Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
You know, an 18 year old has no idea what that is.
Can Sup Forums really watch people masturbate? That episode really fucked with me
This episode was so cringy
How so? I think it captured the "for the lulz" vigilantism mentality pretty well.
I thought it was great
the pedo kid because who the fuck looks at super illegal shit without taking security measures? you deserve to get v& for being that stupid. felt sorry for the guy who just cheated on his wife, it's shitty behavior for sure but the punishment seemed a little excessive.
why is everything on Sup Forums loading so slowly today?
Just because of a troll face the entire thing is cringey. Okay. And that is the reality of all these hackers who use memes as their logos
yes, if you are absolutely fucking retarded and don't take basic preventative measures that make it 1000x harder for anyone but the NSA to hack you.
or just don't .. y'know.. be a paedophile
>basic preventative measures
lol. Like what. nOTHING CAN STOP eLIOT
like turning off your webcam/mic in the bios for one
they shuold have used a yellow smiley instead
>having a webcam in the first place.
>buying a computer with a built in webcam.
When will they learn?
He installed a lock on his door, that was the preventive measure.
He obviously wasn't tech-savvy since he literally just googled "remove malware".
>cover webcam with some sticky tape
>tech savvy
if you're a fucking pedophile you would think the thought "hmm how do i ensure that i am never caught for this" would have crossed his mind at some point. sorry, but i have no sympathy.
>why didn't the character just completely negate the storyline by doing this instead of that
Sup Forums would make such a terrible writer
wasnt the point that he was a retard kid exploring his sexuality and therefore didn't have any sense to keep secret what he was doing
Would make for the shortest episode of Black Mirror
Nah, he knew it was wrong/illegal.
>retarded kid
>at least 17
>thinks paedophilia is okay and not something that should be kept secret
>despite freaking out over his sister taking his laptop and putting a lock on his door
user pls
And the mother and child at the beginning