It's like that episode of Star Trek where

>It's like that episode of Star Trek where

considering watching star trek

please tell me will it make me less lonely

yes, but it will rebound like a bitch once you finish all 750+ episodes/movies

Set your phasers to boredom

>it's a rlm tread disguised as an star trek thead thread

it'll make you more lonely once you realize you don't have space bros to discuss treaties and directives n shit or even a real crew of niggas to talk space shit with

Mike really has no cultural refernce outside of Star Wars and Star Trek

He has the reference of his dick deep inside Jessi's pussy, ass and throat


The only good Star trek was the Next Generation, and it was good because I used to watch it everyday before the cartoons aired.

Yfw you will never have friends like these

How rude, user.



But if you have friends like those, it means you're Josh or Jack....

You realize that they all have lives and friends outside of just what you see in their episodes right?

don't call my friends fakers

Nobody was calling them fakers you fucking loser.

says you, ching chong chinaman

I for one wasn't aware of this. I thought they were only alive for 90 minutes a month.


>punk rock mike


Voyage Home > Undiscovered Country > Wrath of Khan > First Contact > Search For Spock > Generations > Motion Picture > Final Frontier > Insurrection > Nemesis

How did Jay manage to age so much better than Mike or Rich, despite starting with such a disadvantage?

>ywn be cool enough to watch star trek

It's another one of those threads where PO IS A FAGGOT.

Jay sucked the life out of them

Manlets tend to age slowly.

>lost weight
>grew beard to hide slack jaw