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Careful, lad. You're reeing so hard you might injure or shit yourself. Again.
Drop out or did they roll her out
We did it, Reddit!
What did they mean by this?
You mean they were serious about this?
Damn why are all you faggots so thirst for this bitch? She can't take a dump without 5 threads full of manchilren reeeing their heads off shitting up the catalogue.
Are you that intimidated?
nice blog, reddit.
Is she the Colin Kaepernick of comedy?
>drops out
Wouldn't have anything to do with her comedy special bombing would it?
Fake news
is she okay?
What a sensitive little faggot. You really are that insecure aren't you?
>What a sensitive little faggot. You really are that insecure aren't you?
Watching a career plummet in real time is oddly arousing.
>white knighting this bitch
Thank you for your service.
I'm guessing he's using a Chrome script
I'm just waiting for Amy to do an actual nude scene because I need to see how disgusting she looks without her clothes on
>Normies are finally realizing that Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer aren't funny
>tfw you realize that god exists.
>Jennifer lawrence is also not flavor of the month anymore
Good times.
I kinda miss JLaw posting, she's cute and relate-able, she's just like me
I wonder how she was even cast in the first place.
Mattel was seriously risking their image by associating Barbie with her.
nothing is sacred.
This is so unfunny that if I didn't know any better, I'd think you're Amy Schumer
Well profits are sacred.
And she already damaged the sales of that beer she was advertising.
At this point she's literally poison for any product associated with her.
>What a sensitive little faggot. You really are that insecure aren't you?
>Well profits are sacred.
It's Sony, so you'd think they wouldn't mind
I pity poor Goldie Hawn, she's gonna be stuck with Amy for all those tours for their new movie
She's still alive?
>Well profits are sacred.
You know kikes who produce blacked pornography do so at a financial loss, right?
Dude not cool
Why would you say this
>All three are rich as fuck and could probably get their content out there no matter what
>That man lets his wife? partner? fuck niggers and that child might very well have the DNA of other men
don't know why you shared this image with me, however
thats her brother and his kid
Am I the only one who wants her to sit on my face??
What are some good films about liars?
>posts shit about trump that he is doing currently
>posts ancient hillary shit
huh? you know trump can do more retarded shit tomorrow nobody cares about hillary anymore lmao
>financial loss
>release his tax returns
He did something better
Why can't drumpfkins defend their god without mentioning Hillary or Obama?
So you're saying that right-wing SJWs behave the same way as left-wing SJWs do? I agree.
Autism at work here, folks
Yeah, he purposely released tax returns from over ten years ago that made him look good and Mongoloids like you ate it up
You are all such sad faggots. Take this garbage where it belongs.
What are some good films about single term politicians?
>Mention he's in cahoots with Russia
>Now mentions he isn't improving relations with Russia
At least stop being contradictory
>it's a user posts a brietbart article but crops out the brietbart logo so that he doesn't look like a retard for reading brietbart episode
>Its not being a social justice warrior because its my flavor of social justice
Nigger just drink some bleach.
What are some good films about obesity?
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
Anything from Scarlet Johansson, specially GitS
What are some good films about Zionism?
Post all the memes you want, but nothing will change the fact that, once you strip away the views of each side(which I could not give two shits about, because politics is for people with no real problems or no ability to solve their own problems), the behavior is 100% the same. Nothing but projection, crying, and generally being an annoying faggot from both sides.
Amy Schumer's Leather Special.
>arguing with someone that is posting memes.
I think you are gonna win this one.
or win this won or sumpthin
>You know kikes who produce blacked pornography do so at a financial loss, right?
Did stormfront tell you that?
This webcomic is garbage, doesn't it rip off some other guys artstyle
European here, don't listen to liberals, America, take our demise as an example of what happens when you let them rule anything.
>it's an Amy Schumer's career continues to tailspin episode.
The Sup Forums faggots ran away from this thread the second someone started posting images that made Trump look bad that they couldn't refute.
>I'm so triggered! why won't anyone give me attention! PLEASE RESPOND!
What demise did europe meet, user
Donald please stop posting and do your job.
So this...this is the art of the deal
>bringing up Donald Trump in an Amy Schumer thread
Flood of illegal, unprepared and illiterate immigrants (more than half of those aren't even refugees from Siria) that are forming ghettos and skyrocketing crimes
fuck drumpf and fuck white people!
That Netflix downvote barrage must have really harmed her.
That's actually impressive.
No, you just don't accept Jeff Smith as author of Redpanels.
Opie and Anthony fans are fucking cancer.
Schumer is a cousin of the most influential member of the Democrats at this moment.
So it makes sense.
>most influential member of the Democrats
I laughed.
I dunno. Why can you only defend Hillary by pointing out Trump?
Barbie is a billion dollar brand, that was here and will be here long after Amy died of heart failure.
She was a hazard to the public reception of the brand and the last thing they want is being dragged down into the fat whale's sjw shenanigans.
In a generous gesture they gave her the chance to 'drop out' herself, instead of getting dropped like a hot potato
>most influential member of the Democrats at this moment
>wouldn't even know about the guy if it wasn't for Sup Forums shilling him all the time
She was flavor of the month. Only way someone can peak that hard as a comedian and not come back down is if you break the Seinfeld barrier, which she didn't.