Recommend non-english movies

How about we recommend non-english language movies to anons to watch.

Here is my list, pleb as it may be

City of God (Portuguese)
Das Boot (German)
Hard Boiled . (Cantonese)
Gomorrah (Italian)
The Battle of Algiers (French, Arabic)
Pan's Labyrinth (Spanish)
Seven Samurai (Japanese)
Solaris 1972 (Russian)
To Live (Mandarin)

>Pic unrelated

Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors (Ukrainian)


Essential non-English viewing (off the top of my head):

Apocalypto (Mayan)
The Host (Korean)
The Way Home (Korean)
Downfall (German)


basically any of Akira Kurosawa's work for Japanese

Memories of Murder (Korean)

Amelie (Francè)

Crna mačka, beli mačor by Emir Kusturica
one of my favorite

Supposed to blow the bloody doors off

Is this the Juliet who's boobies we got to see in English class?

>you will never cum inside the virgin mary

A Brighter Summer Day (Taiwan)
Yi-Yi (Taiwan)
Still Walking (Japan)
The Sacrifice (Swedish)
The Vanishing (Dutch)

Those are all the foreign films I own on Criterion (except The Sacrifice), and Solaris which OP already mentioned. My favorite are the first three. I love that slice of life stuff. Nothing too fancy or high concept, just coming of age family dramas. Still Walking in particular is maximum comfy.


Gypsy fucking shits

>The Host (Korean)
really? this trash?

my top of east europe:
1.Sobache serdtse
3.Tot samyy Myunkhgauzen
4.Lepa sela lepo gore

La Haine

Boku No Pico (Japanese)

threads like these are worthless, I don't care which language the film is in I want to watch something that fits my taste/mood I'm in, not just a for example australian film

but if someone wants to watch a great australian film, watch Wake in Fright it's absolute kino

Literally anything by Kurosawa

Maladolescenza (Italian)

Close-Up by Abbas Kiarostami

Surpised there no "Old boy" recommendation


go The Lives of Others, The Intouchables and then just watch the foreign Oscar winners of each year

I think that one might be straight up illegal to own at this point.

Woman in the dunes (Japanese)

Get on my level

dindu nuffin: the movie

this x 100

Lancelot du Lac (French)
The Hunt (Danish or something)
Femme Fatale, technically an American film, but it's set in Paris and like half the movie's in French.

Old Boy is the edgy knockoff of Obsession.

Umberto D (Italian)

Der Untergang
Ghost in the Shell - animated
Millenium Actress
Seven Samurai
Spirited Away - animated
Stalker - Tarkovsky
Ninja Scroll - animated
Last Life in the Universe
On the Job
Drunken Master 1 - the first Jackie Chan one, very comfy, not the second one

This Juliet from Romeo? Didn't she have her tits shown?

8 1/2 or La Dolce Vita for the italians, just do yourself a favor and watch both. Extremely comfy

Yeah she was 17 at the time too


twelve (12) I thought.

Biased swede

>not the second one
it's generally accepted as one of the best kung-fu movies ever.

Although it is often rumored that Franco Zeffirelli considered Paul McCartney of The Beatles for the role of Romeo, he does not mention it in his autobiography, and as McCartney was 25 at the time, it is unlikely to be true, especially since the director engaged in a worldwide search for unknown teenage actors to play the parts of the two lovers. Leonard Whiting was 17 at the time, and Olivia Hussey was 15, and Zeffirelli adapted the play in such a way as to play to their strengths and hide their weaknesses: for instance, long speeches were trimmed, and he emphasized reaction shots.[5]

4 Months 3 Weeks And 2 Days. About a girl helping her friend try to get an abortion in communist Romania.
