>second work of western literature
>still no decent film adaptation
What the fuck?
Second work of western literature
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>implying the iliad has
I don't think you could really adapt Homer.
There was a pretty dank adaptation I saw as a kid, look it up
You certainly couldn't adapt the Iliad, but the Odyssey is very doable.
O Brother
>no decent film adaptation
Say no more
Watched this trash in school
>Mario Bava
This is guaranteed to be kino
>Some of the most recognizable and poignant imagery ever conceived
>no films adaptation
What the fuck?
Platonic Dialogues miniseries when?
Diogenes could be a recurring comic relief
how expensive would that shot be in modern cgi? imagine the different layers of angels going clockwise and counterclockwise
Because it would make for a terrible movie
Dude go watch the original tv miniseries before this board discovers it. You will not be disappointed.
Hollywood went nuts after Passion of Christ. Do you really believe they want to make pro-Christian movies?
It would be absolutely impossible.
>what is Silence
They went nuts because of "Muh antisemitism".
The scene with Muhammad and his son being carved up in hell would be kino if they had the balls for it though.
Just take all the anti pope Bonifacius scenes, omit the ones glorifying the church or showing homos and muslims being damned for eternity, and turn the pro-HRE parts int pro-EU ones
Looks like pro-open borders. They allow one ideology when they can pursue another.
Read about the history of Japan. The closing of the borders was the right thing to do.
>pro Christian movie
>what is silence
The movie where they commit heresy, that Silence? MArty dropped the ball, again.
the whole moral of the movie is to remain faithful, no matter how grave the consequences
'I hate mondays' was shown as virtually dead inside after he apostatized, and my man man jeezie straight up showed up and told him he goof'd
>still no movie about this poor bastard getting his heart broken again and again by some destructive cunt
to boring and old
>tfw to intelligent for adventure
Troy is the illiad
No, Troy is shit
Troy has maybe 5% of Iliad in it.
Thats like saying Apocalypse Now is the adaptation of Heart of Darkness
Requesting the spoopy scylla gif from the armand assante tv movie
without any fantastical element in it, it loses its power
>He hasn't seen O brother where art thou
>still no Dante's inferno the movie
Jesus Christ why
How do you adapt a story about some dude touring a place and looking around?
Are you dumb?
>first work of western literature
>still no adaptation
This, in my memory it wasn't even that bad.
the one with Armand Assante is kino, you pleb.
Why is there such an abundance of films about antique Rome or antique Greece (city-state life) or the Byzantine Empire..
I'd like to see a small, slow, talky movie about Constantine XI and how he grapples with the legacy of Rome and how it'll inevitably fall under his watch
its not something your grandmother has on her bedstand user
but answer the guestion :DDD
We don't have nearly enough of them.
>diogenes à la witty dwarf in a barrel, socrates an abe simpson tier grumpy grandad
thanks but no thanks
Channing Tatum - Orin
Will Forte - Tavis
Jeff Goldblum - Himself
Christina Hendricks - Avril
Elizabeth Olsen - Joelle
Andre Royo - Poor Tony Krause
anyone got anything else?
Oh, and Patrick Warburton as Steeply and Vincent Cassel as Remy
Yes, but WHY?
Gilgamesh is the oldest surviving epic and it has a nice story. I've never seen a film based on it.
People don't give a shit about ancient history. They only care about medieval and modern history.
>A hero
fuckin' pansy was crying in his tent over his GAY LOVER the whole time while Hector, a real hero, as defending his homeland regardless of his personal opinions on what Paris did.
Also, fuck Odysseus.
You could just pick stories from pic related and make the greatest TV series of all time
The "Red Wedding" in GOT is lifted straight from Ovid, this book has 3 or 4 different feast-massacre scenes that get progressively bloodier and more over-the-top, the last one is slapstick gore comedy
>second work of western literature
I hope you dont actually believe this
>end of film
>still has cross in hand
>implying it's all a ok.
Danny De Vito - Mario
>greatest book of all time
>still no film adaption
What the fuck?
>Elizabeth Olsen - Joelle
>FAS looking whore
Amber Heard was born for that role
Fuck you
Memes aside, I think it's second only to The Brothers Karamazov
...it is
they missed their opportunity to use Sean Bean
Kirk Douglas was Odysseus once.
Because there's not enough Greek or Italian directors in the film industry who care enough to make movies about the history of their respective countries.
Ameriniggers and Hollywood kikes dont read. I would be surprised if 1% of Yankees know who homer or the Odyssey are
75% of the stories are
>dude tries to rape chick and she becomes something stupid
>dude/gal is rejectected and becomes something stupid
>dude/gal talks shit about the gods and gets transformed into something stupid
not to say that I don't love it., but it would be a lame show
nigga please