Without being ironic, can you name a better movie than this?
Best Movie Of All Time
I said better.
I know.
The Evil Dead
Tropic Thunder
wow! what game is this
Touch of Evil
I literally can not. I can name a couple movies I might like more but none that are better.
The only thing close to being a weak-point in the whole movie is the soundtrack isn't anything to write home about.
what is this
u serious?
Being Ironic was a really good movie though.
pffft. you can see the stilts
It was the kino we were blessed with in the year of lord 2015.
Dude, every is stupid except for Henry Fonda LMAO
And he's going to take 5 minutes to explain a point he could say in 30 seconds
And smuggle a knife into a courtroom and brandish it in front of jurors he disagrees with
Is bretty gud tho
8 and half
Batman vs Superman
Entertaining plot and nothing else. Would rather read a novel about this than watch the movie
A 3 hours borefest
Yes, I'm watching it right now.
yes, what is that from?
This movie is really strong and hard hitting. Really made me think
(but magnificent ambersons is far better btw).
Mad Max Chrome
Mad Max Fury Road Black and Chrome edition.
wow, what a disapointment. thanks
>what a disapointment
kek why? It's unironically a great film
won all the technical oscars that year, it has a great visual
I dont know about that version, but I just found it unnappealing. convince me otherwise, because all i remember is cars racing infinitely like a oliver benji episode, and literally retards just going "HUUURRR EHEHEHEHEHE WWWOOOARGHHH AHAHHA" while slamming their shit on anarcho lesbians.
Well, that's funny as fuck innit? I ain't saying it's a deep film, it's just entertaining with like 90% of the film of pure action and the image is great
Maybe it's not for you, there are people who unironically enjoy Bergman films
Wow, didnt know it was made by him. I think the seventh seal is one of the comfyest movies i ever saw, but it has nothing to do with mad max..
It's a masterclass in cinematography, editing, visual story telling, world building and art direction.
I guess i'll give it a go one of these days. So this black and chrome is a reedition of the original or a sequel?
>It's unironically a great film
Black and Chrome is the sae movie but in black and white. I recommend seeing the original first and Black and Chrome later if you feel like it.
the wizard of oz desu
Dunston Checks in
Goddamit that fucking guitar guy made me cringe so hard. Biggest flaw of this movie
How the fuck has Citizen Kane even been suggested as the best movie ever when this exists?
>implying Citizen Kane can be the best movie ever with that glaring plot hole
You mean the fact that no one possibly heard him say rosebud?
That guitar guy was the best thing about that action
Goddamit Sup Forums your contrarian fucking shit is really retarded at this point. Fucking hell
>dunston checks
Yes. the entire last half of the movie technically shouldn't have happened because he died in his room with no one there to hear him say "rosebud".
Also even if someone did hear him say that word, it wouldn't have been the head butler, it would have been that nurse woman who entered the room after he died.
Holy shit, this is some advanced autism.
No, it's bad writing.
It's true, retard. Citizen Kane's one plot hole ruins the entire movie.
Did you ever think maybe the butler just heard it from the nurse and told the reporter that he was there when he died because he was trying to make money with his story?
>Did you ever think maybe the butler just heard it from the nurse and told the reporter that he was there when he died because he was trying to make money with his story?
Well if that happenes the movie did a terrible job at making it seem that way. The way the movie played it out, it seemed like the Butler was there to hear it, but he wasn't.
That also doesn't explain how no one was in the room to even hear him say the word in the first place. Not even the Nurse heard him, doubly so since he whispered the words and he was alone in the room. The nurse came in after he died.
He whispers the word, then the nurse opens the door and walks in. There's no way anyone heard it.
let it go guys, it doesn't matter. Sure one can argue it's a plot whole but it's a minor detail in an otherwise landmark film.
>the movie did a terrible job at making it seem that way
Maybe because it's a minor point that doesn't have any bearing on the actual story. 90% of the movie is told with peoples recollections and the way Kane is portrayed changes depending on who's telling the story. Details like that are irrelevant.
>Maybe because it's a minor point that doesn't have any bearing on the actual story.
What? The 1/2, maybe 2/3 of the movie is about some news reporter trying to find out what the word Rosebud means because they found out he said it somehow. That's not minor at all.
It's not a minor plot hole if the movie suddenly makes no sense once it's brought up.
>"...I heard him say it that other time too. He just said 'Rosebud', then he dropped the glass ball and it broke on the floor."
01:51:37 (1hr51min37secs) (According to the timecode on the Blu-ray release)
I can name a better one from the same director even
Citizen Kane has nice makeup and cinematography, and an interesting concept and theme, but Casablanca has the better setting, story, and characters.
Pick one and only one.
But user don't you know
Taxi driver
Yeah, because they're people ON STILTS, those are humans dude, nothing supernatural.
And very unnatural sounding dialog.
>muh Rosebud
Excalibur is far superior because it is criminally underrated.
Not being ironic. I got more entertainment out of this than Citizen Kane.
I avoided this movie for 2 years. Seeing this thread made me go and watch it
shit was a lot better than i thought it was gonna be, i enjoyed it.
>Average DCuck.
>tfw ywn play a flamethrowing guitar while bungie jumping w the coolest groupies on the planet
Not a """DCuck""". Didn't even really like the movie, but at least it was better than le fancy camera angles: the movie.
Kill yourself anytime, m8.
You are so deep in the pleb-hole that it's unlikely you will ever pull yourself out. If you dropped everything RIGHT NOW and started studying film you might be able to have a passable conversation about Citizen Kane in 3 years or so.
Uh-oh, that one hit a nerve with the """film expert""".
why is this considered as the best movie of all time?
genuinely asking because I watched it for the first time a month ago (never got around to watching it for some reason) and while it was a nice movie, especially considering when it was made, I fail to get the overall hype
is it because it still holds up as a good movie or is there something I missed?
also, I might have been unfocused while watching the beginning of the movie but how exactly was the butler supposed to hear "rosebud" once kane died? I didn't see anyone in the opening shot and "rosebud" was nothing but a whisper so how the hell was someone supposed to hear that? especially when in one scene, kane and his wife can't hear each other talking because the house is too fucking big
Find some way of watching it with the Roger Ebert commentary track.
Explaining why Citizen Kane is great is impractical here.