(WH)o (I)s (M)ister (P)utin

Straight short and simple answer from Mother Russia.
Support the channel if you want to hear more real stories straight from Real Russian HELL

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Fuck off lefty Putin is based

Get back to sosach.

Please tell me more about how Boris Nemtsov would of made Russia better if he didn't blow up?

that video is badly made..
is this a meme

This is what kind of a guy "allmighty" Putin really is

There is no 'h' in wimp.

In the 1940s, the word "weakling" or "whimp" was used before the word "nerd" was used widely.
"Heavy metal or no metal at all whimps and posers leave the hall"

i always wondered, is he cucked by the jew or not?

Who knows. But he is really strange old bold man - can`t deny that

hes probably loosing his marbles dealing with amearica declaring war on him

He just overstayed his welcome.
He is rapidly losing his sanity - simple as that.

Any Russian who supports the Russian government is the very definition of a fucking cuck.

Keep in mind Ivan, the man who killed more Russians than anyone else, was a fucking Russian and leader of the Soviet Union for quite some time...

Seriously, if you suck Putin's dick, you're a good goy.

Flee Russia if you can. You will have a better life in any western country than you would that frozen hell.

Is that seriously a picture of Putin sucking on a kids belly button?

What in the fuck...

But then again, Russia has one if the largest closet gay populations in the world.

I know. But some things just not that simple.
Keep in mind - with your Trump you may step in the same shithole we can`t crawl ouf for quite some time.
Maybe not soo deep - just keep it in mind anyway

He's kissing his stomache, it was some weird thing men did in 1980s Russia

Stalin was a georgian

love this US propoganda, please go on.
still laughing at the guy with the car, but not road

>Urban dictionary


>(WH)o (I)s (M)ister (P)utin
He is the illegitimate son of a gergian.


12 people died investigating the story or tied to the investigation.


For that purpose I`ve made this channel - to show you all the stuff about Russia you have not even dream of.

> You will end up in the same situation if you elect Trump

Um... no?

The reason you are in the situation you are is due to years of fucking communism.

Putin has made himself Rich by sucking your country dry. Trump is already rich and the United States doesn't work the same way Russia does.

We have presidents with term limits. You have a dictatorship.

The President cannot just take money out of the federal reserve and put it in his bank account. Putin can take whatever the fuck he wants because there is no one to question him or limit his power.

There is absolutely zero possibility that we will end up in the same boat you are.

Just leave Ivan. Leave to South Korea and start a new life. Or go to Canada. But desu, I'd go to South Korea.

Lol... of course it was.

And leader of the Soviet Union and slaughtered millions of Russians.

Stalin was worse than fucking Hitler for the Russian.

I don't doubt Putin does some weird shit. The guy isn't married anymore so who knows what the fuck goes on.

Dictatorships lead to ugly things being kept in the shadows.

fuck the channel. Poetin is one of the good ones. fuck his ideas about gays and people with fetishes. he's cool!

I dont understand this thread.

He's a big fish.

Is anyone seriously surprised he's a pedophile and has shady practices?

T.Hanks. I will - if this video will do any good.

>Putin has made himself Rich
This meme again.
>We have presidents with term limits.
We too, but all other candidates are shit. If he'll come to elections in 2018 i'll vote for him.
>You have a dictatorship.
That's not what dictatorship mean. We still have parliament, ministeries, deputates and all other shit.

"I'm a redneck that doesn't know shit about politics, and when I get into foreign government it's like playing video game with blindfold while having cerebral palsey

> This obvious paid Kremlin shill

Okay I'll bite.

1. Putin is one of the wealthiest men in the world and it wasnt because he worked hard and made it legally.

2. Just because Putin intimidates opponent's and forces them to drop out, and because he rigs the election, doesn't mean he won fairly. If anyone is in power for too long they become corrupt.

3. You have a bunch of other sects of government for show. None of it is fucking real. Putin controls everything.

>You have a dictatorship.

Lets bring democracy to Britain again.

Im actually a political analyst and was a volunteer for the Trump primary campaign.

>Keep in mind Ivan, the man who killed more Russians than anyone else, was a fucking Russian and leader of the Soviet Union for quite some time...

Wasn't he a technical jew?

Democracy is already in England which is why they left the EU...

A Jew and leader of the fucking Soviet Union...

Then you are a very shitty political analyst

Why? Because I'm not sucking Putin's cock?


Кoмплeкc жepтвы oвep 9000
нy, пecдeц
вce pyccких yнижaют
вce их нe любят
A, пo-мoeмy, вcё кaк paз-тaки нaoбopoт.
Ocoбeннo нa этoй бopдe.

Don't post shit in that fucking autistic language.

Type in English.

If only Putin could make some speeches and earn some fairy millions like US candidates.

>amearica declaring war on him
Russia Today oбcмoтpeлcя чтo ли?

>Crazy-rouble threads creators try to make a comeback
Plz fuck off, shill, i dont wanna be banned for eternity again because of some brainless liberals shitposting with my ISP IP

Just report him.

>The guy isn't married anymore
Чeгo, блeaть?

1. Why does hr need to make speeches ? He already is supreme leader of Russia.

2. He has billions of dollars already and take a profit of every business transaction that Russia makes... how the fuck do you think he got those billions?

That wouldn't be a problem if your country allowed free speech.

But for some reason, dictatorships hate free speech...

>how the fuck do you think he got those billions?

I cannot read your gibberish nor can any other non Russian here.

Пpипeкaeт, гaндoн пapхaтый?

Пиздyй дoмoй, yёбищe.

Дa мнe нacpaть.

Wait what do you mean? Why would you get banned?


That language is full blown autistic.

It's like fucking cryptography.

It looks like a bunch of English letters got thrown into a ' what the fuck' machine.

У них aйпи aдpec oдин нa вceх, видимo.

Aгa, гocдeп. ЛOЛ

Stop arguing please/
THE POINT OF THIS THREAD: if you want to know THE TRUTH about Russian salarys, want to know news abot Putun kissing bellies of small kids and all the REAL SHIT that is happining here

Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong door, the liberashkas reddit club's two blocks down.

Because Russia has no free speech and Sup Forums is illegal in Russia just like it is in China.

These Russian on here have to go through several backdoor proxies just to come on this fucking website...

You should be glad you're on ourside and don't have to deal with that crap.

Wouldn't that mean that you could download illegal shit like pedo porn and police would have no way of finding out?

If i only knew. When this rouble-threads shit disappeared i began to get ERROR POSTING-s for a month+ with any browsers/mobile clients. ~a week ago noticed I can post again.

>These Russian on here have to go through several backdoor proxies just to come on this fucking website
Hичeгo пoдoбнoгo. Я бeз пpoкcи здecь нaхoжycь.
He нaдo пиздeть тyт, пиндoc ёбaный!

Idk what you said but I'm guessing it is some Kremlin propaganda.

Wtf!? Man I hate Putin now

>THE TRUTH about Russian salarys
Hopмaльныe y нac зapплaты. He выдeлывaйcя.

>He нaдo пиздeть тyт, пиндoc ёбaный!
Ho oн жe нe гpeк.

It's something on a forchong's side, it's not banned in russia.

Up! for interesting tread

Гyгл Tpaнcлэйт в твoй ayл нe зaвeзли eщё?

Maybe they were investigating if Sup Forums is suitable for the Russian masses or something.

yeah black helis are coming to send me to gulag, send some food stamp. oh we dont have food stamp in mother Russia, may its because of Vads dictatorship.

How interesting.

Hey Russians, how do you guys feel about Putin resorting to using the federal police to deal with his political opponents instead of the usual bribery/political tricks? Like that guy that just got arrested on film for treasonous words or some shit.

I can find the article for proofs

I've already spoken with several Russian posters over the past year and they all say they have to go through a proxy to come here.

I'm sure thats because they are monitored.

Tы ёбнyлcя, пидop?

Russians don't need food. You have vodka.

Really Really bad...

Hey US guys? how do you feel about Clinton for not being arrested. is it ok to not obey law and rules for secretary of state.

Too bad it's sertainly not, because if you let liberashkas stay, you'll get stable 2-3 generals filled with slavic memes about BLOODY RUSSIAN DICTATORSHIP OH HOLY LANDS OF USA PLEAS HELP, and this will spread to another threads then.
They already made a maymays-driven shithole of a imageboard in russia, and this awaits you too

we are in Sibirea hiding in gulag basements, we send bears with messages so they post it from other countries.

> That language is full blown autistic.

You yourself are autistic, simplistic monolingual primitive...

If jews use hebrew here, no one protests...

At least Russian is more nice and more complex than a simplistic english... You may protest behaviour of using non-common language, but hardly you can accuse a superior language of being autistic.

How the fuck did he do so much good policy for his country in so little time is the real question.
Just for exemple recently :
>Russia definitely banned all sort of GMO and will reach food self-sufficiency by 2020 while 10 years ago they were importing more than half their need of food
>meanwhile everyone in the west is doing demographical, economical and cultural sudoku
I tell you one thing, Russia will be the last one standing at the end of all of this.

lol , was laughing too . shit was funny.

It won't matter because Trump is going to win the election and have her persecuted.

But if we were like Russia. Hillary would get away with it and Trump would be assassinated and his supporters arrested...

Looks pretty badass.

80% of the soviet leadership before stalins purges were jews

> If Jews use Hebrew no one protests

What the fuck are you talking about you dumb gook?

English is the only language that should be spoken on this board.

and england ,now they EXITED the eu.

I think he just wanted to do something cute but it came off as super awkward

So you're basically against free speech? Strange to see such an opinion on Sup Forums 2bh

Stalin killed over 10million Russians...

Are you implying they were all fucking Jews?

>Oy Vey muh 16grillion

And how does THAT look?

They try not to think about it. Becouse opposite talking is dangerous. Especially in country where a lot of russians ready to report each other to the federal police.
Just like in old good 37, when it was necessary, if u don't want to be reported.
sry for bad english

Funny. The KGB thought the same thing with the Soviet Union...

>Are you implying they were all fucking Jews?
no what im saying is that stalin was an improvement compared to what was before him that doesnt say much but still
dont forget the guys who started all of the terror were mainly jews
also stalin was a georgian not a russian and was married to a jewess

> Russians will rat other Russians out to the federal Putin brigade

Like a bunch of fucking Jews.

Пoлижeш нaм кypaц cвимa, чaмyгo дeбeлa.

It`s written: OBAMA, GIVE IT BACK
Actualli - this is kinda (su)real - plenty of people in Russia DO believe, that Obama have stolen everything trom them.

Real Russian HELL

>being this blue pilled

If you have half a brain or decent skills you can do fine in Russia.
Much better than in the west actually.
I'm 27 years old and my net worth is about 3 million dorra.
Keep blaming Putin for your shitty life, lazy slavshits.
I enjoy your tears.

Tyпыe лeнивыe мpaзи, лyчшe бyдyт пocтить гoвнo пpo питyнa нa фoчaнe,
чeм yчитьcя чeмy-тo нoвoмy и coвepшeнcтвoвaть ceбя.
Bы ж тaк и бyдeтe жить в гoвнe. He имeeт знaчeния ктo бyдeт y влacти.