>smoke weed and watch a movie
>instantly become hypersensitive to its flaws
Anyone else know this feel? I took an edible before watching 'Kong' expecting it to lower my standards, but I felt like I could point out literally everything wrong with it. I'm also a big Wes Anderson fan but when I watched 'Fantastic Mr. Fox' after smoking last night I totally understood all the criticism. Although, I watched 'Blood Simple' high once and it made everything good about it all the better and more refreshing.
Smoke weed and watch a movie
I got stoned before watching Thor 2 and couldn't really remember anything about it.
But then I watched it sober and still couldn't remember anything about it.
Turns out Thor 2 is just a really forgettable movie.
Yes. If the movie doesnt appeal to me in the beginning, I quit the video.
I watched fantastic mr fox high the other night and quite enjoyed it
well thats what you get for watching those shity le blockbuster movies
Ryan? I didn't know you posted here
I was so mad that I had to smoke more weed and watch a better movie when I got home to calm down
Ryan is a fuccboi name. I aint no fuccboi.
Weed is great for insomnia! I know this because every time someone talks about weed I get so bored I fall asleep
you're a cuccboi instead, cuccboi
That's like your opinion man
I like Mr Fox but it definitely wasn't amazing. I love animal puns honestly and though the art direction was interesting. The story was generic but still good enough to hold my attention, but I have no idea what happened six months later other than something about a watch.
Fucking neck yourselves, degenerates.
I find it makes me a lot more attentive, so if the movie is flawed I'll notice it more. Similarly, if it's a good movie, I'll likely appreciate it more.
Very much so op, film and music both. I have deleted music in my collection because I got high and realized it was crap. Bad acting, bad lines, illogical character behavior, all grate on my when I'm high. I don't know how people sit around and get stoned and flip channels on TV all day, sounds like a living hell.
On the other hand a really good movie can be even better when I'm high sometimes.
t. Asshurt faggot with no friends that cant find drugs
Lmaoing @ ur lyfe
Nah I prefer drinking by myself.
Sour grapes
Why are non-smokers so easily triggered? Nobody forced you to enter the thread.
It reminds them of their social inadequacies
Some straight edge bitter meme from kids who haven't got any friends to show them how to smoke a bowl I think
I smoked before watching Prometheus and it made me completely blind to it's flaws. Great film.
I remember getting high and watching the hunger games, and it just made me realize just how bad of an actor Jennifer Lawrence is.
You didn't know that sober?
Watching anything high always makes me ultra aware of bad acting. I also tend to "see the set" more & have a tougher time with suspension of disbelief. Fear & Loathing is a good one though.