Is this what complete obliteration looks like?
Arnold Schwarzenegger
You took this from reddit
I'd say complete obliteration looks more like this
fucking savage
if I was the other guy I'd double down because he is right, nobody cares about tards.
What kind of faggot shits on the special olympics?
We get our best posters from the ones that don't make it.
Based Arnoldo.
i wish arnold was my dad
he is the perfect male, the ultime alpha, the legendary american dream personificated, the one and only god in human form
Based Arnie
>Control the house, senate, and presidency
>Still cannot carry out their agenda
top kek
>7 years
Hello, 2024anon.
Based Arnold, eternally based
Arnold Schwarzenegger is /myguy/
>a Sup Forums poster posts on reddit
what a surprise. most of reddit is on Sup Forums, /qa/, and Sup Forums
no way this old fuck writes that shit himself
How would you know?
>Several accusations and eyewitnesses claiming that he used to grab women's tits on the street in broad daylight
>Despite Trump claiming to 'grab girls by the pussy' he hasn;t been accused of that even once
>Arnold cheated on his wife and had a kid with her. He also kept it from his wife until it was leaked to the press
>Arnold takes the moral high ground
>Libcucks praise this guy as a hero
>Donald Trump is literally Hitler
Now, I hate Trump and I hate Sup Forums too, but libcucks are being complete hypocrites in this situation, or they are all literally 14 year old girls who don't remember the Arnold cheating story from a few years ago, and have no idea who Arnie even is except the old man who was in that shitty Termi-what-er movie 2 years ago.
His wife's son wrote it.
I don't think that's really Arnold. First, he didn't type with an accent. Second, the real Arnold would just say something witty like "You're going DOWNS!" or "Muscular dystroFUCK YOU!" and then shoot the guy.
>Sup Forums gushing over Arnie
>When everything he says also applies to them
Really activates my almonds
Bullshit aside, if you faggots needed to vote a memepresident Arnold would have been leagues ahead of Trump.
I hope he run for prez after Trump goes to jail.
>>Still cannot carry out their agenda
>top kek
not only that
>spend seven years railing against Obamacare, 50+ repeal attempts
>finally have the Congress, the Presidency
>don't even have an agenda to speak of
"Sixty days into his presidency, Trump has lashed himself to a Paul Ryan passion project that’s polling at 56-17 percent against. As political scientist Ryan Enos drolly observed, “in a hyper-partisan political climate, it's actually an accomplishment to write legislation this unpopular.” Nor is Trump emerging unscathed: Polls show his approval rating falling into the 30s — and that’s before he’s taken away health insurance from a single person.
The AHCA breaks Trump’s promises to his base so fulsomely, so completely, that when told by Tucker Carlson on Fox News “that counties that voted for you, middle-class and working-class counties, would do far less well under the bill,” Trump was reduced to saying, simply: “Oh, I know.”"
"Remember when I said I'd ban you last? I lied."
Well he owned up to it and takes care of his kid. When Trump decides to apologize for any of his misdeeds and change his ways, maybe it'll be comparable.
Fuck off retards. Arnold is the God of /fit/ and you political memefucks will never change that.
>7 years
Obamacare hasn't been in place that long... has it?
When did Arnold turn into such a fedora tipping retard? He's really lost it.
red guy: Sup Forums
schwarzenigger: dumb redditor who can't take a joke reacting like a tumblr girl for upvotes and to feel morally superior
I don't give a shit about him cheating on his wife(I've heard they had an open marriage anyway), Arnold is the fucking best. His entire life has been inspiring, from the time he was a little kid.
>Bullshit aside, if you faggots needed to vote a memepresident Arnold would have been leagues ahead of Trump.
>I hope he run for prez after Trump goes to jail.
I would agree but Schwarzenegger isn't eligible to be President.
It's what insincere moralising looks like.
no this is
Should respond with "not an argument"
>You can really learn from these retards who are only where they are due to retard quotas
Thanks for the input Arnold.
>Arnold actually does alpha stuff and cucks Mexicans and gets away with it
>Trump can only shitpost like a cuck
This desu.
>Obamacare is SOO BAD
>I will make a great Healthcare bill. The greatest! I'm very smart! I know a lot about Heathcare!
>Gets elected
>Can do nothing but tweet members of congress to literally pass anything to make it look like he's done something.
>Can't personally contribute jack fucking shit to the bill
>Probably has no fucking idea what is in it
Neither is Ted "Skinwalker" Cruz but that didn't stop him from trying
He's shit compared to Zane who is the undisputed aesthetics king
>not even 2 months into the office
>lol he failed
Jesus how desperate are you?
It was passed 7 years ago nearly to the day 3/23/10. Many of the popular provisions were delayed a couple of years to allow the industry to adjust and because Republicans didn't want certain popular aspects to benefit Democrats during midterm elections.
>red guy: bitter asshole who thinks he is funny for beating down on disabled people
>Arnold: Is numero UNO
>b-b-but 4d chess
daily reminder that Arnold is a rapist
>Despite Trump claiming to 'grab girls by the pussy' he hasn;t been accused of that even once
What world do you live in? After he denied ever doing what he said he did, numerous women came forward saying he did do what he said he did. And your defense of Trump is "he's not a sexual predator, he just has to lie to nobodies to make himself look cool."
>Trump bailing on a terrible bill before they even voted that wouldve ruined his reputation and effectively sealed the fate of every republican in congress is a bad thing
Its ok. They got 8 more years to figure it out :^)
I think this was a trial balloon for the fate of Paul Ryan. He is basically fired and we will be looking at House Speaker Rand Paul or Ted Cruz sometime soon. Today was basically a big fuck you to ryan.
he's not
Funny how they all just disappeared and went quiet as soon as he won. Hmmmmmmmmmmm
How can anyone hate on based Arnie? He's literally the embodiment of the American dream. He came from literal who town in Europe, worked on his craft in America and became the best ever at it. He then decided that it wasn't enough so he transitioned from bodybuilding to acting and became one of the greatest action stars of all time. And finally, decided to do something for his city/state so he became a fucking Governor of the largest state in the U.S.
I don't give a shit if the man cheated on his wife or did a ton of roids, that guy is a fucking inspiration for anybody.
>Rand Paul
no way my nigga, this guy is the only republican who is willing to stand up to Trump and he will do it
I laughed in real life not on the internet. Thanks.
But Trump's reputation as a "deal maker" did just take a hit, and now it's been proven to the House Freedom Caucus that they can essentially hold legislation hostage
>Media basher Trump calls media to defend bill
what is this even trying to say?
What's truly frightening is that historically, the first few months of any new president tend to have decent approval ratings. It took Hurricane Katrina, two badly mismanaged wars, and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression to get W's approval ratings into the 30s. Trump has been in office just over two months and has a sub-40% approval rating thanks to legislation he hasn't passed or put his name on (remember this bill was Paul Ryan's baby), without any kind of crisis.
He's that bad, that much of a loser. Sad.
>having to cope this hard with people liking people you don't like
>ultimate alpha
>fucked his horrible spic goblin maid
>Senator Rand Paul or Senator Ted Cruz becoming Speaker of the House
While the Constitution doesn't technically require the Speaker to be a member of the House, a senator would still be an odd choice.
Remember that video with him talking about an 8 year old and saying how he would be dating her in 10 years? Or how he said he would probably date his own daughter if they were not related? Or the time on Howard Stern where he was discussing pimping out his daughter? Or the trips he took to Epstein's estate.
Dude's an obvious sexual predator.
If you choose Donald over Arnold YOU are the nuMale!
Did you guys seriously vote for Trump because you thought he would make things better? I voted for him because I knew he would be a colossal fuck-up.
link me one. I remember people blowing a story out of proportion about him making creepy advances on a pornstar, and her turning him down. In that story he never touched her anywhere but her arm. And then there was the video of him calling a woman a pig for being fat. I don't recall any accusations of him ACTUALLY committing sexual assault. But I could be wrong, I realize that.
I am not defending Trump, like I said I think he's a fucking moron and I'm ashamed of anyone in this country who voted for him but to pretend like Arnold is some moral arbiter, when he has an even more documented history of being a scumbag... come on. We're all scumbags here, but how many of us have actually groped women without their permission? Arnold has for sure. If that was on the front page of CNN all these dolts would be calling for him to be fired from every job he ever got again.
Well does it surprise anyone. He and Hillary were the two least popular candidates BEFORE the election. And it wasn't like anyone expected Trump's behavior to suddenly graduate middle school after being elected.
I voted for him to delay the USA from becoming a 3rd world country for a few more years
the red guy has a point though
I mean how can you even compare disabilities enough to find a fair way for them to compete
not that that invalidates the work they do, how strong they are, or anything, just weird
He betrayed his country so he could go be a performing monkey for Americans. As it turns out being a performing monkey is what he does best so he still talks with his comical accent and has adopted the action hero persona.
>Hillary was the least popular candidate
>Won the popular vote by millions
Really makes you think
Why are there so many CTR shills on Sup Forums?
>Trump's reputation as a "deal maker"
I don't think anyone in the House really believes Trump is a good negotiator. His style is to come in hard with an ultimatum and try to intimidate his opponent into crumbling. It works well for him when he holds all the cards. However when he tries it on people who have the power to deny him he doesn't make any progress and is left floundering.
weren't some parents mad that they let autistic kids into the Special Olympics?
>9 months to negotiate,
>160 GOP markups
>support of the American Medical Association, AARP, American Hospital Federation
>twice elected President Obama addressed the nation directly in a prime time speech to lay out the benefits while at 64% approval
>introduced 20 days ago
>not a single mark up
>not endorsed by any major medical or insurance company
>not endorsed even by Koch Brothers
>bi-partisan group concluded 24 mil will be dropped from insurance
>President who lost popular vote by widest margin of any winning presidential candidate in history with 37% approval rating two months into first term
>His style is to come in hard with an ultimatum and try to intimidate his opponent into crumbling.
...the fuck else do you think deal making is?
You know the US can't become a 3rd world country right
That's against the definition of the term
He was meeting with them and was probably on the phone day and night trying to convince congress that they could change what they didnt like about the bill after it was passed (like Obama did) but realized it was much easier to just pull it completely, blame it on Ryan, fire Ryan, and try again later. This has basically been Ryans passion project and it has been a massive failure. Punishment is imminent.
Nah, Rand has been personally meeting with and advising Trump for the past 2 weeks which makes me think he is going to be either Ryans replacement as SotH or he will be the next one in line to draft the Obamacare repeal. iirc he even said he has a confirmed working plan to repeal it completely without taking a massive tax hit
>Anybody who disagrees with the president is a shill
>Anybody who blindly follows him is "redpilled"
Really gets that ol' cranium going...
That has absolutely nothing to do with his comment
>these athletes have more brains
medium kek
>imploring that is actually Ahnold replying and not some dyel nerd managing that account
>discussing pimping out his daughter
As an avid Stern listener you're SERIOUSLY distorting his words and as a result you lose all credibility you fucking moron
Yeah because Epstein rapes kids 24/7 and doesn't have his foot in 100 other business ventures that could possibly relate to Trump's interests
>the rest of your embarrassing post
How dare he make jokes! Impeach him now!
Seriously, stop posting here until you turn 18 you sound like a fucking imbecile.
only if you're using the outdated definition of the term
Arnold is a piece of shit, cheated on his wife, hates trump, hasn't been in a good movie ever, was always a terrible actor, etc
>Or how he said he would probably date his own daughter if they were not related?
What's wrong with that?
They clearly weren't in it for the money since Trump only plays a rich guy on TV and is already billions of dollars in debt.
>I don't recall any accusations of him ACTUALLY committing sexual assault. But I could be wrong, I realize that.
Maybe leave your bubble some time, dingus. Half a dozen women accused him of sexual assault, including a contestant on his game show and his ex-wife(when they were still married). Google is not hard to use.
>Arnold is the God of /fit/
If you're a cheating piece of shit, sure.
You realize how petty that is and how autistic it is to think no one realizes the Special Olympics isn't a super serious, balanced, empirical measure of athleticism? It's more about celebrating very disabled persons who are strong of character enough to push themselves despite being dealt a shit hand by life.
I really do question at this point if it is legitimate autism that drives people like red guy to think they are red pilling the world by saying stupid shit like this.