonic statue
What it mean?
>everything is symbolism
He's just the motherfucking batman.
He's standing on a gargoyle at night
Gargoyle is derived from the old French word for gargling
Snyder is implying Batman is a gargler of the night i.e. a prostitute
top jej
Is this BLACKED.com reference?
>symbolism for babies
Reminder that there are people on this planet retarded enough to think scenes like that one are good.
Fuck you, I liked it.
Why is it bad?
Because it's not subtle at all.
Why should it be subtle? It looks good.
Stained glass raped my father.
snyder has bad taste in music though
Snyder said he doesn't make the trailers.
Here's a quote about symbolism from Tarkovsky himself:
>"I am an enemy of symbols. Symbol is too narrow a concept for me in the sense that symbols exist in order to be deciphered. An artistic image on the other hand is not to be deciphered, it is an equivalent of the world around us. Rain in Solaris is not a symbol, it is only rain which at certain moment has particular significance to the hero. But it does not symbolise anything. It only expresses. This rain is an artistic image. People always try to find "hidden" meanings in my films. But wouldn't it be strange to make a film while striving to hide one's thoughts? An image cannot be a symbol in my opinion. Whenever an image is turned into a symbol, the thought becomes walled in so to speak, it can be fully deciphered. A symbol contains within itself a definite meaning. An image — as opposed to a symbol — is indefinite in meaning. One cannot speak of the infinite world by applying tools that are definite and finite"
no, it really doesn't
and it has no place in the plot of the film, Snyder just wanted to pander to bible belt morons
He looks so fat lol
He is standing in Superman dead corpse
You are such a pleb
Ben is the best on-screen Bats yet.
RT confirmed ran by Disney.
>in b4 DC wojack
Fuck yall
It symbolizes DARKNESS
It symbolizes THE NIGHT
It symbolizes... BATMAN!!!!
There's nothing wrong with it in itself, just the inevitable praise it'll get from edgy teens and early twenty-something's who'll hold this up as an example of high art later down the line when the rest of the film leaves much to be desired.
RT is in fact part-ownder by Warner Bros.
Who's better, Zach 'Symbolism' Snyder, or Chris 'One Take' Nolan?
Depends on what you want, although Snyder has had better stories on average while nolan has stories that are riddled with plot holes but look good if you only watch the movie once.
Snyder has great rewatch value, nolan has so little.
so little, in fact, that a meme about this very fact has persisted on this board for five years and three months now.
1 unique performance of The Joker carries the reputation of an entire trilogy. Nolan fucking sucks as a writer and director. If he was at least good at one of those things I would understand the praise his Batman flicks get.
>1 unique performance of The Joker carries the reputation of an entire trilogy
and that's because he fucking died.
wow, Zack really knows his stuff.
1 shekel deposited into your account
>Snyder has had better stories on average
>Snyder has great rewatch value
wrong again
Fuck Nolan and your precious meme Snyder
I was about to get into a potentially intelligent discussion but yeah, you lost all credibility.
fuck off, give me a reeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasoooooonn
do you children seriously not know DC showed Man of Steel to various christian groups before the premiere...
you didn't find it odd that Clark visited a church in the middle of the movie and had a long talk with a priest for no good reason?
The founder of Sup Forums
>for no good reason?
>t. retard
>m-muh christians watched it hence it is le bad XD
except the dialogue and plot structure in TDK trilogy makes Snyder's films look like autistic garbage
triggered a christfag
>except the dialogue and plot structure in TDK trilogy makes Snyder's films look like autistic garbage
No, they are both very tonally different films.
I hope this is bait
>dialogue and plot structure
>dialogue and plot structure in a Nolan movie is something of merit
wew lad
You are aware that the main point Snyder wanted to make is Superman=Jesus right?
It's basically shoved in your face
>It's basically shoved in your face
so what?
>although Snyder has had better stories on average while nolan has stories that are riddled with plot holes
Are you implying MoS or BvS had no plotholes?
>Snyder has great rewatch value, nolan has so little.
According to who? I rewatched BB and TDK, they still look great, some flaws here and there. I can't watch BvS without getting half sleep.
>Are you implying MoS or BvS had no plotholes?
>According to who?
>I rewatched BB and TDK, they still look great, some flaws here and there.
They have gaping fucking plot holes and shit-tier shot continuity. Also batman kills a fuckton of people.
>I can't watch BvS without getting half sleep.
You're retarded and have no taste for good movies.
TDKR was bad because Nolan was depressed about Ledger, he was phoning it in
Snyder doesnt count as a director at this point, he makes flicks that look good visually. Nolan at least has a vision. Not a fanboy either.
Fucking bullshit, TDK was great in so many other aspects
Movies for white people
don't worry about it
Even the biggest masterpieces have some flaws and plotholes my friend, anyone who thinks otherwise is a mindless fanboy drone.
Name a few plothols in MoS and BvS, then.
>inb4 Martha
If you don't get that, you're a retard.
>Snyder has done more visually in 45 seconds of trailers than marvlel has done in 100 hours of flicks
Wow, really activates the third eye. How can marveldrines recover from this?
Hopefully the bitching about the last 2 misunderstood kinos didn't ruin this one.
I bet you have heard them all already but you're in total denial.
For example, why is Superman at the Russian manned rocket launch?
Why does batman say to superman "I thought she was with you?" when he clearly knows exactly who she is and that she is not with him.
Is it just a quippy marvelshit like line which should generate laughter or?
That's right. No blacks allowed.
Who here sends a pic of SnyderJesus to snyder daily on twitter?
I do.
>I am so smart because I like garbage
Why is this STILL allowed?
>Batman is a Christ symbol
>Man of Steel
>Superman is a Christ symbol
>They're both Christ symbols
>people actually like these movies
Tarkovsky was a hack, I'm glad he's dead.
>I bet you have heard them all already but you're in total denial.
lmao, give some proof before making assumptions, faggot.
>For example, why is Superman at the Russian manned rocket launch?
Saving people, DUH. He was there in Mexico, wasn't he? It's not like he heard it or anything, he saw it on the news. Crahsing rockets is a pretty huge deal.
>Why does batman say to superman "I thought she was with you?" when he clearly knows exactly who she is and that she is not with him.
He DOES NOT know who she is, all he knows about her is that she is somehow immortal. She thinks that superman might know her, because they both seemed to have powers. It was a guess on his part. He had only exchanged a couple of sentences with supes before that.
Not even a plothole.
>Is it just a quippy marvelshit like line which should generate laughter or?
Name some more.
You somehow still don't get the point of that, despite it being spoonfed to you in BvS
or spics
He's completely right though, the overuse of symbolism is bad for an artist and makes his work ironically even simpler and more finite.
If you use symbolism to a great extent in your films, then every single shot has a universal singular answer which everyone should "get" and once you get it there is nothing more to it.
Once you "get" that Superman is Jesus that's it, you don't even have to watch it ever again, no analysis or additional interpretations needed other than for more clues of HE'S JESUS LMAO
>it's a subversion of what we seeeeeeee
Kill yourself retard, Snyder is a hack and no braindead emperor's new clothes shitposting will change that.
You're pretty stupid.
Says the imbecile overrating a dumb jock to feel smart in liking toy catalogues lmao
Says a lot about you if you don't get that dumb jock's movies.
>implying there's something to "get"
You can drop the meme already, you're getting nobody, the emperor's new clothes is a really old tale.
You can keep repeating that line all you want but the sad reality is you are too stupid for a superhero movie.
i really can't think of any director that uses symbolism to such an extent that every single shot has an absolute answer, not sure who you're talking about there.
WW's theme is pure audiokino, pleb
You can keep telling yourself that and the even sadder reality is that you've been acting smug and pretentious around a poorly made action film to feel smart, you'll never ever get actual filmmakers that can integrate symbolism into the structure of their works like Greenaway or Malick, but please, do keep making a fool out of yourself in this board, nothing is funnier than seeing pretentious retards like you crash and burn and go "b-b-b-b-but marvel" every time.
Yeah, it's not like Tarkovsky was trying to stay alive and avoid censorship or anything. He accurately describes an aversion to narrow symbols, but when you call something "The Zone" it has obvious figurative (aka symbolic) meaning. I mean seriously--his dad was a poet; he considered film the poetry of time. Poetry is purely symbolic. When a poet writes about water, it's not about the water. What tarkovsky I against is the blunt symbols of montage theory in which complex thoughts are reduced to such simple terms, they're no longer worth considering. You really think when Andrei Rubylev encounters a naked pagan witch, it has no symbolic meaning? When he pans across literal icons, they have no meaning other than the literal? Of course he denies it. And if you believe it, you are as dumb and incompetent as the censors he was lying to.
Ofcourse Zack Snyder, he says it himself, there is almost no ambiguity whatsoever.
I don't even like BvS much though, I just know you're wrong.
he doesn't really use much symbolism. At least not to the extent you're claiming.
That's not a point. His name is Superman. You know, like Ubermensch. Its really boring to just say A=B. Not enough for a film. Especially when its the most obvious fucking thing in the world. It's the start of a story, not the end. Saying something about it. You're like the slow kid in a class saying a rose in a Shakespeare play stands love. Duh. Congratulations, you're barely literate.
DCucks never learn.
wahhhhh I hate when movies have interesting visuals. I have to go to r*ddit to learn what the movie really means because it's so """"subtle""""
Too bad Evans will never look badass in his own movies. Doesn't help that he has a weird face.
>then every single shot has a universal singular answer which everyone should "get" and once you get it there is nothing more to it.
false as fuck, also there is nothing wrong with being blunt with your message.
>Once you "get" that Superman is Jesus that's it, you don't even have to watch it ever again, no analysis or additional interpretations needed other than for more clues of HE'S JESUS LMAO
you're retarded, he's not jesus.
>no analysis or additional interpretations
it's a movie you retard
Sure, DCuck.
Superhero movies are really dumb at this point. Disappointing that people could be working with such potent symbols and never really say much more than "these are symbols." Citizen Kane is a Batman movie, but it's way better than everything Nolan and Snyder have done. The only thing interesting about Dark Knight was the performance of Joker.
>he's not jesus
This is official BvS concept art.
symbolism =/= actuality
Jesus' values are the values he trie to achieve, and those are the values that kill him.
>it's an opera you retard
>it's an epic poem you retard
>it's a symphony you retard
>symbolism =/= actuality
lmao great fucking headcanon my dude, you must be one highly intellectual individual no doubt about it
>I-I-I-I-I d-d-d-don't even like capeshit
Every time
Thanks for trying.
Watch more films.
>get blown the fuck out
>u-uh you dont watch flicks anyway!!
uh huh
>get BTFO
>by some kid saying 2deep4u u just don't get it ad nauseam
yeah, must be a bad feeling to be as low as you.
Imagine being so full of yourself you force a meme about a shit movie being deep because your anonymous internet persona thrives on pretentiousness.
t. the guy who's been complaining about a superhero movie he's too dumb to get almost every day for a year on Sup Forums of all places
>almost every day
>says the obsessive kid replying instantaneously on every BvS thread to prove his intellectual superiority
>same kid that forced Marvel pajeet until people started recognizing him
>same kid that depends on smart anons to give him opinions to regurgitate
>same kid that forced capekino
>same kid that defends a shit movie because doing so makes him feel smart
>he still thinks everyone hating on BvS is the same person because everyone defending BvS IS the same person
Thanks for trying DCuck
This would go a lot faster if you just posted what the film was about.
>not the koran