Will this be the first movie that hasn't sucked for Luc since Fifth Element?
Will this be the first movie that hasn't sucked for Luc since Fifth Element?
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Please be good.
This is going to bomb so fucking hard.
Looks like shit
>Cara Delivigne
It's shit
>Based on the graphic novel that inspired Star Wars, Avatar, Mass Effect (videogame) and many more sci-fi movies.
>Not a Hollywood property (100% French film)
>Over 200 alien species in one film
>Over 2,750 vfx shots (The 5th Element had 188 vfx shots)
>Space and Time travel
>Original story, not a sequel or remake
>First time that 3 big visual effects studios are working together in one film. (ILM, Weta and Rodeo)
>Score by Academy Award winner Alexandre Desplat
>Luc Besson making a 20 year comeback to his science-fiction roots since "The Fifth Element"
On paper, it has the potential to be a pretty good movie, but we will have to wait a week for the first trailer to drop.
Dane DeHaan looks like a middle-aged lesbian in the promotional stuff for this film.
>pretending clara devine has tits
well I lost all interest in Dunkirk when I heard it got a pg-13 rating... so I will see this instead
she has
It will be the resurrection of scifi kino, no less.
She was so amazing in suicide squad, no idea why people hated that film
it was decent
Because not everybody has shit taste like you
I can't believe she's an "actress" now just because she has dark eye brows.
>>pignose eyebrows delaswine is in it
>>movie didn't suck
pick one.
didn't he do Lockout? that wasn't 20 years ago
yuckaroo that movie sucked. she's not good
Are you a woman or a gay guy or a kid too young to post here?
I didnt like the movie. She's hot, but that doesnt mean she's a good actress.
That girl is disgustingly ugly but the movie looks good.
Gee I dunno
Nothing you've said makes this film sound any good. They're just factoids. Lodsa vfx, lodsa aliens, lodsa vfx studios, French (lel), none of that is impressive. Besson is a hack that got lucky 2 decades ago. This flick will be godawful
fuck off back to /arse/
I like Cara tbhfam
why is Sup Forums pretending Cara Delvigne isn't attractive again?
I wish I had a gf with eyebrows like her. I have big ones myself. Even buzzing them down they're still shaped largely.
Brits are vulgar creatures.
How does Chronicle guy still have a career?
Who's pretending? That girl is like deformed levels of ugly. I thought it was a meme to pretend she wasn't. I've never seen a more hideous leading actress. Well, in current year you have Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer but Cara is right there with them. Not fat, but SUPER ugly.
i LOVE cara tbqh
Are they wearing the left over set armors from Prometheus or the Scifi armor design in holywood really this bad
Lucy didn't suck. The only people that think Lucy sucked is you, and a few trolls that never like anything and aren't worth pleasing anyway because you never like anything anyway.
If I repeat it enough will it make it true for you since nothing is true for you until it is repeatedly repeated for you, who never likes anything so is never worth pleasing because you never like anything?
>that bare midriff
just hnnnnng my shit up pham
>doesn't want to fuck girls who look like Zac Efron
pick one
faggots aren't allowed on Sup Forums
nah you're a fag
Sup Forums is only for fags, reddit.
Also, nice airbrushed fucking picture. At least post that thing how it looks in real life.
Lucy sucked.
Nah, you just have really low standards
nice blog, reddit
That has been established, since you are a troll who doesn't like anything anyway. Everyone else thought it did not suck but you, and a select few retarded fucks who never like anything anyway, and aren't worth pleasing because you never like anything anyway.
>nice blog
You really don't even know what that means, do you?
t. nigger or low test beta
Lower case t. HOLY SHIT!
samefag kys
This is going to bomb SO BAD
10 years ago it would have been a smash hit. Today, critics will rip it apart and audiences will ignore it.
It's not a sequel/reboot/whatever. But more importantly it's not Disney-Marvel and is unlikely to follow that formula
Gonna watch it the opening weekend. Carakino back on the menu.
when will cara and kstew finally fuck?
Fucking dropped
p a t r i c i a n
I think they're both the tomboy/bulldyke lesbian, so might be incompatible.
Kstew also cucked Cara, she pumped and dumped that Vincent St.Clark or whatever she's called.
Cara is dating Amber Heard, my dick cant handle it. My waifus are literally gay for each other.
Why do people like Luc Benson so much?
He gave us Leon.
my niggers right here. Sup Forums truly has the best taste
Nikita, Leon, Fifth Element.
I even liked lucy, i cant help it.
I guess he didn't learn his lesson the last time he ripped off a sci-fi movie
my nigga
she's petite and precious, cara is the refrigerator body without feminine attributes.
>refrigerator body
what did he mean by this?
I don't have that high expectations for it but I'm still hanging in there hoping for him to have somehow made it good.
I know nothing about that movie, but Fifth Element was good because of its over the top colorful world and characters. This looks like it takes itself seriously.
Also, Besson hasn't directed something decent since last fucking century.
>trying to make cara an actress still
Its not going to happen and this movie will be pure fucking shit
>Based on
>Original story
This right here, the bitch can't act.
waifu central
Not in the literal sense but she is the boyish one in the relationship it seems.
>Based on the graphic novel
>Original story
>kstew will never peg you
why even live?
This bitch looks like one of the witches from seacats.
Yes, mods don't seem to understand that the patrician waifu posters also are the kino connsaisseurs, when you ban or delete their threads Sup Forums's quality drops and all that's left is capeshitters and RLM fanboys.
>kino connoisseurs
that's a strange way to spell autists
Armored tacticool waifus are my weakness
it's true. how can capeniggers even compete?
Dane-O getting some work. good for you, man.
Right, the comic is just a bunch of adventures of these two space soldiers, and this is an original story about them.
I liked Cure for Wellness, but no one on Sup Forums went to see it it seems. Real shame.
Beautiful film.
that other looks better
fapkino right here
It needed competent editors. When it gets online, I'm going to recut it and it will go from an okay movie to a good one.
who the hell are these guys? It will flop hard.
5th element was only good because of bruce willis and the others; the cast was great des(u)
Dane Dehaan is getting pushed hard right now, and as much as he's a poor choice for Valerian I like watching him act. Cara Delvigne's value has been well demonstrated in this thread, and you can take it or leave it as you like
How many women in this picture are dykes?
this reminds me of that other french sci-fi epic Immortal, where they bragged about all the manpower, effects and how the original story was a cult masterpiece, and the movie was so bad I couldn't even laugh at it.
he should make another taxi movie
I bet they are popular in frens
Those eyebrows make her even more beautiful.
Shes perfect honestly.