Doctor Who General - /who/ - Nightmare in Silver Edition

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Last General: This episode was goat because references of the past and Smith acting like a psycho

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>half cynical bastard, half eccentric thrill seeker

I don't know, just sounds like a poorly-written, inconsistent character to me.

>maybe in a few years they will
It's the new Mccoy. It's "cool" to shit on Doctor Who now so people won't appreciate the good stuff while its here. Personally i'm just going to relax and enjoy Moffat's last series before the Chibnall shit age approaches.

What did Girly Letters mean by this?

Nightmare in Silver was abysmal. Why?

>Annoying as fuck kids who didn't appreciate the wonder that is space and time travel, moaned throughout the whole thing
>Clara is suddenly a badass feisty headstrong bitch
>Matt goes over the top with the ham and scenery chewing
>Cybermen are given awful new voices and a shit new catchphrase
>Cybermen fly
>Cybermen are way too powerful and are even further removed from their original concept
>Not enough explored with the abandoned space theme park setting
>Mr Clever
>Porridge and the gang are all a bit lame
>Horrific dialogue
>Shit new Cybermen design

Nightmare in Silver (Transmission Order - 241)

I ¤¤¤¤ing hated this when it aired. Near plotless "high concept" ¤¤¤¤-wittery of the worst order.

The Good - Jason Watkins is excellent with the tiny amount of piss poor drivel he's asked to spout. Warwick Davies tries his best with some equally ¤¤¤¤e material.

The Bad -Where the ¤¤¤¤ do you start? Right from the opening scene, with the Doctor, Clara, and the two irritating kids sticking their heads out of the TARDIS one by one, Scooby Doo stylee, you know you're in for a right cluster-¤¤¤¤ of ineptitude. (People slag Love & Monsters for going all "Scooby Doo" in its opening sequence - Love & Monster is being told by Elton as an unreliable narrator. There is no such artifice here - we are supposed to believe that is actually how these ¤¤¤¤ing muppets leave the TARDIS.) The entire cast are completely ¤¤¤¤ing wasted - Jason Watkins, Warwick Davies, Tamzin Outhwaite... these are some ¤¤¤¤ING good actors being made to spout the most hideously contrived, ¤¤¤¤-witted, moronic nonsense. "We're a punishment platoon," explains poor old Tamzin, in a fashion which one can only imagine is supposed to elicit "oh, of course!" reactions from the audience in a similar fashion to "it's just a Doctor Moon" from Silence in the Library. Again, we aren't going to react that way because what the ¤¤¤¤ is a punishment platoon? What kind of tit-headed military would EVER come up with the concept of "these soldiers are REALLY ¤¤¤¤e, let's put them all together in a single platoon?" None. They would either shape them up or ship them out, not think, "let's give all these arse-brained simpletons massive, planet-destroying weapons and leave them to it." What the ¤¤¤¤ is the point of the bloody kids? Angie in particular is SO ¤¤¤¤ING ANNOYING. She spends the whole episode delivering, "you're not my mum, I hate you, I'm bored, wah, wah, wah" ¤¤¤¤e.

he is kidnapped by a Cyberman. Is her reaction one of terror? Is she crying with fear? Does she suddenly realise that she's lost, alone, millions of light years from home, and her family will never know how she died horribly at the hands of a metallic monster? No. Of course not. Her reaction is, "put me down, I hate you." ¤¤¤¤ OFF, you little ¤¤¤¤. Her brother is "in chess club at school." Really? So how the ¤¤¤¤ does he lose in two sodding moves with a fool's mate?! Is he just there for the people who can play chess to laugh at? The scene where he decides to switch the lights on would be laughably cliched enough to begin with but it becomes even more hilariously inept when the room he's wandering through is already brightly lit. Murray Gold parping and screeching his way through the score is NEVER going to make that scene effective, the way it's been shot. The stuff with the Cyber Planner taking over the Doctor is equally poor. Why the ¤¤¤¤ does the Doctor's brain being invaded by a cold, logical machine mind result in Matt Smith going even wackier and flailier than usual (an achievement in and of itself?) The scenes set inside the Doctor's head are SO lacking in imagination and they're STILL better than the ¤¤¤¤e in the "real world." "I could call myself Mr Clever." You could. Of course you could. But why the ¤¤¤¤ WOULD you? You're a ¤¤¤¤ing Cyber Planner. From the performance, you should call yourself Mr ¤¤¤¤wit, it's more accurate. ALL of the scenes of the Doctor's "dramatic battle" with the Cyber Planner are woefully piss poor. Undramatically shot, REALLY badly acted by Matt Smith (I can't say I blame him - NOBODY could have made the drivel he's being made to spout sound remotely coherent) and Stephen Woolfenden's direction is appallingly poor. It's shockingly bad throughout, but particularly in the confused mess of a sequence where Tamzin Outhwaite's "character" (I use the word advisedly) is killed.

WOW 12 in pink actually looks pretty based.


I love episodes that mentions the other doctors or if a picture or somewhat like appears, it's quite comfy.

And I liked the cyberman make-up on 11th

I thought on initial viewing that the soldier running in had shot her for some reason. It's SO unclear that the Cyberman outside has done it, particularly as the shot in question is utterly impossible from where he's standing. Or is this another Cyber-superpower? The ability to shoot round corners? The "mission statement" for this episode, as we were proudly told again and again in the run up to transmission, was to "make the Cybermen scary again." So why the buggering ¤¤¤¤ did nobody bother to sit down and have a chat about what it is that MAKES Cybermen scary? It's not detachable limbs or super-speed or invulnerability to electric shocks, I'll tell you that ¤¤¤¤ing much for a start. On the subject of super speed, if you give a monster a superpower, you had better ¤¤¤¤ing well tell me why the ¤¤¤¤ they never use it again. The end sequence of the Cybermen advancing on the castle just had me screaming, "why are you marching? ¤¤¤¤ing RUN in and kill them all before they can even see you!" But that would have required a basic grasp of plotting. Even a throwaway technobabble line from the Doctor, after Angie is kidnapped, to the effect of "I've set up an inertial dampening field throughout the complex. They won't be able to use THAT power again!" would have been better than "why aren't they running quickly again? Erm... ooh... erm... LOOK! OVER THERE! ." The Cybermen aren't scary because they're going to run at you like Usain Bolt. They're not scary because they can impersonate Thing from the Adams Family at will. (On which subject, why does the Cyberman detach his hand to attack that soldier? Couldn't he be bothered turning round? Answer - he does it because that's what he said he does in the script. Again, an easy fix - the soldier hides somewhere that the gap is too tight for the Cyberman to get through. That's if you're determined to make this a "reason they're scary," which you shouldn't because it's PISH.)

I wish they'd done more with it. Instead of just flashing through their faces with Matt clearly just stood in some greenscreen studio.

They're certainly not scary because there are BILLIONS AND BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF THEM! The Cybermen are a race on the edge of extinction, fighting for their very survival. This has forced them down an evolutionary cul-de-sac from which they cannot escape, partly because they switched off the parts of their brain that would make them WANT to escape it. They are not scary because they are going to kill you, or tear you apart, or eviscerate you, or destroy your galaxy. They are scary because they are going to CHANGE everything that is YOU into everything that is THEM. And part of you will still be alive, forever, trapped under emotional inhibitors and metal limbs and enforced electronic obedience. Will that part of you still be aware? Do you still remember who you used to be, after conversion, but that person is no longer able to reach the surface? Are you still aware of what YOU would do in any given situation, while your cybernetic control mechanism makes you relentlessly attempt to do the same to everyone else you ever knew against your will? That's what's scary about Cybermen - the conversion to something other, the repression of self. Thankfully they got rid of the hideously inappropriate "delete" catchphrase, although I'm not fond of "update in progress" as a replacement. Bring back, "You are not like us. You will become like us." This episode didn't make Cybermen scary again because it continued the complete misinterpretation of concept that has been weighing them down since their first new series appearance. Cybermen are scary when they skulk around in the shadows, stealing one or two people at a time for conversion, desperate to simply survive. The most powerful we ever saw the Cybermen in the classic series was Earthshock. And even there, there are so few of them that the thought of an alliance between Earth and Alpha Centauri forced them to launch an all out attack. By stealth. Then we get to the end of the "conflict."

I can only assume that Neil Gaiman learned chess from the Curse of Fenric rule book. "Mate in three moves" usually refers to the number of actual chess moves, otherwise Gary Kasparov could have "won" his chess matches in three moves by 1) stand up; 2) beat opponent into unconsciousness; 3) sit back down. Then, having spent the entire episode demanding that nobody blow up the planet, the solution is... to blow up the planet. Porridge could have got them all off the planet, and beamed the TARDIS onto his ship, within three seconds of meeting them all. But he was feeling a little sorry for himself. Woop de ¤¤¤¤ing doo. And then we get the coda. That ¤¤¤¤ing coda. Not only has the episode failed to make the Cybermen scary for the audience, even the kids think the whole thing was an absolute hoot and they can't wait to have another go. "Thanks for taking me halfway across the Universe where I almost died horribly! See you soon!" And Clara THANKS him for the "kids' day out!" ¤¤¤¤ OFF you vacuous bucket of womble vomit! Yet again, Clara is only "mysterious" because the Doctor keeps saying "she's so MYSTERIOUS!" And that's before the Doctor apparently decides he's going to have a wank over Clara's tight skirt. Woeful ¤¤¤¤e. I've probably missed at least a hundred other things I despise about this absolute train wreck of an episode but I would have to think about it again in order to remember those and I seriously don't ever want to think about this ¤¤¤¤ing ¤¤¤¤e again.

The Ugly - Poor old Matt Smith. This is by far his worst performance as the Doctor. He was ill served throughout most of his tenure but he must have thought things had reached a new low when this steaming turd dropped through his letter box. He's probably had to burn the welcome mat.

Badly written, badly acted, badly directed, ill-conceived, complete and utter worthless bag of garbage. Chalk up another episode I hope to never see again.

Original Score - 1/10
Rewatch Score - 0/10

>"Well... a Wednesday, definitely. Next Wednesday, last Wednesday... (CLARA leaves) one of the Wednesdays. Impossible girl. A mystery wrapped in an enigma squeezed into a skirt that's just a little bit too... tight."

How do you go from Doctors Wife to this? What happened?
Although I don't believe he did, this episode almost makes me believe the rumors that Moffat rewrote most of Doctors Wife.

kek. bravo neil.

No, it isn't "cool" to shit on Doctor Who now. There are just as many fans of Moffat as there are detractors. Go on Gallifrey Base and see for yourself. He has defenders and attackers, and he deserves both.

The world is vast and complicated and not at all black and white. Some people criticise Doctor Who because they genuinely think it's bad. Some of them will make very good points. Some will make spurious over-simplifications and exaggerations. You need to able to to take each piece criticism and evaluate it according to the merits of its argument rather than group all criticism together as a bunch of brainless sheeple following a trend.

Blind dismissal of all criticism as inauthentic is tantamount to delusion or denial. Nothing is perfect, including Doctor Who, and there are things about it people are entirely entitled to criticise as much as praise.

You need to be able to accept and acknowledge that it's ok for people not to like what you like, and if they do, it doesn't make them stupid or shallow or wrong, just different - at least, if you have any interest in being a functioning human being.

If people aren't appreciating the "good stuff" while it's here, it's entirely possible that, to them, it isn't and never will be good, and that's why they're upset.

Are you just recycling GB posts now?

It's true though.

My first doctor was 11th and I remember that scene in Let's Kill Hitler when the interface started to show Donna, Martha and Rose I didn't knew it who they were and I knew it they were special, I think that was important to make me interested to watch the other seasons, not just the NuWho but the rest and the movie.[

I didn't see 12th having much of these references to his past, just the dinner in the middle of the desert of 11th and I guess that's all, right?

I agree about Moffat rewriting TDW. There's no other explanation. Gaiman can cry about losing the script, having to rewrite the whole thing, but the core story elements are fucking shite. And then the production was horrific too. Must've been a big rush job.

Apparently the original story had victorian Clara (she was going to be the companion originally) and her kids that she was taking care of. So it was basically the same except with Modern Clara and Modern kids. The story was just bad. Gaiman dropped the ball.

Can't help but feel not having Victorian Clara as the 7B companion was a missed opportunity.

10/10, absolutely fucking brilliant

Is it pasta from somewhere else? Got a source? Would read this man's reviews every time.


It's a guy from Gallifreybase.
I really like his taste and his way of doing reviews.

There's the Jelly Babies in Mummy, he also does a voice of the 4th Doctor in that episode.
Maybe some other small stuff.

Didn't he say "are you my mummy"

The trousers he wears in the Girl Who Died episodes are like a callback to Troughton's costume. In the same story, we get a 10/Donna flashback.

River pulls out a wallet full of photos of his different faces.

There's a photo of Hartnell in the Zygon story.

Can't think of any others at the mo.

The First and Fourth Doctor appear at the beginning of TWF when Missy was telling Clara a story.

Tbh I thought she was kind of robotic. Although I guess so was Clara in S7.

Remember the death scene when she falls off the cloud? That was so shit.

Not a Doctor Who reference but in one of the zygon episodes there was "all work and no play makes jack a dull boy" written on one of the walls. I thought that was cool.

The problem is: what one 'fan' praises, another will criticize. Which is why I prefer to try to get an 'overall' idea of what fans think, which can be almost impossible.

Ratings on IMDb and similar are probably the best way of attempting to judge what's popular within the fandom.

No Who on Comic Relief

I felt Victorian Clara had more to her, more potential than "IMPOSSIBLE GIRL BECAUSE EVERYONES SAYING IT" desu. She would've been able to react differently to things, rather than being a mesh of the 4 or 5 modern day females before her, and they could've used Victorian London as a base rather than keep coming back to 2013 London.

Yeah it's been interesting seeing what /who/ likes being a newfag compared to other places.

Missed opportunity. They could at least show a non-spoilery teaser clip from episode 1.

fuck BBC. Ever since Capaldi came in they stopped caring about the show. I bet once Chibnall casts a young hot guy they'll do marketing pushes again. Cunts. Also where the fuck is the S9 soundtrack? Fucking bastards.

When will this ¤¤¤¤¤¤ resign as brand manager or whatever and let someone competent take over.

>Mrs Brown's Boys Agnes Brown gives us a sneak peek of her new chat show All Round to Mrs Brown's.

>Peter Kay's Car Share Exclusive first look at the second series of Peter Kay's BBC iPlayer sitcom

The only 'promotional' stuff I've spotted in the schedule. Feel free to add any more.

I think Gareth has been trying to troll him into an early retirement

Beeb sold the soundtracks.

t. Rachael Stott

I love the picture of him Gareth keeps tweeting

nah they only sold the rights to use it iirc
silva screen still has it.
it will never be released. bbc is shit.

Why does people love Gareth? It's impossible to have one thread without mention him.

>tfw never

So what do you guys think of Ninja Steel so far?

>We now have power ranger posters in generals

I'm sick of all of you and your repetitive generals, you guys have more than one general

Someone redpill me on the "t." meme, it's ungoogleable.

/Who/res love his contributions to the Whoniverse.

That means "regards" in Finnish. You ironically add it to other people's posts.

How big was the Dalek Emperor in Evil of the Daleks?

Missy on set

also Parting of the Ways


Post your face when it's actually the REAL Master

Is that the new male master beside her? that was rumoured?

Capaldi's head looks massive.

t. Alberto Barbosa

I can't be the only one who things that dude beside Missy looks like the back of Delgado???

>everyone looks Victorian

Post in GB, start another war, now.

Too many of were killed in the last raid, literally most of us were banned. We don't have enough anons to pull off another raid yet.

Just the Doctor, Missy and male Master? I think it's safe to assume this is near the end of episode 12 and Nardole and Bill are dead kek.

What if it's Matt Smith?

>tfw is banned it's been 5 days and want to shitpost with my nickname not with some ordinary created account

Nah this will just be Death in Heaven 2. Now Bill is the Cyberwoman and Nardole is crying about it.

Doens't look him from the back, looks like a guy closer to Capaldi's age from his posture.

fake news!

Husband looks like S8 Capaldi

It's a Doctor clone. Missy made her own friend with his face seeing how the real Doctor wouldn't play with her.

Screencap this.

>Full villain Capaldini
Make it happen

>the Doctor kept an evil clone of himself made by Missy in the basement the whole time

>yfw its S8 12 in the basement
>yfw its like that one Colin audio and we see the early and older versions of the characters together

that would be p kino desu

T. Valeyard Capaldi

Evil Clones are boring and cliche. Nightmare in silver, ugh.

You figured out /who/'s clues!

This would be pretty cool.

That doesn't like a nice plot, this is going to be bad

New character on set with Missy is called Mister. Future incarnation? New character?

>implying /who/ is ever right on plot details

That would be awful.

I'm Ronald, shortens to Ronnie.
Well, I couldn't very well keep calling myself "The Rani" now could I?


what if missy regenerated changed gender? imagine a genderfluid time lady, that would be amazing

>implying /who/ is ever wrong
It's the show who is wrong.

Back to tumblr you freak.

>implying /who/ is ever right

You should NEVER listen to /who/. No matter what the post says. Its wrong by virtue of being on /who/.

including yours?

Wouldn't guy Rani be called Raja?

Which is cultural appropriation as fuck.


My bet is it is the Doctor, Missy and some other Time Lord working together, there is a bigger threat than just the Master this series, Missy will likely just be the frenemy again.

Nah, just the hair growing to epic proportions.

That's the Master. Missy was never the Master, and this is Moffat's twist. Screenshot this

>Missy wasn't the Master
>She's the Master's wife
>Or his Mistress
>Real Master was Prisoner Zero, punished by Rassilon, and has been spending the entire Moffat era getting a new form

PLEASE make this happen Moffat. It would actually be a good twist

>It would actually be a good twist

It would. 12 and Missy are basically friends now, imagine if the real Master killed her. How would the doctor feel? The Master's always been a chauvinist. What if Missy was actually the Kandyman and the Rani's child?

Go to bed Russell.

I survived by 'being nice'. Just browse there for hints about 13th Doctor at the mo.