I've just learned Disney says that Han Solo's real name will be revealed in the prequel film

I've just learned Disney says that Han Solo's real name will be revealed in the prequel film.

What other reasons would they do this unless they were going to pull one of the biggest virtue signaling stunts in cinema history.

It will be Sheev Jr.

Hannakin Solowalker

Han Solo is actually going to be Juanita Solawe, a Nigerian-Mexican proud woman of color. Didn't expect that, did ya!

Handell Solonovitch

actually it's probably gonna be he's related in some way to someone from Rogue One

>take something that's been established for 40 years
>change it just for shits and giggles
Disney can fuck right off.


HANnah Montana

>real name

What the fuck? I can't think of any reason for this. Virtue signaling or otherwise.

bunnyfus young cousin

>oh that Jin yeah she was a real rogue one

Hans Olo

Pasta thread

>were going to pull one of the biggest virtue signaling stunts in cinema history
what did you mean by this?

Han Solo is a great name but I mean he was a smuggler so it make sense he has an alias.

Han was the dog's name

Bis last name bis Tarkin. Bumpity bwooh!

Yeah, and that's fine. I just didn't get why it would lead to virtue signaling. I thought the same as you did, that it would be an almost meaningless thing that's just fun. That he fucked someone over when he was younger and had to change his name. I'm fine with that. I just hope they don't try to change the character with it. Should be like we're talking, Han is a dirty bastard and did something where he'd have to go by an alias for the rest of his life. That's who he is.

His real name is Lim Sociable

Oh my God OP pastaed my thread from Sup Forums. I'm credit to team. Feels good man.

>virtue signalling

nigga wat

They're going to pull an Indiana Jones 3 and reveal he has a really retarded-sounding name but changed it to "Han Solo" to sound cool or something

Han SOLO... Han SOLO!??? SOLO!?? That guy was ALWAYS with Chewbaca

Harold Palpatine

Except his friends also call him han.

Would be a little weird that dont even luke or Leia knew his real name.

Ham Schmolo

Hans Solomon

Rudiger Simpson



Trayvon Berkiwitz

Harrison Ford is his real name.

Deepa Ballzaba

Darth Icky

Fuck Disney fuck kikes fuck everything check em

It'll be some some quip related thing and you know it

>character reveals his real name in a high emotional speech to a dying friend
>friend survives and makes fun of him for the rest of the flick

seems like just another boring tropes and smug frogs thread

everyone that says virtue signaling should be shot on sight