Just watched this, what is the bridge supposed to mean? and what the fuck with all the shaky handheld and the rough zooms?
Just watched this, what is the bridge supposed to mean...
no you
Everyone dies
not the ones in the magic tent
I am dead
I didn't see you in that tent, so yeah
I pitched a tent when I saw this movie
The first half is Dunst suffering severe depression while everybody else wonders what the fuck her problem is.
The second half is everybody getting to experience what existing with that depression feels like first hand.
It's a movie about a literal manifestation of severe, suicidal depression. It's not really that complicated.
But both john and claire didnt show signs of depression, claire kind of panics around while john pretends to be calm. I dont really understand depression but it seems really diffrent with what justine went through. Also didnt justine's depprsesion escalated in the 2nd segment?
no, we see how bad she's gotten at the start but when melancholia starts coming down she's calmer and calmer
It's not really about the other characters experiencing what depression is like, more about how they would react to inescapable doom. Dunst's depression leads her to apathy which is why she accepts the end of the world calmly.
It's been a while since I saw it, but I remember thinking it was different manifestations/coping mechanisms and that the second half was a manifestation of how it existed in her head (with everyone else able to feel it and being impacted in different ways) where as in the first you could only see the external effects, including in her case.
delicious tits
Right, it's their reactions to it, but they're reacting to an inescapable doom which is what depression feels like to Dunst's character all the time, and lacking a lifetime of developed coping mechanisms they can't deal with that inescapable doom even as well as she can (even if that isn't very well).
Depression isn't the same as confronting your own mortality. Most depressed people don't start panicking when they think their life is in the shitter, the apathy and ennui that comes with the depression is how they react to their situation. Someone who is panicking about something have a deep desire to make the situation better despite their hysterical reaction. For someone who is depressed, it becomes a vicious cycle where they lack the motivation to improve their situation.
Still, can anybody explain why Von Trier uses such shaky and jerky handheld shots?
It's about depression so try to view it through that lens. The bridge could be interpreted a whole bunch of ways, so that's up to you. However the shaky cam and rough zooms I thought was pretty clearly emphasising the inability for those with depression to see things clearly or to focus.
muh dogme 95
But why was the prolouge shot in slow mo and with perfect symetry?
To show contrast between depression and non-depression maybe? I dunno dude, I'm not much of a critic. I'm sure there are essays out there that explain everything better than I ever could.
Holy shit i just saw that, what a bunch of autistic rules man
user, why do YOU think he did it? did that method of shooting evoke any kind of feelings in you? Did it draw attention to something specific in the frame? Did it establish a mood?
Pretty sure it's just a movie about how people don't matter lol
>what a bunch of autistic rules man
user forcing certain constraints and limitations on the art in general is a good way to create a situation where you've got to really get down and be creative with your choices.
Look at the ubiquity of CGI in big budget movies where previous restraints of what you could physically film are now gone.
If you've got passion and tallent you can use that to create something amazing, but more likely it just becomes a situation where you're so focused on the gimmick and effects that the story and characters suffer at the expense of masturbatory ebin CGI.
The creative process benefits from being outside of ones comfort zone.
And just like any filmmaking "rules" its fine to break them if you can justify WHY you're doing it.
No they died too. But it was dunst being there for her loved ones when none of them were there for her.
Hmmm, really made me think. It didnt emotionally evoke something out of me other than annoyance and i probably cant say why he did it without reading too muchi into things.
One time it did work is when he zooms into claire's face just as her emotions change from slightly relieved to panic (while reclining in a chair)
Ebin cgis are horrible and we all know that but didnt LVT uses cgi for the planet and electricity, not to mention the blue lightning. Sure, practical effects are great but cgis are also good if used with moderation